### Temp file; QTIC A zog B = c
#24 Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer; LogoScript
#IB Printer data file; LogoScript
#nn Part of file image; Long
#SC Printer data file; LogoScript
#ST Standard mode printer definitions; LogoScript
$$$ OS/2 archive file (i.e archives.$$$, keys.$$$); OS/2
$$$ Temporary file;
$? ZX Spectrum file in HOBETA format;
$00 Pipe file; DOS
$DB Temporary file; dBASE IV
$ED Editor temporary file; MS C
$O1 Pipe file; DOS
$VM Virtual manager temporary file; Windows 3.x
)2( LHA archiver temporary file; LHA
??$ Backup file; P-CAD
??_ Microsoft packed file; Expand
?DK Disk image; Loaddskf.exe
?UT Nonpacked FTN mail (? - flavor); FTN software
___ Adinf table; Adinf
?Q? Squeeze for CP/M and MS-DOS
~$~ Temporary file; 1st Reader
~?? Old [BackUp] files (.MNU to .~MN); Resource Workshop - Borland Delphi
μ Metrowerks Codewarrior project
Π THINK C project
0 Compressed harddisk data; DoubleSpace
0B Printer font with lineDraw extended character set; PageMaker
1 Fax;
1 Fax; many
1 Roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page;
15U Printer font with PI font set; PageMaker
1ST Usually README.1ST text file;
2GR 286 Grabber File; Win
301 Fax; Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96
386 Intel 80386 processor driver; Windows 3.x
386 Windows virtual device driver; Win
3DMF QuickDraw 3D Metafile; QuickDraw
3DS 3D Studio Graphics format; 3D Studio
3DT Database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held
3FX Effect; CorelChart
3GR 386 Grabber File; Win
3GP Mobile Phone Video
3T4 Binary file converter to ASCII; Util3
4C$ Datafile; 4Cast/2
4MD Musical file;
4SW 4DOS Swap File; 4DOS
4TH FORTH source code file; ForthCMP - LMI Forth
668 Music (the mixing is always at 12048 Hz);
669 Music (8 channels); The 669 Composer
6CM Music (6 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
75 75x75 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8 A86 assembler source code file;
85 85x85 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8BF Adobe Photoshop compatibile filters/plugins
8CM Music (8 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
8M Printer font with Math 8 extended character set; PageMaker
8U Printer font with Roman 8 extended character set; PageMaker
91 91x91 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
96 96x96 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
A ADA source code file;
A Library; unix
A11 Graphics AIIM image file;
AAS Animation Play Script; AAPlay
AB6 Datafile; ABStat
AB8 Datafile; ABStat
ABC Document; ABC FlowCharter 1.0
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font; Adobe Software
ABK Automatic backup file; CorelDRAW
ABM Image PALS album file;
ABR Adobe Brush file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ABS Abstracts (info file);
ABS Data file; Abscissa
ACA Project; Project Manager Workbench
ACB Archive; ACB
ACC Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax); GEM / resident
ACF Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ACM Audio Compression Module add-on; Win
ACMB Graphics file;
ACO Adobe Color Palette;
ACT ACTOR source code file; ACTOR
ACT Animations Works Actor (Graphics cell); Animation Works
ACT FoxDoc Action Diagrams; FoxPro
ACT Presentation; Action!
AD AfterDark screensaver module; AfterDark
AD2 ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
AD3 ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
ADA Ada source code file;
ADB Ada Package Body;
ADC Bitmap graphics (16 colors); Scanstudio
ADC Dictionary; Lingvo
ADD OS/2 adapter device driver;
ADI Graphics file; AutoCAD
ADL MCA adapter description library; QEMM
ADM After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADN Add-in; Lotus 1-2-3
ADR After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADS Ada Package Specification;
ADT Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ADT Dictionary; Lingvo
ADT Fax; AdTech
ADV GUS device driver;
ADX Document; Archetype Designer
AF2 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 2.0
AF3 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFI Truevision bitmap graphics;
AFL Font file (for Allways); Lotus 1-2-3
AFM Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
AFM Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer; ATM - many
AFP Shape palette; ABC FlowCharter
AFT Template; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFW Workplace; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AI Vector graphics file; Adobe Ilustrator
AIFC Sound;
AIFF Audio Interchange Format File (AIFF); Convert (c) Villena
AiM Asm Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
AIN Archive; AIN
AIO APL programming language file transfer format file;
AIS Array of Intensity Samples graphics file; Xerox
AIX Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ALG Activity Log; ARCSOLO
ALL ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files; Arts & Letters
ALL Filelist w/ all files; FRQView
ALL Format file for working pages; Always
ALL General printer information; WordPerfect for Win
ALO Almanac support file;
ALT Menu file; WordPerfect Library
AMF Music (Advanced Module Format); DMP
AMG Archive; AMGC
AMG System image file; ACTOR
AMR Audio format for mobile phones (Nokia, SonyEricsson)
AMS Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file; PhotoShop
AMS Music format;
ANI Animation cursors for Win; Win95 - WinNT
ANI Animation; IconAuthor
ANM Animation; Deluxe Paint Animator
ANN Help Annotations; Windows 3.x
Ann Multi volume ARJ archive; ARJ
ANS ANSI character graphics (animation) file; ANSView
ANS ASCII text ANSI character set; NewWave Write
AOL America On-line for Windows DLL; Win
AOS Add-On Software; Nokia 9000
AP Archive; WHAP
AP Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
APC Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APD Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APF Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
API Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
API Passed parameter file; 1st Reader
API Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APL APL work space format file;
APL Support module used by Manugraphics APL products;
APM Authorware Macintosh; Authorware
APP Add-in application file; Symphony
APP Application object file; dBASE Application Generator
APP Application; FoxPro
APP Executable application file; DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari
APP Generated application; FoxPro
APR Employee performance review; Employee Appraiser
APW Authorware Windows; Authorware
APX Appexpert database file; Borland C++ 4.5
ARF Automatic Response File;
ARH Archivers definitions file; DN
ARI Archive; ARI
ARJ Archive; ARJ - ARJZ
ARK ARC archive; CP/M port of ARC file archiver
ARK Archive; QUARK
ARK Managing your Money Archive File;
ARR Arrangement; Atari Cubase
ART First Publisher graphic file; First Publisher
ART Graphics (scrapbook); Art Import
ART Graphics format (Another Ray Tracer); PFS:1st publisher - Art Import
ARX Archive; ARX
ASC ASCII text file;
ASC Transport armor file; PGP
ASD Autosave file; MS Word
ASD Presentation; Astound
ASD Screen driver; Lotus 1-2-3
ASE Velvet Studio Sample; AWAVE
ASF Screen font; Lotus 1-2-3
ASH Assembly language header file; TASM 3.0
ASI ASIC language source; ASIC
ASI Assembler include file; Turbo C - Borland C++
ASM Assembler language source; TASM - MASM
ASO Assembler object (object orientated) file; Turbo Assembler
ASP ASPECT source code file; Procomm Plus
ASP Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice;
AST Adobe Color Separtion table for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ASW Authorware Star; Authorware
AT2 Auto template; Aldus Persuasion 2.0
ATM Adobe Type Manager data/info;
ATY Produced when an association type is exported by 3D Topicscape
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio file; AWAVE, GoldWave
AU Sound (audio) file; SUN Microsystems - Convert (c) Villena
AUD Audio file; AudioRack
AUX Auxiliary dictionary; ChiWriter
AUX Auxiliary references; TeX/LaTeX
AVA Publication; Avagio
AVB AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases;
AVI Audio Video Interleaved animation file; Video for Windows
AVR Audio Visual Research; AWAVE
AVS Application Visualization System;
AVT AVATAR-coding files; A3E
AW Text file; HP AdvanceWrite
AWA Animations Works Accelerated Movie; Animation Works
AWD Microsoft Fax At Work Document; MS Fax At Work
AWK AWK script/program;
AWM Animations Works Movie (as .AVI); Animation Works
AZZ Data file; AZZ Cardfile
B&W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B&W Mono binary screen image; 1st Reader
B Batch list; APPLAUSE
B_W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B1N Both mono and color binary screen image; 1st Reader
B30 Printer font (JLaser - Cordata); Ventura Publisher
B8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane two; PicLab
BAD Bad file; Oracle - many
BAK Backup file;
BAL Music score; Ballade
BAR Horizontal bar menu object file; dBASE Application Generator
BAS BASIC language source; QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC
BAT Batch file; MS-DOS
BB Database backup; Papyrus
BBL Bibliographic reference file; TeX/BibTeX
BBM Brush; Deluxe Paint
BBS Bulletin Board System announce or text info file;
BBS Hudson-style messagebase; FTN software
BCH Batch process object file; dBASE Application Generator
BCH Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
BCO Outline font description; Bitstream
BCP Borland C++ makefile;
BCT Backup dictionary; Clarion
BCW Environment settings; Borland C++ 4.5
BDC Dictionary; Lingvo
BDF Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format; Adobe Software
BDF Binary update file; BUPDATE.EXE (c) TNT Techn.
BDF Bitmap Distribution Format font file; X11
BDF Datafile; Egret
BDR Border; MS Publisher
BDT Dictionary; Lingvo
BEZ Outline font description; Bitstream
BF2 Bradford 2 font;
BFC Briefcase Win95; Win95
BFM Font metrics; unix/Frame
BFX Fax; BitFax
BGA Bitmap graphics;
BGI Borland Graphics Interface device driver; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
BI BASIC include file; Visual Basic
BIB Bibliography (ASCII);
BIB Database - not compatible with TeX format; Papyrus
BIB Literature database; TeX/BibTeX
BIF Binary Image Format b&w graphics file; Image Capture board
BIK Bink video file (RAD Video)
BIN Binary file, usually zero-start (.com analog);
BIN SGI Powerflip;
BIN Text mode memory dump; The Draw - TUD - ACiDDraw - etc
BIT Bitmap X11;
BK! Document backup; WordPerfect for Win
BK Faxbook; JetFax
BK? Backup file;
BKn Timed backup file for document window n; WordPerfect for Win
BKP Backup file; Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner
BKW Mirror image of font set; FontEdit
BLD BLoaDable picture; BASIC
BLK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
BM BitMap graphics file;
BMK Help Bookmarks; Windows 3.x
BMP OS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture); QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BMT Ami Pro Button; Ami Pro
BNK Adlib instrument bank file;
BNR Graphics Banner; Banner - Poster
BOO Book-format; READIBM
BOO Compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc); msbooasm.arc
BPC Chart; Business Plan Toolkit
BPP Backup application; Clarion
BPT Bitmap fills file; CorelDRAW
BR Script; Bridge
BRD Eagle Layout File;
BRK Fax; Brooktrout Fax-Mail
BRK The Brake! Mailer REXX script; The Brake!
BRL CAD; Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD; BRL
BS2 Archive; BS2.EXE
BSA Archive; BSArc
BSC Compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII; BINSCII
BSC Database; Source Browser
BSC Pwbrmake object file; MS Fortran
BSS Casio Phone base; PC-LINK
BST BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file); TeX
BSY Busy flag; FTN soft
BTM Batch-to-memory (quick batch); 4dos -ndos
BTN Makeover Button file;
BUFR Binary Universal Form for the Representation;
BUFR Meteorological Data;
BUG Bugs and Problems;
BUN LucasArts Bundle File;
BUP Backup file;
BUT Button definitions; Buttons!
BUY Datafile format; movie
BVn Overflow file below insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
BWB Spreadsheet application; Visual Baler
BWR Beware (buglist); Kermit
C-- C-- language source; Sphinx C--
C C language source; Watcom C/C++
C Unix file archive; COMPACT
C++ C++ language source;
C00 Print file; Ventura Publisher
C01 Typhoon wave files; AWAVE
C86 C source code file; Computer Innovation C86
CA Initial cache data for root domain servers; Telnet
CA? Borland packed and split file; Borland Installer
CAB Win 95 packed file; Win 95
CAC dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat);
CAD Document; Drafix Windows CAD
CAL Calendar file; Windows 3.x
CAL Spreadsheet format; SuperCalc
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics;
CALS Support Raster Format;
CAM Casio Camera;
CAN Fax; Navigator Fax
CAP Caption; Ventura Publisher
CAP Capture file; ProComm - Telix
CAS C + ASM language source; Turbo C
CAT Catalog; CP Backup - dBASE IV
CBC Fuzzy logic system; CubiCalc
CBL COBOL source code file;
CBM Compiled bitmap graphics; XLib
CBS MasterWord button bar configuration file;
CBT Computer Based Training; many
CC C++ source code file;
CC CC language source; CC
CCC Bitmap graphics (native format); Curtain Call
CCF Communications configuration file; Symphony
CCH Chart; CorelChart
CCITT CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding;
CCL Communication Command Language file; Intalk
CCO BTX Graphics file; XBTX
CD CD description; DN
CDA CD-Audio; Win95
CDB Card database; CardScan
CDB Main database; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CDF Common Data Format;
CDF Cyberspace Description Format;
CDF Graphics; netcdf
CDK Document; Atari Calamus
CDL CADKey CADL Language; CADKey
CDM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
CDM Music format (compressed);
CDR Vector graphics format (drawing); CorelDraw!
CDT Corel Draw Template File; CorelDraw!
CDX Compaund index file; FoxPro
CE Computer Eyes; Conversion Artist
CE Main.ce; The FarSide Computer Calendar
CEB Cont. Edge Bitmap; Conversion Artist
CEF CA-Clipper Workbench Application; CA Clipper
CEF Export File;
CEG Bitmap graphics; Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics
CEL Animation CEL; 3D Studio
CEL Graphics; Autodesk Animator - Lumena
CF Configuration file; imake
CFG Configuration file;
CFL Chart; CorelFLOW
CFN Font data; Atari Calamus
CFO C Form Object internal format object file; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CFP Fax; The Complete Fax Portable
CFT CFast graphics file; Disney Animation Studio
CGA CGA display font; Ventura Publisher
CGI Common Gateway Interface script;
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics; A&L - HG - many
CH Clipper language header; CA Clipper
CH3 Chart; Harvard Graphics 3.0
CH4 Presentation; Charisma 4.0
CHD Font descriptor; FontChameleon
CHI ChiWriter Document; ChiWriter - Chiview
CHK Recovered data; DOS CHKDSK
CHK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CHL Configuration History Log;
CHN Data; Ethnograph 3
CHP Chapter file; Ventura Publisher
CHR Character set; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
CHT Chart; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter
CHT CHeaT in any program/game; many
CHT Interface file for ChartMaster; dBASE
CHZ Archive; CHARC
CIF Caltech Intermediate Format graphics file;
CIF Chapter information; Ventura Publisher
CiM C Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
CIX Database index; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CKB Borland C++ 4.x editor keystroke mapping; BCW.EXE
CL COMMON LISP source code file;
CLA Source; Clarion
CLD Clipper debugger configuration file; CA Clipper
CLP Clip art graphics file; Quattro Pro
CLP Clipboard file; Windows 3.x
CLP Compiler response file; CA Clipper
CLP Graphics format; PCPAINT/Pictor
CLR Color binary screen image; 1st Reader
CLR Color definitions; Photostyler
CLR Color scheme; Boxer/2
CLR Palette file for GIS format;
CLS C++ class definition file;
CLW MFC Class Wizard information; MS VC++
CM Data file; CraftMan
CMB Xtree for Windows Button Bar file;
CMD Command; dBASE - Waffle
CMD External command menu; 1st Reader
CMD OS/2 batch/REXX file; OS/2
CMF FM-music file (Creative Music File);
CMK Card; Card Shop Plus
CMM CMM script (batch) file; CEnvi
CMP Bitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression);
CMP Compressed data; PKWare Inc. data compression library
CMP Header file for PostScript printer files; CorelDRAW
CMP Photofinish Calibration Map; Photofinish
CMP User dictionary; MS Word for DOS
CMU Carnegie Mellon University Formats;
CMV Animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0); CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0
CNC CNC general program data;
CNF Configuration (program - printer setup); program - printer setup
CNF Configuration file;
CNV Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CNV Winword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=converter); MS Word
COB Calgari trueSpace2 File Format;
COB COBOL source code file;
COD Code definition table; UUPC
COD Datafile; Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold
COD file uncluding CODES for any program/game; many
COD Printer code definition file; Boxer/2
COD Program compiled code; FORTRAN
COD Template source file; dBASE Application Generator
COD Videotext file;
COL Color palette; Autodesk Animator - many
COL Spreadsheet; MS Multiplan
COM Command (memory image of executable program); DOS
CON Configuration file; Simdir
CPC Compressed image; Cartesian Perceptual Compression
CPD Script; Complaints Desk
CPF Fax; The Complete Fax
CPI ColorLab Processed Image bitmapped graphics file;
CPI MS-DOS codepage file; MODE.EXE
CPL Control panel file; Windows 3.x
CPL Presentation; Compel
CPP C++ language source; Watcom C/C++
CPP Presentation; CA-Cricket Presents
CPR Knowledge Access; GCGW
CPS ----- backup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps;
CPT Encrypted memo file; dBASE
CPT Mac file archive; COMPACT PRO
CPT Template; CA-Cricket Presents
CPZ Music text file; COMPOZ
CRA Advanced crack file (usually text);
CRD Cardfile; Windows 3.x - YourWay
CRF Cross-reference; MS MASM - Zortech C++
CRK Crack file (usually text);
CRP Encrypted database; dBASE IV
CRS File Conversion Resource; WordPerfect 5.1
CRT Terminal settings information; Oracle
CRU Compressed file archive created by CRUSH;
CSG Graph; Statistica/w
CSM Borland C++ 4.x precompiled header file; BCW.EXE
CSP PC Emcee Screen Image file; Computer Support Corporation
CSS Datafile; CSS - Stats+
CSS Datasheet; Statistica/w; cascading style sheet
CSV Adjusted EGA/VGA palette; CompuShow
CSV Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII);
CTC Control file; PC Installer
CTF Character code translation file; Symphony
CTL Control file; dBASE IV - Aldus Setup
CTX Ciphertext file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
CTX Course TeXt file; some Microsoft online guides
CUF C Utilities Form definition; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CUR Windows resource (cursor image file); Resource Workshop - WRT - Watcom Resource Editor
CUT Graphics format (bitmapped graphics); dr. Halo
CV4 Color file; CodeView
CVP Cover page; WinFax
CVS Graphics; Canvas
CVT Backup file for CONVERTed database file; dBASE IV
CVW Color file; CodeView
CXX C++ source code file; Zortech C++
D64 Commodore 64 disk image
DAA Direct Access Archive
DAT Data file in special format or ASCII;
DAT Database file; Clarion
DB$ Temperature debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DB$ Temporary file; dBASE
DB ?atabase file; Paradox - XTreeGold - dbvista
DB ?onfiguration; dBASE IV - dBFast
DB Multi Edit config; ME
DB2 Database; dBASE II
DB3 Database; dBASE III
DBA Database file; Turbo Prolog - DataEase
DBA DarkBasic source code
DBD Business data; Business Insight
DBD Debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DBF Database file; dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss
DBG Debugger script; DOS debug - Watcom debuger
DBG Symbolic debugging information; MS C/C++
DBK Database backup; dBASE IV
DBM Datafile; DataEase
DBM Menu template; DataBoss
DBO Compiled program; dBASE IV
DBPro DarkBasicPro Project
DBS Data file used by Managing Your Money;
DBS Database in SQL Windows format;
DBS Datafile; PRODAS
DBS Printer description file; MS Word - Works
DBT FoxBASE+ style memo; FoxPro
DBT Memo file for database w/same name; dBASE IV - dBFast
DBW Windows file; DataBoss
DBX DataBeam; GCGW
DCA Document Content Architecture text file; IBM DisplayWrite
DCF Disk image file;
DCL Delphi Control Library; Borland Delphi
DCM DCM music module; AWAVE
DCP OS/2 device code page; OS/2
DCS Bitmap graphics (CYMK format); QuarkXPress
DCS Datafile; ACT! Activity Files
DCT Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format; Clarion
DCT Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCU Delphi unit (compiled); Borland Delphi
DCX Multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format); Intel - SpectraFAX
DD Macintosh file archive; DISKDOUBLER
DDB Bitmap graphics;
DDI Disk image; DiskDupe
DDP Device Driver Profile file; OS/2
DEB DEBUG script; DOS Debug
DEF Assembly header file; Geoworks
DEF Defaults - definitions;
DEF Linker definition file; TLink - WLink...
DEM Demonstration;
DEM Digital Elevation Model;
DEM Graphics file; VistaPro
DEM Vista DEM file; Meta.exe VP3
DES Ascii text parameter description; AWAVE
DEV Device driver;
DFD Data Flow Diagram graphic file; Prosa
DFI Outline font description; Digifont
DFL Default program settings; Signature
DFM Data Flow Diagram model file; Prosa
DFM Delphi form module; Borland Delphi
DFS Delight Sound File;
DFV Printing form (Word); MS Word
DFX Micrografx Effects DLL;
DGN Graphics file; MicroStation
DGS Diagnostics;
DH Dependency information for .ph; Geoworks
DHP Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics file; Dr. Halo II - III
DHT Datafile; Gauss
DIA Diagraph graphics file; Computer Support Corporation
DIB Device Independent Bitmap; rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap; Win - OS/2
DIC Dictionary (e.g. from WinWord);
DIF Borland patch data file; Borland patch
DIF Data Interchange Format; Visicalc
DIF OS/2 V2.2 Display Information File; OS/2
DIF Output from Diff command - script for Patch command;
DIG Digilink; AWAVE
DIG Sound Designer 1 audio file; AWAVE
DIP Graphics;
DIP Watcom debug info processor; WatcomDebugger
DIR Dialing directory file; Procomm Plus
DIR Directory file; VAX - CPS Backup
DIR Movie; MacroMind Director 4.x
DIS Distribution file; VAX Mail
DIS Thesaurus; CorelDraw
DIZ Description file (Description In Zip);
DKB Raytraced graphics; DKBTrace
DL Animation format (Italian origin); Display - DL Viewer
DLD -----; Lotus 1-2-3
DLG Dialog resource script file; MS Windows SDK
DLG Dialog resources; DN
DLG Digital Line Graph;
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file;
DLL Dynamic Link Library; Windows 3.x - OS/2
DLL Export/import filter; CorelDRAW
DLS Setup; Norton Disklock
DMF Music format (Delusion Digital Music File); Delusion
DMO Demo; Derive
DMP Dump file (eg. screen or memory);
DMS Amiga file archive; DISKMASHER
DOC ASCII doc file;
DOC WinWord native file; MS Word
DOCX MS Word 2007 document
DOF Delphi project options file; Borland Delphi
DOG Screen file; Laughing Dog Screen Maker
DOH Dependency information for .poh; Geoworks
DOS External command file; 1st Reader
DOS Network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos);
DOS OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
DOS Something for MS-DOS (e.g. msdos.dos); Win95
DOS Text file containing DOS specific info;
DOT Line-type definition file; CorelDRAW
DOT MS Word document template; MS Word
DOX Text file; MultiMate 4.0
DOZ Description Out of Zip; VENDINFO
DP Calendar file; Daily Planner
DP Data file; DataPhile
DPR Default project- and state-related information; Borland C++ - Delphi - C
DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange;
DRP Web3D File; Web3D
DRS Display Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DRV Driver;
DRW Designer vector graphics file; Designer - MicroGraphix
DS4 Vector graphics; Micrografx Designer 4.x
DSC Description file;
DSC Discard file; Oracle
DSD Database; DataShaper
DSF Delusion Digital Sound File; Delusion
DSK Desktop configuration; BP - DN - BC++ - TP
DSK Disk Drivers; Novell NetWare
DSM Digital Sound Module; DSI
DSN Design; Object System Designer
DSP Display parameters; Signature
DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module; Dynamic Studio
DSP Graphics display driver; Dr. Halo
DSP Norton viewer DLL; Win
DSR Driver Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DSS Screensaver file; DCC
DSS Sound; Digital Soup
DST WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL; Win
DSW Borland C++ 4.x desktop layout file; BCW.EXE
DT_ Data fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
DTA Data file; Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata
DTF Database file; PFS - Q&A
DTM DigiTrekker music module; AWAVE
DTP Document; Timeworks Publisher3
DTP Page Magic 2.0 publication; Page Magic 2.0
DTP Publication; Publish-It!
DVC Data; Lotus 1-2-3
DVI DeVice Independent document; TeX
DVP DESQView run-file; DESQView
DVP Device parameter file; AutoCAD
DW2 Drawing; DesignCAD for windows
DWB Coryphaeus Software Designers Workbench; CSD
DWC Archive; DWC
DWD DiamondWare Digitized file; AWAVE
DWG Drawing; AutoCAD - Drafix
DX Text file; DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXF Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD); AutoCAD
DXN Fax; Fujitsu dexNET
DYN Data; Lotus 1-2-3
EAS Extended file attributes; OS/2
EBJ Error-checking object file; Geoworks
EBQ CITE standard electronic BQ exchange file
EC Error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image; AWAVE
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image; AWAVE
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image; AWAVE
EDL EDL; Premiere
EDQ Ensoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk image; AWAVE
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image; AWAVE
EDT Default settings; VAX Edt editor
EDT Ensoniq TS disk image; AWAVE
EDT External editors definitions; DN
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image; AWAVE
EEB Button bar for Equation Editor; WordPerfect for Win
EFA Ensoniq ASR file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS instrument file; AWAVE
EFK Ensoniq KT file; AWAVE
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file; AWAVE
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file; AWAVE
EFT Ensoniq TS file; AWAVE
EFT High resolution screen font; ChiWriter
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file; AWAVE
EFX Fax; Everex EFax
EGA EGA display font; Ventura Publisher
EKA Internal data files; Borland's Eureka
EL ELISP source code file; Emacs lisp
ELC Compiled ELISP code; Emacs lisp
ELI Archive; ELI
ELT Event list text file; Prosa
EMD ABT Extended MoDule; AWAVE
EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile;
EMU Terminal emulation data; BITCOM
ENC Encoded file - UUENCODEd file; Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENC Music; Encore
END Arrow-head definition file; CorelDRAW
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format;
ENG Dictionary engine; Sprint
ENG English documentation;
ENG Graphics file (charting); EnerGraphics
ENV Envelope or Environments;
ENV Enveloper macro; WOPR
ENV Environment file; WordPerfect for Win
EPD Publication; Express Publisher
EPI Document; Express Publisher
EPI Encapsulated PostScript graphic file;
EPS Encapsulated PostScript (Graphics format); CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EQN Equation filE; WordPerfect for Win
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file; Prosa
ERM Entity Relationship Diagram model file; Prosa
ERR Compiler/linker error report;
ESH Extended Shell batch file;
ETH Document; Ethnograph 3
ETX Structure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers;
EUI Ensoniq EPS family CD image; AWAVE
EVT Events descriptions;
EVY Document; WordPerfect Envoy
EWD Document; Express Publisher for Windows
EX3 Device driveR; Harvard Graphics 3.0
EXC Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM); QEMM
EXC REXX source code file; VM/CMS
EXE Directly executable program; DOS
EXM MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator); HP calculator
EXP Protected mode EXE by PharLap Software; PharLap
EXT Extensions descriptions file;
EXX Intermediate file by MsgPut; IBM LinkWay
EZF Fax; Calculus EZ-Fax
F Archive; FREEZE
F Fortran language source file; NDP Fortran
F01 Fax; perfectfax
F2R Farandole Linear Module; Farandole
F3R Farandole Blocked Linear Module; Farandole
F77 FORTRAN 77 source code file;
F96 Fax; Frecom FAX96
FACE Usenix FACE graphics file;
FAM Famtasia Famicom image format; Famtasia
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions text file;
FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module); Farandole
FAS Macsyma compiled program;
FAX Fax (raster graphics in CCITT format); most Fax programs
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap;
FC Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 2.0
FCM Binary file patch file (forward compression);
FD Declaration file; MS Fortran
FD Field offsets for compiler; DataFlex
FD Front Door' resource files; FD
FDS fwNES Famicom Disk System image; fwNES
FDS Headerless Famicom Disk System image;
FDW Form; F3 Design and Mapping
FEB Button bar for Figure Editor; WordPerfect for Win
FEI Fatal Error Infotable; Geoworks
FES File produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows
FF Intelligont FIAS format;
FF Outline font description; Agfa Compugraphics
FFE Front Fareast Famicom image format;
FFF Fax; defFax
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType);
FFIVW File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds;
FFT Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite);
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file; DisplayWrite
FH3 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FH4 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FI Interface file; MS Fortran
FIF Fractal Image Format file;
FIL File template; Application Generator
FIL Filelist;
FIL Files list object file; dBASE Application Generator
FIL Mirror. FIL is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools;
FIL Overlay; WordPerfect
FIL File which was moved to the Virus Vault by AVG
FIN Print-formatted text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE
FIO Aldus PhotoStyler graphics filter;
FIO Image PALS viewer DLL;
FIT File Index Table; WindowsNT
FITS Flexable Image Transport System;
FIX Patch file;
FKY Macro file; FoxPro
FLB Format library; Papyrus
FLC Animation format FLIC >320x200; AAPlay - Autodesk AniPro
FLD Folder; Charisma
FLI Animation format FLIC 320x200; Autodesk Animator
FLI TeX font library; EmTeX
FLM Film Roll; AutoCAD/AutoShade
FLT Data/file conversion filter (or overlay); Alsud - MS Word
FLT Filter file; Micrografx Picture Publisher
FLT MultiGen Flight;
FLT Support file - graphics filter; Asymetrix ToolBook
FLX Animation format;
FLX Compiled binary; DataFlex
FM Spreadsheet; FileMaker Pro
FM1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x
FM3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FM3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x
FMB File Manager Button bar; WordPerfect for Win
FMF Font or icon file; IBM LinkWay
FMK Makefile; Fortran PowerStation
FMO Compiled format file (dBASE IV); dBASE IV
FMT Format file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FMT Gate3 format file;
FMT Style sheet; Sprint
FMV Full Motion Video file;
FN3 Font file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FND Files searching properties; Win95
FNK FunkTracker music module; AWAVE, FunkTracker
Fnn DOS screen text font - height nn pixels;
FNT Font file; many
FNX Inactive font; Exact
FO1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FO2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FOG Fontographer Database File; Fontographer3.5
FOL Folder of saved messages; 1st Reader
FON Log of all calls; Procomm Plus
FON Terminate phonebook; Terminate - Terminator - Telix
FON Windows bitmapped font file; Win
FONT Font data; unix
FOP Freedom of the Press graphic file;
FOR Form; WindowBase
FOR Fortran language source file; MS Fortran - Watcom Fortran
FOT Installed Truetype font; Windows Font Installer
FOX Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg); FoxBase
FP Configuration file; FoxPro
FPC Catalog; FoxPro
FPD TMT Pascal compiled unit; TMT Pascal
FPT Foxpro memo field tables; FoxPro
FPW Floorplan drawing; FloorPLAN plus for Windows
FR? Packed mail; FTN software
FR3 Renamed dBASE III+ form file; dBASE IV
FRF FontMonger Database file; FontMonger
FRG Uncompiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRL GP-Forth library; GP-Forth;
FRM Registration or other form;;
FRM Report file; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast;
FRM Visual Basic Form; Visual Basic;
FRO Compiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRP Form; PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow;
FRS Screen Font Resource; WordPerfect for Win;
FRT Additional (FPT) report description file; FoxPro;
FRT GP-Forth source file; GP-Forth;
FRX Main (DBF) report description file; FoxPro;
FRX Visual Basic binary program file; Visual Basic;
FSL Form; Paradox for Windows;
FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample; Farandole;
FST Linkable program; dBFast;
FSX Data; Lotus 1-2-3;
FTM Font file; Micrografx
FTP Configuration; FTP Software PC/TCP
FW Database; FrameWork
FW2 Database; Framework II
FW3 Database; Framework III
FWEB Fortran WEB;
FX On-line guide; FastLynx
FXD Phonebook; FAXit
FXP Foxpro executable (precompiled .prg); FoxPro
FXS FAX Transmit Format graphics file; WinFax
G Data chart; APPLAUSE
G16 GoldED for DOS compiled config; GOLDED.EXE
G8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane three; PicLab - Cubicomb Picturemaker
GAM Fax; GammaFax
GBL Global definitions; VAXTPU editor
GBL Global module in Basic programs;
GC1 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.1
GC3 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.3
GCD Graphics;
GDF Dictionary file; GEOS
GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things;
GE GEcho config file; GEcho
GED EDITOR's native file format; Arts & Letters
GED GoldED for DOS compiled config file; GOLDED.EXE
GED Graphics editor file; EnerGraphics
GEM Vector graphics file; GEM - Ventura Publisher
GEN Compiled template; dBASE Application Generator
GEN Generated text; Ventura Publisher
GEO Geode; Geoworks
GEO GEOS specific file (application); GEOS
GEO GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file; GED2.EXE
GEX GEcho config file; GEcho
GFB Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST; gifblast.exe
GFO SGI Radiosity;
GFT Font; NeoPaint
GFT GEM-translator font file;
GFX Instant Artist graphics Files; Instant Artist
GFX PCBoard @X-coded colorful text; GFX2COM - GFX2EXE
GIB Chart; Graph-in-the-Box
GID Help index; windows 95 help
GIF Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics); QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GIW Presentation; Graph-in-the-Box for Windows
GKH Ensoniq Disk Image (VFX, SD, EPS, ASR, TS); Ensoniq
GKS Graphics Kernel System;
GL Animation format; grasprt.exe, PV
GL Animation; GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation
GLB Global module in Basic programs;
GLM Datafile; Glim
GLO Global module in Basic programs;
GLS Datafile; Across
GLY Winword Glossary; MS Word
GMF CGM graphics file; APPLAUSE
GMP Geomorph tile map; SPX
GMS Ghost Mouse Script
GOC Goc source code file; Geoworks
GOE GOES graphic file;
GOH Goc header file; Geoworks
GP Geode parameter file; Geoworks Glue
GPH Graph; Lotus 1-2-3/G
GPK Omnigo program package;
GR2 Screen driver; Windows 3.x
GRA Datafile; SigmaPlot
GrADS Metafile;
GRASP Graphical System for Presentation;
GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
GRD Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRF Graph file; Graph Plus - Charisma
GRIB Gridded Binary;
GRN Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRP Group file; Windows 3.x - Papyrus
GRP Pictures group; PixBase
GRY Graphics format (RAW GREYz);
GS1 Presentation; GraphShow
GSD Vector graphics; Professional Draw
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream; AWAVE
GSW Worksheet; GraphShow
GUP -----; PopMail
GV GrandView outline file;
GWI Groupwise File; Local saved Email
GXL Graphics library; Genus
GZ Archive; GNU zip - WinZipNT
H! On-line help file; Flambeaux Help! Display Engine
H! Pertext database; HELP.EXE
H-- C-- language header; Sphinx C--
H Header file (usually C language); Watcom C/C++
H++ Header file; C++
HA Archive; HA
HAL Data file; Hyper Access Lite OS/2
HAM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
HAP Archive; HAP3
HBK MathCAD handbook; MathCAD
HC Header file;
HDF Help file; Help Development Kit
HDF Hierarchical Data File graphics file; SDSC Image Tools
HDL Alternate download file listing; Procomm Plus
HDR Datafile; Egret
HDR Message header text; Procomm Plus - 1st Reader
HDR PC-File+ Database header;
HDR SPOT image file;
HDS Hierarchical Data System;
HDW Vector graphics; Harvard Draw
HDX Help index; AutoCAD - Zortech C++
HEP Novell Help Librarian Data File; Novell NetWare
HEX Hex dump;
HFI HP Font Info file; GEM
HGL Highlight groups definitions; DN
HGL HP Graphics Language graphics file;
HH C++ header file;
HHH Precompiled header file; Power C
HHP Help information for remote users; Procomm Plus
HI Game high scores table;
HIN Molecule; HyperChem
HIS History of executing/viewing/editing; DN
HLB Help library; VAX
HLP Help file;
HLX Multi Edit help file; MultiEdit 5.0
HLZ Multi Edit packed help file; MultiEdit
HMI Music format (MIDI);
HMM Alternate Mail Read option menu; Procomm Plus
HMP Music format (MIDI);
HNC CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog;
HOF Hall Of Fame (game scores);
HP Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL);
HP8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set; NewWave Write
HPF HP LaserJet fonts; PageMaker
HPGL Plotter file vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language); AutoCad - Harvard Graphics
HPI Font information file; GEM
HPJ Help project; MS Help Compiler for Windows - HC. EXE
HPK Archive; HPACK
HPM Alternate Main menu for privileged users; Procomm Plus
HPM EMM text; HP NewWave
HPM High Performance Map; Quaestor 1.x
HPP C++ header file; Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++
HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language;
HRF Graphics file (Hitachi Raster Format);
HRM Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users; Procomm Plus
HRZ Graphics format; SSTV
HS2 Monochrome image; Postering
HSC 2-op FM music; HSC tracker - hscplay.exe
HSI Handmade Software Inc. graphics file almost JPEG; Image Alchemy
HST History file; Procomm Plus
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (WWW); Netscape - Mosaic - many
HTX Hypertext file;
HWD Presentation; Hollywood
HWP Hangul Word Processor Document ; Hangul (word processor)
HXM Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users; Procomm Plus
HXX C++ header file;
HY1 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HY2 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HYC Data; WordPerfect
HYD Hyphenation dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
HYP Archive; HYPER
I Preprocessor output file; Borland C Preprocessor
IAX Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive);
IBG PDS graphic file;
IBM Archive (Internal IBM only); ARCHDOS
ICA Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture);
ICB Bitmap graphics;
ICC ICC configuration;
ICE Archive; Cracked LHA (old LHA)
ICM ICC configuration;
ICN ICON source code file;
ID Disk identification file;
IDB IDA database; IDA
IDC IDA C language source; IDA
IDE Borland C++ 4.x IDE project; BCW.EXE
IDF MIDI instrument description;
IDS IDA imported names format; IDA
IDW Vector graphics; IntelliDraw
IDX Index; many - FoxPro
IFD Form; JetForm Design
IFF Interchange Format File (IFF); EA Software - Convert (C) Villena - Amiga
IFF Sun TAAC Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
IFP Script; KnowledgeMan
IFS Fractal image compressed file; Yuvpak
IFS Installable file system; OS/2
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification;
IGF Inset Systems; GCGW
IHP Watcom help file; whelp.exe
IHS Inbound History; Bink/+
IL hDC Designer Icon Lin Dll format;
ILB Data; Scream Tracker
ILK Outline of program's format; MS ILink incremental linker
IM8 Sun raster graphics file;
IMA Mirage vector graphics; EGO - Chart - Autumn
IMG ADEX graphic file;
IMG Disk Image; NC 5.0
IMG GEM bitmapped graphics file; Ventura
IMG Vivid IMG file;
IMP Spreadsheet; Lotus Improv
IMQ Image presentation; ImageQ
IN$ Installation file; HP NewWave
IN3 Input device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
INB Test script; Vermont HighTest
INC Include file; several programming languages
IND Data Index; dBASE IV
INF Information text file (ASCII);
INF Install script;
INF OS/2 hypertext help system file; VIEW.EXE
INF Type 1 LaserJet font information file; soft font installers
INFO GNU info reader (output from texinfo); unix
INFO Icon Data (Amiga);
INGR Intergraph Raster File Format;
INI Initialization file;
INK Pantone reference fills file; CorelDRAW
INS Data; WordPerfect
INS Ensoniq Instrument File; Ensoniq
INS Installation script; 1st Reader
INS Instrument music file (Adlib);
INT Borland Interface Units;
INT Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format; Signature
INT Source of Borland interface module;
INX Index; Foxbase
IO Archive; CPIO
IOB 3d graphics database in TDDD format;
IOC Organizational chart; Instant ORGcharting!
ION 4DOS descript.ion file (file descriptions); 4DOS
IP Immortal Player file; Immortal Player
IPF Interchangeable Preservation Format;
IPL Pantone Spot reference palette file; CorelDRAW
IRS Resource (WordPerfect) standard.irs; WordPerfect
IRTR Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS;
ISD Spelling Checker dictionary; RapidFile
ISH Archive; ISH
ISO ISO-9660 table;
IST Digitrakker Instrument File; AWAVE
IT Impulse Tracker music file; Impulse Tracker
IT Settings; intalk
ITF Interface file; JPI TopSpeed Pascal
IV SGI Inventor;
IV-VRML Inventor VRML Format;
IW Presentation flowchart; IconAuthor - HSC InterActive
IWA Text file; IBM Writing Assistant
IWP Text file; Wang
IZT Izl binary token file; IZL
J2C JPEG 2000 image;
JAM Jam messagebase; FTN software
JAR Archive; JAR. Java Games and Aplications
JASC Graphics format (JASC);
JAVA Java source code file;
JBD Datafile; SigmaScan
JBIG Joint Bilevel Image Group;
JBX Project file; Project Scheduler 4
JET Fax; Hybrid JetFax
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format;
JMS Music format (JMusic file); UltraForce
JOR Journal file SQL;
JOU Journal backup; VAX Edt editor
JP2 JPEG 2000 image;
JPC Graphics; Japan PIC
JPEG Graphics file JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format; QPeg - FullView - Display
JTF Fax; Hayes JT Fax
JTF Graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression);
JW Text document; JustWrite
JWL Library; JustWrite
JZZ Spreadsheet; Jazz
K3D Description of macro language 3DS; 3DS
KAR Music format (Karaoke);
KAR Precompiled .prg for KARAT; Rus. FOX+ 2.0
KB Keyboard script; Borland C++ 4.5
KB Program source; Knowledge Pro
KBD Keyboard mapping; LogoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus
KBM Keyboard mapping; Reflection 4.0
KCL Lisp source code; Kyoto Common Lisp
KDC Kodak Digital Camera (graphics); PhotoEnhancer by PictureWorks
KEX Kedit Macro File; Kedit
KEY Datafile; Forecast Pro
KEY Keyboard macros;
KEY OS/2 archive .key-file (i.e. OS2.KEY); OS/2
KEY Security file eg. Shareware Registration info;
KFX Kofax Group; GCGW
KIT Power Chords drum kit file; Power Chord
KMC KatzReview's MegaCrammer
KML Kedit Macro Library;
Knn Database key file; Clarion
KPP Toolpad; SmartPad
KPS Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics;
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KR2 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KRZ Kurzweil K2000 File; Kurzweil
KYB Keyboard mapping; FTP Software PC/TCP
L LEX source code file;
L Linker directive file; WATCOM wlink
L LISP source code file;
LAB Datafile; NCSS - SOLO
LAB Mailing labels; Q+E for MS Excel
LAN Erdas image file;
LAN LAN Drivers; Novell NetWare
LAY Word chart layout; APPLAUSE
LBG Label generator data; dBASE IV
LBL Label; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast
LBM Graphics format (Amiga); Pic-view - Deluxe Paint
LBM Linear bitmap graphics; XLib
LBO Compiled label; dBASE IV
LBR .LBR Archive; forCP/M and MS-DOS using the LU program
LBR Display driver; Lotus 1-2-3
LBT Additional (FPT) label description file; FoxPro
LBX Main (DBF) label description file; FoxPro
LCF Linker Control File; Norton Guides compiler
LCH Chart; IBM Works for OS/2
LCK Lockfile; Paradox
LCL Data (FTP Software PC/TCP);
LCL Data; FTP Software PC/TCP
LCN Lection; WordPerfect
LCS Datafile; ACT! History Files
LCW Spreadsheet; Lucid 3-D
LD Long Distance codes file; Telix
LD1 Overlay file; dBASE
LDB Data filer database; IBM Works for OS/2
LDB Overlay file; MS Access
LDF Data filer form; IBM Works for OS/2
LDF Library definition file; Geoworks Glue
LE DOS/4GW executable image; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
LES Lesson (check *.cbt);
LEV Level file; NetHack 3.x
LEX Dictionary; MS Word - Lexicon
LFL LucasArts resource file;
LFD LucasArts resource file; LucasArts games
LFT Laser printer font; ChiWriter
LG Logo procedure definitions; LSRHS Logo
LGO Logo for header and footer; SuperFax
LGO Startup logo code; Windows 3.x
LHW Amiga archive; LHWARP
LIB Library file; several programming languages
LIC License file used by some programs to put their license on disk;
LIF Archive;
LIF CA Clipper packed file; CA Clipper installer
LIF Logical Interchange Format data file; Hewlett-Packard
LIM Archive; LIMIT
LIN Line types; AutoCAD
LIS Listing; VAX
LIT Web3D File; Web3D
LJ Text file for HP LJ II printer;
LL3 LapLink III related file (document); LapLink III
LMP Demo for Doom (computer 3d game); Doom - Doom2
LNG Language definition file;
LNK Linker response file; .RTLink
LNK Linker script;
LNK Windows 95 shortcut; Windows 95
LOD Load file;
LOG Log file;
LPC Printer driver; TEKO
LRF Linker response file; MS C/C++
LRP Report; IBM Works for OS/2
LRS Language Resource File; WordPerfect for Win
LSA Lightscape Technologies ASCII;
LSB Lightscape Technologies Binary;
LSP LISP language source (autoLISP);
LSP LISP source code file; Xlisp
LSS Spreadsheet; Legato - IBM Works for OS/2
LST Filelist; FRQView
LST Keyboard macro; 1st Reader
LST List file (archive index - compiler listfile);
LST Listing (e.g. source code);
LST Spool file; Oracle
LTM Form (Lotus Forms); Lotus
LWD Text document; LotusWorks
LWOB Lightwave Object Format;
LWP Word processor; IBM Works for OS/2
LYR Lyrics (ASCII);
LZD Difference file for binaries; LDiff 1.20
LZS Archive; LARC
M Macro module; Brief
M Source file for Mathematica and MatLab;
M_U Backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir; MazeGold
M11 Text file; MASS11
M3 MODULA 3 source code file;
M3D 3D animation macro;
M3U MPEG-3 standard Playlist file; XING
M4 M4 preprocessor file; unix
MA hDC products for MicroApp executable files; MicroApp
MA Used by Mathematica for its notebooks; Mathematica
MA3 Macro; Harvard Graphics 3.0
MAC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh MacPaint
MAC Macro file; Multi Edit
MAG Woody Lynn's MAG graphics format; MPS Magro Paint System
MAH Mahjongg Solitaire settings file; Mahjongg Solitaire 2.00
MAK Makefile;
MAK Project file; VB - VC ++
MAN User guide (manual);
MAP Color palette file;
MAP Format data; Micrografx Picture Publisher
MAP Linker map file;
MAP Map file (usually created by compilers);
MAP Map; Atlas MapMaker
MAP Network map; AccView
MAP Game map for Duke Nukem 3D
MAR Assembly program; VAX Macro
MAS SmartMaster set; Freelance Graphics
MAT Data; MatLab
MAX MAX source code file;
MB Memo field values for database; Paradox
MBK Multiple index file backup; dBASE IV
MBX Mailbox data; Eudora/ZERBERUS
MCC Configuration file; Mathcad
MCD MathCad file; MathCad
MCF Font file; Mathcad
MCI MCI command script; Media Control Interface
MCL Multi Edit macro library; Multi Edit
MCP Application script; Capsule
MCP Printer driver; Mathcad
MCW Text file; MacWrite II
MD Archive; mdcd10.arc
MDA Data; MS Access
MDA MS Access system database; MS Access
MDB Microsoft DataBase; Microsoft Access
MDF Several uses
MDL Model; 3D Design Plus or Simulink
MDL Spreadsheet; CA-Compete!
MDM Modem definition file; TELIX
MDR Microdrive file; ZX Spectrum emuulator by g.a.lunter
MDS Midi Session; Sound Imp.
MDT Data table; MS ILink incremental linker
MDX Multiple index file; dBASE IV
MDZ Text description of music module; Cubic Player - Cross-View
ME MultiEdit configuration; MultiEdit
ME Text file READ.ME;
MEB Macro Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MEC MECCA source; Maximus
MED Macro Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
MED Music format; MED/OctaMED
MEM Macro Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
MEM Memory variable save file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper
MEM Memos datafile; Clarion
MEQ Macro Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
MER Macro Editor resident area (vakioalue); WordPerfect Library
MES Macro Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
MES Message;
MET Document; Omnipage Pro
MET Macro Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MET OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
MEU Menu group; DOS Shell
MEX Macro Editor expound file; WordPerfect Library
MEX MEX file (executable command); Matlab
MF Metafont file; TeX
MFF MIDI; Cakewalk, MTPro 4
MFM Music format; DMP
MGF Font; Micrografx
MGF Materials and Geometry Format;
MGX Designer 4.1 Drawing; Designer 4.1
MIB Snmp MIB file;
MID Standard MIDI file; music synthetizers
MIFF Magick Image File Format;
MII Datafile; MicroStat-II
MIME Message in MIME format (RFC822);
MIS Mission, used by many games;
MIX Object file; Power C
MK Makefile;
MK Makefile;
MK Usually makefile;
MKE Makefile; MS Windows SDK
MKG Makefile;
MKI Graphics format (Japan MKI);
MKI Japanese graphics MAKIchan format; MagView 0.5
ML3 Project; Milestones 3.x
MLB Macro library file; Symphony
MLI 3DS Materials Libraries; 3D Studio
MM Text file; MultiMate Advantage II
MMF Mail message file; MS Mail
MMM Multimedia movie file, RIFF RMMP format; MacroMind Director 3.x
MMO Memo writer file; RapidFile
MMP Output video format from Bravado board;
MND Menu source; AutoCAD Menu Compiler
MNG Map; DeLorme Map'n'Go
MNT Additional (FPT) menu description file; FoxPro
MNT Menu memo; FoxPro
MNU Advanced macro file; HP NewWave
MNU Menu; AutoCAD Menu Compiler - Norton Commander - Signature
MNU Microsoft Mouse menu (for DOS apps);
MNX Compiled menu file; AutoCAD
MNX Main (DBF) menu description file; FoxPro
MNY Account book; MS Money
MO? Packed mail; FTN software
MOB Device definition file; PEN Windows
MOD Modula language source;
MOD MODULA-2 source code file; Clarion Modula-2
MOD Module -- used by Windows for DLL which implement DOS support; Win
MOD Music format (Amiga module); DMP - ST - MDP - VP
MOL MOD4WIN PlayList; Mod4Win
MOL Molecule;
MON Monitor description; ReadMail
MOV Animation format (Mac); QuickTime
MOV Movie file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MP2 Mpeg audio file; xing
MP3 MPEG audio stream, layer 3; AWAVE, CoolEdit(+PlugIn)
MPA MPEG audio stream, layer 1,2,3; AWAVE
MPC Calendar file; MS Project
MPEG Animation format; MPEG Player
MPL MediaRack Midi Playlist; MediaRack
MPM MathPlan macro; WordPerfect Library
MPP Project file; MS Project
MPR Generated executable menu file; FoxPro
MPT Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF);
MPV View file; MS Project
MPX Compiled executable menu file; FoxPro; Video format
MRB Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics file; MS C/C++
MRK Windows User Benchmark; Win95
MRS Macro Resource file; WordPerfect for Win
MS Microsoft antivirus report; MSAV
MSC Microsoft C makefile;
MSDL Manchester Scene Description Language;
MSG Message base (e.g. HMB);
MSG Message text file (ASCII);
MSG ZVoice digitized voice file;
MSP Bitmap graphics file; Microsoft Paint
MSP Graphics format; Microsoft Paint
MSS Manuscript text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove
MST Document; MS Test
MST Minispecification file; Prosa
MST Setup script file; MS Windows SDK
MSW Text file; MS Word
MSX CP/M archive; MSX
MTH Math file; Derive
MTL Wavefront;
MTM Music format; MultiTracker
MTS Master Track Pro Files; MTPro 4
MTV MTV Ray Tracer graphic file;
MTW Datafile; Minitab
MU Quattro pro for DOS Menu definition file; Quattro Pro
MUS Music format (MIDI in Doom);
MUS Sound file; MusicTime
MVF Stop frame file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVI Movie command file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVW Log file; Saber LAN
MWF Animation; ProMotion
MWS MWave DSP synths instrument; AWAVE
MXL PackRat 5.0 support DLLs; PackRat 5.0
MXT Data; MS C
MYP Presentation; MM Make Your Point
NAM Name Space Modules; Novell NetWare
NAP Naplps file (VideoShow); EnerGraphics
NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax;
NB Text file; Nota Bene; Wolfram Mathematica Notebook;
NC Graphics; netcdf
NC Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine; CAMS
NC Non-error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
NCC CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file; CamView 3D
NCD Norton Change Directory support file; Norton Commander
NDB Network database; Intellicom - Compex
NDL Nodelist file;
NDX Index file; dBASE II - III - IV - dBFast
NEO Raster graphics file; Atari Neochrome
NES iNES ROM image format;
NET Network configuration/info file;
netCDF Network Common Data Format;
NEW New info;
NFF Haines Neutral File Format;
NFF WorldToolKit Neutral File Format;
NFO Folioview database;
NFO Help format; Nextpage Folio
NFO Info file;
NG Hypertext Database; Norton Guide
NGO NG linker object file; NGML
NGS NG compiler source file; NGC
NIF netimmerse/gamebyro file
NIL NIL; Icon Hear-It
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format;
NL Norton Desktop Icon Library;
NLM Netware loadable module; Novell Netware
NLS National Language Support file; MS-DOS
NLX Form; FormWorx 3.0
nnn Arj archive volumes up to 999; ARJ
nnn Netware unicode rule table (e.g. 1250_Uni.036); Novell Netware
nnn News about smth with ext. of ver. number;
nnn RAR archive volumes up to 999; RAR
NOT Notation;
NP Project schedule (Nokia Planner); Nokia Planner
NPI Source for DGEN.EXE intepreter; dBASE Application Generator
NSS Norton screensaver module; NC - NDW Screen Saver
NST Music module; Amiga Noise Tracker
NSX Compound index file; SuccessWare SIX 3.00
NT Startup files; Windows NT
NTR Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Tutorial; Norton
NTX Database index file; Clipper 5
NUF Message for new users on their 1st call; Procomm Plus
NWS Info text file (latest news) (ASCII);
NXT Sound (NeXT format);
O$$ Outfile; Sprint
O Object file; unix - Atari - GCC
O01 Typhoon vOice file; AWAVE
OAZ Fax; NetFax Manager
OB Object cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
OBD Microsoft Office Binder; MSOffice
OBJ Compiled machine language code;
OBJ Object code; Intel Recolatable Object Module
OBJ Wavefront Object;
OBR Object browser data file; Borland C++
OBS Script; ObjectScript
OBT Microsoft Office Binder Template; MSOffice
OBV Visual interface; ObjectScript
OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard; MSOffice
OCF Object Craft File; Object Craft
OCR Incoming fax transcribed to text; FAXGrapper
OCT Musical file; Pctalizer
OCX New Custom Control's format in VB 4.0; Visual Basic
OCX OLE custom control;
ODB OpenDocument database
ODF OpenDocument formula
ODG OpenDocument drawing
ODIF Open Document Interchange Format;
ODL Object Description Language;
ODL Type library source; Visual C++
ODM OpenDocument master document
ODP OpenDocument presentation
ODS OpenDocument spreadsheet
ODT OpenDocument text document
OFD Form definition; ObjectView
OFF Object File Format vector graphics file;
OFF Object File Format vector graphics;
OFM PostScript font description file;
OFN MS Office documents; MSOffice
OGG Ogg multimedia container format
OHS Outbound History; Bink/+
OIF QuickBase file format
OKT Music (8 channels); Oktalyzer
OKT Music format; Oktalyzer
OLB Object library; VAX
OLD Backup file;
OLI Text file; Olivetti
OOM Swap file; Shroom
OPN Active options; Exact
OPT Options; name used by many programs for configuration information;
OPT Delphi project options; Borland Delphi
OPT Optimize support file; QEMM
OPW Organization chart; Org Plus for Windows
OPX Inactive options; Exact
ORA Parameter file; Oracle
ORG Calendar file; Lotus Organizer
ORG Origin plot; Microcal Origin
OTG OpenDocument drawing template
OTH OpenDocument HTML document template
OTL Outline font description; Z-Soft Type Foundry; Ventura Publisher's Type Foundry Outline Editor format;
OTP OpenDocument presentation template
OTS OpenDocument spreadsheet template
OTT OpenDocument text document template
OTX Text file; Olivetti Olitext Plus
OUT Output file;
OV1 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OV2 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVD Datafile; ObjectVision
OVL Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVR Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
P Database PROGRESS source code; PROGRESS
P PASCAL source code file;
P Parser source code file
P Picture file; APPLAUSE
P Rea-C-Time application parameter file; ReaGeniX code generator
P0? Split archive UC2; SAS.EXE
P10 Tektronix Plot; GCGW
P16 Music (16 channels); ProTracker Studio 16
P22 Patch file (Patch22); Patch22
PA1 Worktable; PageAhead
PAC SBStudio II Package or Song; SBStudio II
PAC STAD Image (graphics ?);
PAD Keypad definition; Telemate
PAK Archive; Pak
PAL Palette file; Microsoft Draw - Win. Paintbrush - many
PAN Printer-specific file (copy to; CorelDRAW
PAR Parameter file; Fractint
PAR PARTS application; Digitalk PARTS
PAR Permanent output file; Windows 3.x
PAR Parity Archive
PAR2 Parity Archive v2
PAS Pascal language source; Borland Pascal
PAT Gravis Ultrasound Patch; Convert (c) Villena
PAT Hatch patterns; AutoCAD - Photostyler
PAT Vector fill files; CorelDRAW
PB Fax; FAXability Plus
PB Phonebook; WinFax Pro
PB Proboard Conf. files; Proboard
PB Setup file; PixBase
PB1 Document; First Publisher for Windows
PBA Powerbasic BASIC source code; Genus
PBD Phone book; FaxNOW! - Faxit
PBD Molecule (protein data bank);
PBI Powerbasic include file; Genus
PBI Profiler Binary Input; MS Source Profiler
PBK Microsoft Network Phone book; MSN
PBL Powerbasic library; Genus
PBM PBM Portable Bit Map graphics format; Jasc Media C.
PBM Planar bitmap graphics; XLib
PBO Profiler Binary Output; MS Source Profiler
PBT Profiler Binary Table; MS Source Profiler
PC Text file containing IBM PC specific info;
PC3 Custom palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PC8 ASCII text IBM8 character set; NewWave Write
PCB P-CAD database; P-CAD
PCC Cutout picture vector graphics; PC Paintbrush
PCD Graphics format (Kodak Photo-CD);
PCD Kodak Photo-CD Image graphics file (768x512); hpcdtoppm
PCF Profiler Command File; MS Source Profiler
PCH Patch file;
PCH Precompiled header; MS C/C++
PCJ Multimedia authoring tool graphics file; IBM's Linkaway-Live
PCK Pickfile; Turbo Pascal
PCL HP-PCL graphics data file; HP Printer Control Language
PCM OKI MSM6376 synth chip PCM; AWAVE
PCM PCM; Authorware
PCS Microsoft PowerPoint picture package; MS PowerPoint - MS ClipArt Gallery
PCT Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PCW Text file; PC Write
PCX PC paintbrush bitmap format; QPeg - Display - ZSoft - PC Paintbrush
PDA Bitmap graphics;
PDB Packrat 5.0 data file; Packrat 5.0
PDB Molecule (protein data bank);
PDF Adobe's Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PDF Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format);
PDF Package Definition File;
PDF PCAD Database Interchange Format; Pdifin.exe - Pdifout.exe
PDF Print device information Netware;
PDG Print Shop Deluxe data file;
PDL Project Description Language file; Borland C++ 4.5
PDN Image file; Paint DotNet
PDS Pds graphics;
PDS Planetary Data System Format;
PDS Pldasm source code file (hardware assembly);
PDV Printer driver; Paintbrush
PDW Document; Professional Draw
PEB Program Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PED Program Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
PEM Program Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
PEQ Program Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
PER Program Editor resident area; WordPerfect Library
PES Program Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
PET Program Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PEX Proboard EXecutable file (Executed from PB); Proboard
PFA PostScript Font File;
PFA Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font);
PFB Adobe Acrobat document; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PFB PostScript font; Adobe Type Manager (ATM)
PFC Text file; First Choice
PFK Programmable function keys; XTreePro
PFM Windows Type 1 font metric file;
PFS Database (PFS:FILE) - text file (PFS:Write); PFS
PFT Printer font; ChiWriter
PG Page cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
PGI Printer Graphics File device driver; PGRAPH library
PGL HP Plotter vector graphics format;
PGM Graphics format (Portable GrayMap); JASC Media C.
PGM Program; Signature
PGP Support file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PGS Manual page; man4dos
PH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
PH PERL header file;
PH Phrase-table; MS C/C++
PHD PolyHedra Database;
PHM Phone book; DN - Lync
PHN Phone list; UltraFax - QmodemPro
PHO Phone database; Metz Phone for Windows
PHP PHP file;
PHR Phrases; LogoScript
PIC 123 Vector graphics format; CShow - Alchemy - Paint (Pictor)
PIC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PIC Lotus picture;
PIC PIXAR picture file; SDSC Image Tool
PICT Macintosh Picture;
PIF OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
PIF Program Information File; Windows 3.x
PIF Vector graphics GDF format file (IBM mainframe computers);
PiM Pascal Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
PIT Compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT; unpackit.zoo
PIX Alias image file; SDSC Image Tool
PIX Inset Pix;
PJ Project; CA-SuperProject
PJT Additional (FPT) project description file; FoxPro
PJX Main (DBF) project description file; FoxPro
PK PacKed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers);
PKA Archive; PKARC
PKG Installer script; Next
PKG P-CAD database; P-CAD
PKT Fido message packet; FTN software
PL Palette; Harvard Graphics
PL PERL source code file;
PL Prolog source code file;
PL Property List font metric file; TeX
PL1 Room plan; 3D Home Architect
PL3 Chart palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PLB FoxPro library; FoxPro
PLB P-CAD library; P-CAD
PLC Add-in file (functions - macros - applications); Lotus 1-2-3
PLC P-CAD database; P-CAD
PLL Prelinked library; CA Clipper
PLM DisorderTracker2 music module; AWAVE
PLN Spreadsheet; WordPerfect for Win
PLT HPGL plotter file vector graphics; AutoCAD
PLT Output file for ploter;
PLT P CAD: Output file editor for PCPLOT or PCPRINT; P CAD
PLT Page Magic 2.0 paper format; Page Magic 2.0
PLT Palette;
PLT Table for .pll; CA Clipper
PLY Data; PopMail
PLY Presentation screen; Harvard Spotlight
PLY ZipPack;
PM Bitmap graphics; Presentation Manager
PM3 PageMaker 3.0 data file; PageMaker 3.0
PM4 Document; PageMaker 4
PM5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication; Aldus PageMaker
PMC Graphics; A4TECH Scanner
PMI OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
PMM Program file; Amaris BTX/2
PMP PhotoMorph Project; PhotoMorph
PN3 Printer device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PNG Portable Network Graphics;
PNM PBM Portable aNy Map graphics file;
PNT Macintosh painting;
PNT Pointlist segment; FTN software
PNT QWK reader pointer file; MarkMail 2.x
POH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
POL InnovMetric Software Polygon Models Format;
POP Messages index; PopMail
POP Pop-up menu object; dBASE Application Generator
POV Raytraced graphics image; Persistence Of Vision
POW Power Chords instrument/song file; Power Chords
PP Amiga archive; POWERPACKER
PPB Button bar for Print Preview; WordPerfect for Win
PPD PostScript printer description file;
PPJ Premiere Project; Premiere
PPK Archive (using for many distributives); PPK
PPL PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PPM Graphics format (Portable PixelMap); JASC Media C.
PPO Preprocessor output; CA Clipper 5.*
PPP Publication; PagePlus
PPS Storyboard; Personal Producer
PPT General file extension; PowerPoint
PPT Presentations; Microsoft
PPTX MS Powerpoint 2007 presentation
PR1 Packrat 4.0 data file; Packrat 4.0
PR2 Packrat 4.x data file; Packrat 4.x
PR2 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 2.x
PR2 Printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 PostScript printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 3.x
PRD Printer driver;
PRE Presentation; Freelance Graphics
PRE Settings; Programmer's WorkBench - MS C/C++
PRE Stork graphic file;
PRF CheckIt Pro v1.0 data file; CheckIt Pro 1.0
PRF Pixel Run Format graphics file; Improces - Fastgraph
PRF Printer driver; dBASE IV
PRF Profiler output;
PRG Program source code (e.g. Clipper language); CA Clipper
PRG Program source; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
PRG Program; Atari
PRI Printer definitions; LogoScript
PRJ Borland C++ IDE project file; BC.EXE - BCW.EXE
PRM Parameters;
PRN Printer driver; Signature
PRN Text file; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony
PRN Usually printer output file;
PRO Profile; used by many programs to store configuration data;
PRO Graphics profile file; DOS
PRO Proboard conf. file; Proboard
PRO Prolog language source;
PRO PROLOG source code file;
PROJ Project File (Interface Builder); NeXT
PRR The Perfect Resume data file; Perfect Resume
PRS Norton Viewer DLL file;
PRS Presentation; Harvard Graphics Win
PRS Printer Resource eg. fonts; WordPerfect for Win
PRS Procedure; dBASE IV
PRT P-CAD component; P-CAD
PRT Part or Drawing; Cadkey
PRT Printer driver; Dr. Halo
PRX Compiled program; FoxPro
PS Document in PostScript format; adobe
PSA Archive (Pretty Simple Archive); PSA.OUT (GNU)
PSD Periscope Debbuger Def file; Periscope
PSD Photoshop bitmap file; Photoshop
PSEG Bitmap graphics; IBM printer Page SEgment
PSF Outline PostScript printer font; ChiWriter
PSM Music format (Protracker Studio Module); Protracker - MASI
PSM Symbol table of IDE; Turbo Pascal
PSN Presentation file for Sound Script; Win
PSP Procedure; Prodea Synergy
PSQ Premiere Sequence; Premiere
PST Postbox file; BMail
PSW File w/ passwords for any program/game; many
PT Game crack; Player Tools
PT Kodak Precition Color Management System;
PT3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PT3 Template; PageMaker 3
PT4 Template; PageMaker 4
PT5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication template; Aldus PageMaker
PTB Script; PubTech BatchWorks
PTL Premiere Title; Premiere
PTM Macro; PubTech BatchWorks
PTM Music format;
PTM Page Magic 2.0 template; Page Magic 2.0
PTN Pattern; Cadkey
PTR OS/2 cursor image file; ICONEDIT.EXE
PTR QWK reader pointer file; QMail
PTU Performer Terrain Utilities;
PUB Page template; MS Publisher
PUB Public key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PUB Publication; Ventura Publisher - 1st Publisher
PUD Warcraft II Map file; Warcraft 2
PUT Archive; PUT
PUT Graphics format; WScan
PVD Script; Instalit
PVL Library; Instalit
PVT Local Fidonet pointlist; FTN software
PW Text file; Professional Write
PWL Password List;
PWP Text document; Professional WritePlus
PX Paradox 3.0 file; Paradox 3.0
PXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
PXR Pixiar Picio; AltamiraComposer
PY PYTHON script file;
PYC Compiled PYTHON script file;
PZD Default settings; Pizazz Plus
PZI Graphics format; PZP
PZO Overlay file; Pizazz Plus
PZP Palette; Pizazz Plus
PZS Settings; Pizazz Plus
PZT Transfer file; Pizazz Plus
PZX Swap file; Pizazz Plus
Q0 Q0 graphic file;
QAG Quick Access Group; Norton Desktop
QAP Application; Omnis Quartz
QBB Quickbooks Backup File
QBE Saved query (Query By Example); dBASE IV - Quattro Pro
QBO Compiled query; dBASE IV
QBW Spreadsheet; QuickBooks for Windows
QDK Backup of startup files created by Optimize; QEMM
QDn Data file - segment n; Omnis Quartz
QDV Graphics file; Steve Blackstock Giffer
QEF Query file; Q+E for MS Excel
QFX Fax; QuickLink
QLB Quick library; MS C/C++
QLC ATM Type 1 fonts script; Adobe Type Manager
QLP Printer driver; QuickLink
QM4 Options or services file; QMail 4.x Mail Door
QPR Generated query program; FoxPro
QPR Print queue device driver; OS/2
QPX Compiled executable QBE query file; FoxPro
QRS Equation Editor support file; WordPerfect for Win
QRT Graphics format (QRT ray tracing);
QT QuickTime movie (animation);
QTVR QuickTime VR Movie;
QWK QWK reader message file;
QXD Document; QuarkXPress
QXL Element library; QuarkXPress
R RATFOR (FORTRAN preprosessor) file;
R Script file; R
R2D Reflex 2 datafile; Reflex 2
R8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane one; PicLab
R8P PCL 4 bitmap font file; Intellifont
RA Remote Access conf. files; RA
RAD 2-op FM music; Reality AdLib Tracker
RAD Radience;
RAL Remote Access Language file; Remote Access
RAM Ramfile; RealAudio
RAR Archive; RAR
RAS Graphics format; SUN Raster
RAT Datafile (RATS);
RAW HSI raw graphic file;
RAW PCM Signed Raw Sound File;
RAW QRT graphic file;
RAY Rayshade;
RBF Datafile; Rbase
RC Configuration file; emacs
RC Resource Compiler script file; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RC Resource Script; Resource Writer
RC UUPC configuration files; UUPC
RC Windows resource compiler script; RC.EXE -Resource WorkShop - OS/2
RCG Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg);
RData Data file; R
RDF Compiled UIC source code; Geoworks UI Compiler
RDI Device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format);
RDX Datafile; Reflex
REC Archivation protocol; ARCSERVE
REC Datafile; EpiInfo
REC Record file; Sprint
REC Windows Recorder Macro File; WinRecorder
RED Path info; Clarion Modula-2
RED REDuced nodelist file; T-Mail nodelist Compiler
REF Cross-reference;
REG OLE Registration file; Windows 3.x
REG Registration information or key;
REM Remarks definition; Sourcer
REM Remarks;
REP QWK reader reply file;
REP Report file used by many applications;
REP Report; Report Designer - CodeReporter - DataBoss
REQ File request; FTN Software
RES Compiled resource; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RES DBASE resources; dBASE IV
RES Windows compiled resource package; Win
REV Revision file; Geoworks
REX PharLab executable file (old format); PharLab
REX Report definition; Oracle
REX Rexx language source file; Rexx
REZ Resource file;
RF Sun raster graphics file;
RFT DCA/RFT Revisable Format Text file; IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1
RGB SGI RGB image file (RAW); SDSC Image Tool
RGX Symbol tables etc. info; ReaGeniX code generator
RH Resource header file; Borland C++ 4.5
RH Windows resource file header; RC.EXE
RHistory Command history logfile; R
RI Data; Lotus 1-2-3
RIB Graphics (Renderman Interface Bytestream); 3D Reality
RIC Fax; Ricoh
RIF RIFF bitmap graphics (Resource Interchange File Format); Fractal Design Painter
RIP TeleGrafix Remote Imaging Protocol; Maximus 3.0
RIX Graphics (ColoRIX Image File); ColoRIX
RL4 Bitmap graphics;
RL8 Bitmap graphics;
RLA Wavefront raster image file; SDSC Image Tool
RLB Data hgw.rlb; Harvard Graphics Win
RLC Graphics 1bit/pixel scanner output;
RLD Norton Commander 5.0 temp file; NC 5.0
RLE Utah Run Length Encoded rasterfile graphic file; SDSC Image Tool
RLZ REALIZER source code file; CA-Realizer
RMI Windows alternate synthesized sound format; RIFF RMID format
RMK Make file; CA Clipper - RMAKE
RN XPL program for Nota Bene users;
RND Rendering Slide; AutoCAD AutoShade
Rnn Multi volume RAR archive; RAR
RNO Runoff file; VAX
ROL FM music Adlib Music File; Roland
ROM Read Only Memory image in emulators, AONs, etc.;
RPB Data report file used by CP Backup; CP Backup
RPD Database; RapidFile
RPF AutoCAD pattern; ACAD
RPL Text document; Replica
RPT Report file used by many applications;
RS Data file; Amiga Resource - Reassembler
RS_ Resource fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
RSC Resource file; ViewMax - many
RSL Resource Library used by PC Tools for Windows; PC Tools - Win
RSP Response file (text file containing input expected by eg. LINK);
RSP Response File; OS/2
RTF Rich Text Format text file (help file script); many - MS Word
RTL HP RTL graphic file;
RTL Run-Time library; Norton Utilities
RTL Text file;
RTP RTPatch software update package data file; Pocket soft patch
RTS Realizer executable file;
RTS Runtime library file; CA-Realizer
RUL Echo-conference rules;
RUN PC Tools for Windows batch file; PC Tools
RUS Russian text;
RV Mobile pricelist data file; Mobile
RVW Review;
RWS Borland Resource Workshop symbol file; Resource Workshop
RWS Resource Workshop data file; Borland C++
RWX Criterion RenderWare;
RWX MEME Shape File;
RWX Script; RenderWare
RXD Reflex 1 datafile; Reflex 1
S$$ Temporary sort file; Sprint
S ASSEMBLY source code file; unix
S Multi Edit macro file source; Multi Edit
S19 Motorola ASCII format of executables
S1K S1000 Simnet Format;
S3I Digiplayer/ST3 Sample File; Digiplayer - ST3
S3M Music (16 channels); Scream Tracker 3.0 - DMP
SA? Packed mail; FTN software
SAIF Spatial Archive Interchange Format;
SAN LucasArts' SMUSH/INSANE animation
SAM Ami Pro data file; Ami Pro
SAM Text file; Samna - Lotus Ami/Ami Pro
SAR Archive; SAR
SAV Backup file (saved file);
SAV Configuration;
SAV Saved game state;
SB Audio file (signed byte);
SB Raw Signed Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
SB Raw Signed PCM Byte 8bit data; AWAVE
SBD Storyboard; Storyboard Editor
SBI Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs);
SBK Emu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank); Convert (c) Villena
SBL Stony Brook Pascal library; SB Pascal
SBP DML program; Superbase 4
SBR Support file; Source Browser
SBT Notes related to record; Suberbase 4 Windows
SC Display driver; Framework II
SC PAL script; Paradox
SC Script; Borland Paradox
SC3 Renamed dBASE III screen mask file; dBASE IV
SC3 Screen device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SCA Datafile; SCA
SCC Text file;
SCD SCODOL film recorder (Scan Conversion Object Description Language); SCODOL
SCF Multimedia show; ScoreMaker
SCF Spelling checker configuration file; Symphony
SCH Project schedule; Schedule Publisher
SCH Scheme; P CAD - Orcad
SCI Fax; SciFax
SCI System Configuration Information;
SCM Scheme source code file;
SCN SCeNe RTrace;
SCN Screen file; Kermit
SCO High score;
SCR Any other screen system;
SCR DEBUG source code file; DOS Debug
SCR Forth screen (source) file; Forth
SCR Screen - screen snapshot; dBASE IV - Procomm Plus
SCR Screen font; LogoScript
SCR Screen saver; Windows 3.x
SCR Screen snapshop;
SCR Script file source; TeleMate - Kermit - 1st Reader
SCT Additional (FPT) screen description file; FoxPro
SCX Chart; Stanford Chart
SCX Graphics format; ColoRIX
SCX Main (DBF) screen description file; FoxPro
SCY Security file; ReaGeniX
SD Sound Designer I audio file; AWAVE
SDA Fidonet's Software Distribution Network file archive description;
SDF Source definition file; Sourcer
SDF System Data Format file (fixed length ASCII text);
SDI Software Distribution Network Info file;
SDK Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image;
SDL Alias Wavefront Scene Description Language;
SDML Spacial Data Modeling Language;
SDN Software Distribution Network compressd file archive; pak251.exe
SDR SmartDraw File; SmartDraw Pro
SDS MIDI Sample DUMP Standard File;
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard;
SDW Ami Draw Symbol File;
SDX Sample DUMP Exchange File;
SEA Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive;
SEC ----- compressed file;
SEC Diskreet encrypted file; Diskreet
SEC Secret key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
SEC Secured animation file; Disney Animation Studio
SEP Printer separator page;
SEQ Atari animation file;
SEQ Sequential Instruction File; Bubble Chamber
SES Session info; Clarion Modula-2
SES Multitrack Audio Session info; Adobe Audition
SET Configuration file; 1st Reader
SET Driver sets created by Install; Symphony
SET Extension used by Norton Backup and CPS Backup for setup info; Norton Backup - CPS Backup
SET Setup options file;
SF IRCAM Sound File; CSound package - MixView sound sample editor
SF WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) wp_root.sf; OS/2 WorkPlace Shell
SF2 Emu SoundFont Bank v2.0 file; AWAVE
SFB HP Soft font (obsolete under Windows);
SFD SoundStage Data file; AWAVE
SFF Scene File Format;
SFI Graphics; SIS Framegrabber
SFI Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape); Ventura Publisher
SFL PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape); landscape - Intellifont -Ventura Publisher
SFO Bitstream font file - fontware format;
SFP PCL 4 bitmap font; portrait - Intellifont - Ventura Publisher
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource; AWAVE
SFS PCL 5 scalable font file; Intellifont
SFT Screen font; ChiWriter
SFX SFX (self-extracting archives) script; RAR
SG1 Graphics; Stanford Graphics
SGF Document with graphics; Starwriter
SGI Graphics file; IRIS - Silicon Graphics
SGT Save/get keyboard macro; Signature
SH ASCII archive; SHAR
SH Unix shell script;
SH3 Presentation; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SHAR Archive; UNSHAR (Unix)
SHB Background; CorelShow
SHG Segmented Hyper-Graphic;
SHK Apple II archive; SHRINKIT
SHM Shell macro; WordPerfect Library
SHP Shape file and source file for text fonts; AutoCAD
SHT HTML format for WWW; NetScape
SHW Presentation; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - CorelShow
SHW Slide show; WordPerfect Presentations
SHX Shape entities; AutoCAD
SIF Setup Installation Files info; Windows NT Setup
SIG Current program settings; Signature
SIG Signature file; ThunderByte AntiVirus - PopMail
SIK Backup file (Sicherungskopie); MS Word
SIT Archive (Macintosh); STUFFIT
SKP Google SketchUp file
SKY SYLK Spreadsheet file (used by Multiplan);
SL S-Lang source code file;
SLB P-CAD library (symbols); P-CAD
SLB Slide library; AutoCAD
SLC SALT (script from Telix) compiled code; Telix
SLD Slide; AutoCAD
SLDPRT Part; SolidWorks
SLDASM Assembly; SolidWorks
SLDDRW Drawing; SolidWorks
SLI Slide; MAGICorp Slide Service
SLK MS Excel import format; MS Excel
SLK SYLK Symbolic Link format data file; MultiPlan
SLL Sound data file;
SLT SALT Script Application Language for Telix script source; Telix
SLV Solution for any game; many
SM Maillist; SoftSpoken Mailer
SM Script; ScriptMaker
SM SMALLTALK source code file;
SM Text file; Samna Word
SMK Smacker Video Format (RAD Video);
SMM Ami Pro Macro File; Ami Pro
SMN Font (ParaGraph's WorkScript format);
SMP Sample (sound file);
SMP Samplevision File; Samplevision
SMT Text file; Smart Ware II
SN Compressed song file; Sound Club editor
SND Digitized sound file; Macintosh/ATARI/PC
SND Power Chords drum sound file; Power Chord
SNG Song (midi sound); Midisoft Studio - Prism
SNO SNOBOL4 source code file;
SNP Book-shelf for .BOO; READIBM
SNP Microsoft Access report snapshot
SNP Output video format from Computer Eyes equipment;
SOAR Soar Production file
SOL Solution eg. game walkthroughs;
SOM Network serial numbers; Quattro Pro
SOM Sort information; Paradox
SON Song; SBStudio II
SOU SBStudio II Sound File; SBStudio II
SOU Sound data (sound tool);
SP Archive (unix); SPLINT
SPC Program; MS Multiplan
SPC Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
SPD Scalable font; Speedo - Harvard Graphics 3.0
SPF Slide presentation file; EnerGraphics
SPG Glossary; Sprint
SPI Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner);
SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format;
SPL Customized printer driver; Sprint
SPL Personal spell dictionary; Signature
SPL Print spooling file; Windows 3.x
SPL Sample;
SPM Data wp{wp}.spm; WordPerfect
SPP Printer file; Sprint
SPR Document letter; Sprint
SPR Generated executable screen file; FoxPro
SPR Sprite;
SPR Story Board sprites;
SPS Screen driver; Sprint
SPS SPSSx source code file; VAX/VMS
SPT Data support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack); MITAC disk/system management utility pack
SPT SPITBOL source code file;
SPW Worksheet; SigmaPlot
SPX Compiled executable screen file; FoxPro
SQD Squish message base; Squish
SQI Squish message base index; Squish
SQL SQL language code; Any SQL database
SQL Squish message base lastread pointers; Squish
SRC Multi-edit source; Multi-Edit
SRC Source; DataFlex
SRF Sun Raster File graphics file;
SRP Script; QuickLink
SS Bitmap graphics; Splash
SS Screen saver; DN
SSD Datafile; SAS/PC
SSP Datafile; SAS Transport
SST AVHRR graphic file;
ST Instrument library; Scream Tracker
ST SMALLTALK source code file; Little Smalltalk
ST Stamp; NeoPaint
STA Data file; Statistica
STA Saved state; Reflection 4.0
STA Stack; Spinmaker Plus
STB Stub library; Genus GX Kernel
STC 1.* spreadsheet template
STD State Transition Diagram graphic file; Prosa; 1.* drawing template; Standard (something..); LogoScript
STF Setup Table File
STI 1.* presentation template
STL Stereolithography Interface Format;
STM Music format (4 channels) (Scream Tracker Module); ST - DMP
STM State Transition Diagram model file; Prosa
STO Pascal stub OBJ file; Genus GX Kernel
STR Gate3 table structure file;
STR Structure list object file; dBASE Application Generator
STS Music format (Scream Tracker Song); ST 2.0-2.3
STS Project status info; MS C/C++
STW Data file; SmartTerm for Windows; 1.* text document template
STX Electronic book; SmarText
STX Music format;
STX Tax form; CA-Simply Tax
STY Ami Pro Template (Style); used by other programs for `styles`; Ami Pro
STY Style library or sheet; many
SU? Packed mail; FTN software
SUI SUIT library; Simple User Interface Toolkit
SUM Summary;
SUN Sun rasterfile graphics file;
SUO Solution User Options for Microsoft Visual Studio
SUP Supplementary dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
SVD Autosave file for document; MS Word
SVG Autosave file for glossary; MS Word
SVQ Music format;
SVS Autosave file for style sheet; MS Word
SVW Super Video Windows; Conversion Artist
SVX Interchange, 8SVX/16SV; AWAVE
SW Raw Signed Word (16bit) data; AWAVE
SWG SWAG Pascal Snippets file; SWAG
SWP Document backup; Sprint
SWP Swap file;
SXC 1.* spreadsheet
SXD 1.* drawing
SXG 1.* master document
SXI 1.* presentation
SXM 1.* formula
SXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
SXW 1.* text document
SY1 SmartPix symbol library; Ami Pro
SY3 Harvard Graphics format;
SY3 Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SYD Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd;
SYD Sysedit backup file; Sysedit
SYM Compiler symbolic information file;
SYM P-CAD component (symbols); P-CAD
SYM Precompiled headers; Borland C++
SYM Program symbol table; Power C - MS ILink incremental linker
SYM Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - MS Windows SDK
SYN SDSC Synu image file; SDSC Image Tool
SYN Synonym file; MS Word 5
SYS System file - device driver or hardware configuration info; DOS
SYW Graphics file (symbol); Harvard Graphics Win
SYW Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave File; Convert (c) Villena
T Archive without compression (tape); tar
T TADS source;
T Tester symbol table; ReaGeniX code generator
T?H Turbo Help file (Pascal, C, Assembler, ...); Borland Thelp
T44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE IV
T64 Program; C64S emulator
TAG Query tag name; DataFlex
TAH Help file for Turbo Assembler; Borland C++
TAL Adobe Type Align; Adobe
TAL Text illustration; TypeAlign
TAP Tape file; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
TAR Archive; TAR
TAZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - COMPRESS
TB1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TB2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TBF Fax; Imavox TurboFax
TBK FOXPRO template backup file; FOXPRO
TBK Memo backup; dBASE IV - FoxPro
TBK Toolbook; Asymetrix ToolBook
TBL Short for Table; used by many programs;
TBL Aldus TableEditor file; TableEditor
TBL Gate3 table file;
TBL Graphics file (native format); PageMaker TableEditor
TBL Table of values; OS/2
TBR Norton Desktop custom toolbar; NDW
TBS Text elements ?? (Textbausteine); MS Word
TBX Table; Project Scheduler 4
TC Configuration; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCH Help file; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCL Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TCW Drawing; TurboCAD for Windows
TD Config from Turbo Debugger; Turbo Debugger
TD0 Compressed diskette in a file; Teledisk
TD2 Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TDB Database; TACT
TDDD Imagine Object File Format;
TDF Speedo font file;
TDF Typeface definition file; Speedo
TDH Help file for Turbo Debugger; Borland C++
TDK Keystroke recording file; Turbo Debugger
TDR Contens of Arvid tape;
TDS Symbol table; Turbo Debugger
TDW Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TEF Fax; Relisys TEFAX
TEL Host file; Telnet
TEM Input template; IconAuthor
TEM Turbo Editor Macro Language script; Borland C++
TET Tetris results; DN
TEX Datasheet; Idealist
TEX TeX text file; Scientific Word - TeX
TEXT Text file;
TF Configuration; Turbo Profiler
TFA Area file; Turbo Profiler
TFC Catalogue file; Tobi's Floppy Cataloguer
TFF self executing TansForm dialogue; TansForm
TFH Help file for Turbo Profiler; Borland C++
TFM Tagged font metric file; Intellifont
TFM TeX Font Metric file; TeX
TFS Statistical information; Turbo Profiler
TG1 Project file; On Target
TGA Targa True Color bitmapped format;
TGZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - GNUzip
TH? Packed mail; FTN software
THE Windows'95 Desktop Theme; Microsoft Plus
THM Picture Publisher or PhotoMagic Thumbnail; Sony Ericsson Theme File
THS Thesaurus dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
TIC FTN special file with assotiated file description; ALLFIX
TIFF TIFF (tagged image format file) bitmapped file; Alchemy - PhotoStyler -PageMaker - CorelDRAW
TIL Fuzzy logic knowledge base; Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler
TIS Tile set; MahJongg 3.0
TJL Backup file; VAXTPU editor
TLB Interoperaility Type Library; Win95
TLB Reference table; Bubble Chamber
TLB Text library; VAX
TLB Type library; Visual C++
TLC Compiled Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TLD Disk Image; Teledisk
TLP Project; TimeLine
TMF Tagged Font Metric file; WordPerfect for Win
TMO ZTG global optimizer default output file; Zortech C++
TMP Temporary file;
TMS TeleMate compiled script; TeleMate
TOC Table Of Contents text file (ASCII);
TOK Borland C++ 4.x reserved word list; BCW.EXE
TOPC TopicCrunch SEO Project file holding keywords, domain and search engine settings (ASCII);
TOS Self-extracting file archive (Atari ST);
TP Session-state file; Turbo Profiler
TP Turbo Pascal cfg file; Turbo Pascal
TP3 Template; Harvard Graphics 3.0
TPB Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup; HiJaak
TPC File produced when an inter-Topicscape topic link file is exported to Windows
TPF Downloadable PCL Soft font file; HiJaak
TPH Help file; Turbo Pascal
TPL Resident units library; Turbo Pascal
TPL Template file; GoldEd -ITrack
TPL Template; Harvard Graphics 2.0
TPP Protected Mode Units; Borland Pascal 7.0
TPU Borland Pascal DOS Mode Library; Borland Pascal
TPU Command file (VAXTPU editor); VAXTPU editor
TPW Borland Pascal Windows Library; Borland Pascal
TPW Session-state file; Turbo Profiler for Windows
TPZ Archive; TAR - GNUzip
TR Man page input suitable for troff -man;
TR Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for DOS
TR2 Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TRC Debug support file; Power CTrace
TRE Directory tree file; PC-Tools
TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format;
TRK Track (i.e. video sequence), used by many games;
TRM Terminal settings; Windows 3.x
TRN Translation support file; Quattro - Clarion
TRS Executable file; Micrografx
TRU True Basic source file;
TRW Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TSK Microsoft Multimedia Task Application; Win95
TSM Turbo Assembler Manual; TASM for OS/2
TST Printer test file; WordPerfect for Win
TSV Tab Separated Values;
TTF TrueType Font file;
TU? Packed mail; FTN software
TUD The Ultimate Draw file; The Ultimate Draw
TUT Tutorial;
TV Table view settings; Paradox
TVF Table view settings; dBASE
TVn Overflow file above insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
TXF Archive; TAR and FREEZE
TXI Support file; TeX
TXT Common name for ASCII text file;
TXW Yamaha TX-16W Wave File; Convert (c) Villena
TYM Time Stamp (PageMaker 4); PageMaker 4
U8 Sample;
UB Raw Unsigned Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
UC2 Archive; UC II
UCN New archive; UC II
UDF Filter; Photostyler
UDW Raw Unsigned DWord data; AWAVE
UE2 Encrypted archive; UC II
UHA UHarc archive
UHS Universal Hint System (binary file);
UI Espire source code file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UI User interface; Sprint
UIF Long prompts for windows; WordPerfect for Win
UIH Espire header file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UL ULAW audio file;
ULD Information about uploaded files; Procomm Plus
ULT Music; UltraTracker
UMB Backup file; MemMaker
UNF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNI Datafile; Forecast Pro
UNI Music format; UNIMOD - MIKMOD
UNIF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNX Text file containing UNIX specific info;
UOML UniqueObject Markup Language (UOML) is a XML-based markup language;
UPD Update data; dBASE
UPO Compiled update data; dBASE
URT Utah Raster Toolkit;
USE Log file;
USP Printer font with USASCII extended character set; PageMaker
USR User database file; Procomm Plus - Turbo C++ tour
UW Raw Unsigned Word 16bit data; AWAVE
UWF UltraTracker WaveSample; UltraTracker
V Consistency check support file; ReaGeniX code generator
V Main input file for an image; Vivid 2.0
V8 Covox 8bit file; AWAVE
VAL Validity checks and referential integrity; Paradox for Windows
VAL Values list object file; dBASE Application Generator
VAN Animation; VistaPro
VAP Value Added Process; NetWare 2.xx
VAR Variable file; IconAuthor
VBR Visual Basic Custom Control file; Visual Basic
VBX Visual Basic eXtension; Visual Basic
VBZ Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template; Setup Wizard
VC Include file with color definitions; Vivid 2.0
VC Spreadsheet; VisiCalc
VCA Visual Clip Art;
VCR VCR drivers for Arvid;
VCW Visual workbench information; MS Visual C++
VCX Spreatsheet; VisiCalc Advanced
VDA Bitmap graphics;
VDO Story Board video image; Story Board
VDR Drawing; ComputerEasy Draw
VEW GroupWise for Windows; Win
VEW View file; Clipper 5 - Lotus Approach
VFA FontLab Database file; FontLab
VFM Ventura Font Metrics file;
VFM Voting Form; Voter
VFN Voting Form for Customers; Voter
VGA VGA display driver;
VGA VGA display font;
VGD VGA display driver; Generic CADD
VGR Graphics file; Ventura Publisher
VI Graphics file; Jovian Logic VI
VI Watcom editor script; VI.EXE
VICAR Graphics (Video Image Communication and Retrieval);
VID Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer);
VID Graphics format; Word&Deed
VID MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
VID Screen device driver; Word
VIFF Khoros Visualization Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
VIK Graphics format (VIKING);
VIR Virus or infected file;
VIS VIS graphics file;
VLM Virtual Loadable Module; Netware
VM Virtual Memory file; Geoworks
VMC Virtual memory configuration; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
VMF Font characteristics; Ventura Publisher
VMS Text file containing VMS specific info;
VO Include file with object definition; Vivid 2.0
VOC Sound format (Creative Lab's Sound File); PlayVoc
VOF Object folder; VZ Programmer
VOX Dialogic adpcm file; AWAVE, CoolEdit
VP 3DS Video posting; 3D Studio
VPF Vector Product Format;
VPG Graphics file; VPGraphics
VPH Virtual Pascal Help; VP/OS2
VPI Virtual Pascal Unit; VP/OS2
VRM Overlay file; QuattroPro
VRM Visual rexx source; WATCOM VREXX
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language; NetScape
VRP Project; WATCOM VX?Rexx
VRS Video Resource eg. video device driver; WordPerfect
VS Include file with surface definition; Vivid 2.0
VSD Diagram; Shapeware Visio
VSD Visio drawing; Visio
VSM Simulation model; VisSim
VSP Sprite; SPX
VSS SmartShapes file; Shapeware Visio
VSS Visio Template; Visio
VST Truevision Vista graphics file;
VST Visio Template; Visio
VUE Animation; 3D Studio
VUE View; dBASE IV - FoxPro
VW Text file; Volkswriter
VWR File viewer file; PC Tools
VXD Windows 3.x virtual device driver; Windows 3.x
W Word chart file; APPLAUSE
W01 Yamaha SY-series wave files; AWAVE
W01 Yamaha TX16W wave file; AWAVE
W30 Printer font; AST TurboLaser - Ventura Publisher
W31 Startup file; Windows 3.1
W40 Something for Windows95 (e.g. config.w40); Win95
W44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE
W95 Something for Windows95; Win95
WAD War Allocation Daemon; Doom - Doom2
WAS ProComm Script File (source code); ProComm
WAV Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE); Media Player
WAX ProComm compiled script; ProComm
WB1 Notebook; Quattro Pro
WB2 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WBF MS Windows Batch File; Catch
WBK Document/workbook; WordPerfect for Win
WBT Norton Desktop; Norton Desktop
WBT Wilsonware Batch file; Winbatch
WCD Macro token list; WordPerfect for Win
WCH WordPerfect Macro Facility; WP
WCM Data transmission file; MS Works
WCM Macro; WordPerfect for Win
WCP Product information description; WordPerfect for Win
WD InfoSelect Data file;
WDB Database; MS Works
WE? Packed mail; FTN software
WEB WEB source code file;
WebOOGL Web Object Oriented Graphics Library;
WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank; AWAVE
WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum; AWAVE
WFM Form object; dBASE Form Designer
WFN Font; CorelDRAW
WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Prog.; AWAVE
WFX Data file; Winfax
WG1 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3/G
WG2 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2
WID Width table; Ventura Publisher
WIN Window file; FoxPro - dBASE
WIZ Page wizard; MS Publisher
WK1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x - Symphony 1.1+
WK3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x
WK4 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4
WKB Document; WordPerfect for Win
WKE Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 educational version
WKI Spreadsheet format; Lotus 123 2x
WKQ Spreadsheet; Quattro
WKS Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A - Symphony 1.0 - MS Works
WKS Workspace; Xlisp
WKZ Spreadsheet format; Dos Navigator
WLK Graphics; Virtus Walkthrough
WLK Walk Through for any game; many
WMC Backup of startup files by Windows MathCad autoexec.wmc; MathCad
WMC Macro file; WordPerfect for Win
WMC Text file; WordMARC
WMF Windows MetaFile vector graphics;
WMP Graphics (Windows Magic Icon Palette);
WN Text; NeXT WriteNow
WNF Corel Draw Font File; CorelDraw
WOA Swap file; Windows 3.x
WOC Organization; Windows OrgChart
WOW Music (8 channels); Grave Mod Player
WP Word Perfect Format; WP
WP5 Document; WordPerfect 5.x
WPD Document; WordPerfect 6.0 - PFS:WindowWorks
WPD Windows printer driver (uninstallable); Windows
WPF Fax; WorldPort
WPF Form; WordPerfect
WPG WordPerfect Graphics vector graphics; DrawPerfect
WPJ Watcom C/C++ IDE project; IDE.EXE
WPK Macros; WordPerfect for Win
WPL MediaRack Wave Playlist; MediaRack
WPM Macros; WordPerfect
WPS Text document; MS Works
WQ! Compressed spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WQ1 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WR1 Spreatsheet; Symphony 1.1 - 1.2 - 2
WRD Template; Charisma
WRI Write editor format; Write - WinWord
WRK Spreadsheet; Symphony 1.0
WRL VRML file;
WRP Archive; Amiga WARP
WRS Windows Resource eg. printer driver; WordPerfect for Win
WS APL Worksheet;
WS Text file; WordStar 5.0-6.0
WS2 Text file; WordStar 2000
WSD Document; WordStar
WSP Workspace; Fortran PowerStation
WSQ Wavelet-packet Scalar Quantization Format;
WSRC X-wais source;
WST Text file; WordStar
WWB Button bar for document window; WordPerfect for Win
WWK Keyboard layout; WordPerfect for Win
WXP Document; EXP for Windows
X Archive; X1.EXE
X AVS X image file; SDSC Image Tool
X DirectX 3D object
X LEX source code file;
X3D x3d and xdart Formats;
XBM X11 Bitmap graphics file;
XCF Gimp image file;
XCK Extended crack file (usually text);
XCK Extended crack;
XCL Xtree for Windows Script file; Xtree for Win
XDF OS/2 extended disk format image; XDFCOPY.EXE
XDM Directory Manipulator for 32-bit Protected Mode; Xenotech Research Labs
XFN Printer font; Xerox 4045 - Ventura Publisher
XFR Ventura Publisher Bitmap Editor Font file;
XFT 24 pin printer font; ChiWriter
XI Fast Tracker 2 instrument file; AWAVE
XI Fastracker 2.0 Instrument File; Fastracker 2.0
XLA Add-in macro sheet; MS Excel
XLA XLib Archive;
XLB Excel Toolbar; MS Excel
XLC Excel Chart; MS Excel
XLD Excel Dialog; MS Excel
XLK Excel Archive; MS Excel
XLL Excel Dynamic Link Library; MS Excel
XLM Excel Macro File; MS Excel
XLS Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel
XLSX Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel 2007
XLT Excel Template; MS Excel
XLT Translation table; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony - Procomm Plus
XLV Excel Module; MS Excel
XLW Excel Workbook; MS Excel
XM Fast Tracker 2 extended module; AWAVE, Mod4Win, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker
XM Music format; FastTracker - Cubic Player
XMI Compressed eXtended MIdi music;
XNF Standard Network File form;
Xnn Secondary indexes; Borland Paradox
XOF RenderMorphics;
XP eXtended Pattern; FastTracker 2.0
XPM X11 Pixel Map graphics file;
XQT Executable file; Waffle
XQT Macro sheet; SuperCalc
XRF Cross-reference file;
XTB External translation table; LogoScript
XTP XTreeGold overlay; XTreeGold
XWD X Window System window dump image graphics file; SDSC Image Tool
XWK Keyboard mapping; Crosstalk
XWP Session; Crosstalk
XWP Text file; Xerox Writer
XX Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XXE Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XY Text file; XY Write
XY3 Text file; XYWrite III
XYW Text file; XyWrite III
Y Archive (Amiga); Yabba
Y YACC grammar file;
YAL Data custom/nature.yal; Arts & Letters
YC Archive; YACC (YAC.EXE)
Ynn Secondary index; Borland Paradox
YUV Graphics format (YUV);
YZ Archive; YAC
Z Archive; WinZipNT - COMPRESS - PACK
Z3 Infocom game module;
Z80 Snapshot; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
ZAD ZFax digitized voice file; ZFax
ZDG Compressed ZiffNet text document; Zview
ZGM Graphics; Zenographics
ZOM Archive; Amiga ZOOM
ZOO Archive; ZOO
ZVD ZyXEL Voicefile; Z-Fax
ZZE Encoded file;
### Temp file; QTIC A zog B = c
#24 Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer; LogoScript
#IB Printer data file; LogoScript
#nn Part of file image; Long
#SC Printer data file; LogoScript
#ST Standard mode printer definitions; LogoScript
$$$ OS/2 archive file (i.e archives.$$$, keys.$$$); OS/2
$$$ Temporary file;
$? ZX Spectrum file in HOBETA format;
$00 Pipe file; DOS
$DB Temporary file; dBASE IV
$ED Editor temporary file; MS C
$O1 Pipe file; DOS
$VM Virtual manager temporary file; Windows 3.x
)2( LHA archiver temporary file; LHA
??$ Backup file; P-CAD
??_ Microsoft packed file; Expand
?DK Disk image; Loaddskf.exe
?UT Nonpacked FTN mail (? - flavor); FTN software
___ Adinf table; Adinf
?Q? Squeeze for CP/M and MS-DOS
~$~ Temporary file; 1st Reader
~?? Old [BackUp] files (.MNU to .~MN); Resource Workshop - Borland Delphi
μ Metrowerks Codewarrior project
Π THINK C project
0 Compressed harddisk data; DoubleSpace
0B Printer font with lineDraw extended character set; PageMaker
1 Fax;
1 Fax; many
1 Roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page;
15U Printer font with PI font set; PageMaker
1ST Usually README.1ST text file;
2GR 286 Grabber File; Win
301 Fax; Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96
386 Intel 80386 processor driver; Windows 3.x
386 Windows virtual device driver; Win
3DMF QuickDraw 3D Metafile; QuickDraw
3DS 3D Studio Graphics format; 3D Studio
3DT Database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held
3FX Effect; CorelChart
3GR 386 Grabber File; Win
3GP Mobile Phone Video
3T4 Binary file converter to ASCII; Util3
4C$ Datafile; 4Cast/2
4MD Musical file;
4SW 4DOS Swap File; 4DOS
4TH FORTH source code file; ForthCMP - LMI Forth
668 Music (the mixing is always at 12048 Hz);
669 Music (8 channels); The 669 Composer
6CM Music (6 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
75 75x75 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8 A86 assembler source code file;
85 85x85 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8BF Adobe Photoshop compatibile filters/plugins
8CM Music (8 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
8M Printer font with Math 8 extended character set; PageMaker
8U Printer font with Roman 8 extended character set; PageMaker
91 91x91 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
96 96x96 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
A ADA source code file;
A Library; unix
A11 Graphics AIIM image file;
AAS Animation Play Script; AAPlay
AB6 Datafile; ABStat
AB8 Datafile; ABStat
ABC Document; ABC FlowCharter 1.0
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font; Adobe Software
ABK Automatic backup file; CorelDRAW
ABM Image PALS album file;
ABR Adobe Brush file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ABS Abstracts (info file);
ABS Data file; Abscissa
ACA Project; Project Manager Workbench
ACB Archive; ACB
ACC Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax); GEM / resident
ACF Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ACM Audio Compression Module add-on; Win
ACMB Graphics file;
ACO Adobe Color Palette;
ACT ACTOR source code file; ACTOR
ACT Animations Works Actor (Graphics cell); Animation Works
ACT FoxDoc Action Diagrams; FoxPro
ACT Presentation; Action!
AD AfterDark screensaver module; AfterDark
AD2 ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
AD3 ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
ADA Ada source code file;
ADB Ada Package Body;
ADC Bitmap graphics (16 colors); Scanstudio
ADC Dictionary; Lingvo
ADD OS/2 adapter device driver;
ADI Graphics file; AutoCAD
ADL MCA adapter description library; QEMM
ADM After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADN Add-in; Lotus 1-2-3
ADR After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADS Ada Package Specification;
ADT Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ADT Dictionary; Lingvo
ADT Fax; AdTech
ADV GUS device driver;
ADX Document; Archetype Designer
AF2 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 2.0
AF3 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFI Truevision bitmap graphics;
AFL Font file (for Allways); Lotus 1-2-3
AFM Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
AFM Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer; ATM - many
AFP Shape palette; ABC FlowCharter
AFT Template; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFW Workplace; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AI Vector graphics file; Adobe Ilustrator
AIFC Sound;
AIFF Audio Interchange Format File (AIFF); Convert (c) Villena
AiM Asm Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
AIN Archive; AIN
AIO APL programming language file transfer format file;
AIS Array of Intensity Samples graphics file; Xerox
AIX Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ALG Activity Log; ARCSOLO
ALL ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files; Arts & Letters
ALL Filelist w/ all files; FRQView
ALL Format file for working pages; Always
ALL General printer information; WordPerfect for Win
ALO Almanac support file;
ALT Menu file; WordPerfect Library
AMF Music (Advanced Module Format); DMP
AMG Archive; AMGC
AMG System image file; ACTOR
AMR Audio format for mobile phones (Nokia, SonyEricsson)
AMS Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file; PhotoShop
AMS Music format;
ANI Animation cursors for Win; Win95 - WinNT
ANI Animation; IconAuthor
ANM Animation; Deluxe Paint Animator
ANN Help Annotations; Windows 3.x
Ann Multi volume ARJ archive; ARJ
ANS ANSI character graphics (animation) file; ANSView
ANS ASCII text ANSI character set; NewWave Write
AOL America On-line for Windows DLL; Win
AOS Add-On Software; Nokia 9000
AP Archive; WHAP
AP Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
APC Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APD Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APF Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
API Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
API Passed parameter file; 1st Reader
API Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APL APL work space format file;
APL Support module used by Manugraphics APL products;
APM Authorware Macintosh; Authorware
APP Add-in application file; Symphony
APP Application object file; dBASE Application Generator
APP Application; FoxPro
APP Executable application file; DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari
APP Generated application; FoxPro
APR Employee performance review; Employee Appraiser
APW Authorware Windows; Authorware
APX Appexpert database file; Borland C++ 4.5
ARF Automatic Response File;
ARH Archivers definitions file; DN
ARI Archive; ARI
ARJ Archive; ARJ - ARJZ
ARK ARC archive; CP/M port of ARC file archiver
ARK Archive; QUARK
ARK Managing your Money Archive File;
ARR Arrangement; Atari Cubase
ART First Publisher graphic file; First Publisher
ART Graphics (scrapbook); Art Import
ART Graphics format (Another Ray Tracer); PFS:1st publisher - Art Import
ARX Archive; ARX
ASC ASCII text file;
ASC Transport armor file; PGP
ASD Autosave file; MS Word
ASD Presentation; Astound
ASD Screen driver; Lotus 1-2-3
ASE Velvet Studio Sample; AWAVE
ASF Screen font; Lotus 1-2-3
ASH Assembly language header file; TASM 3.0
ASI ASIC language source; ASIC
ASI Assembler include file; Turbo C - Borland C++
ASM Assembler language source; TASM - MASM
ASO Assembler object (object orientated) file; Turbo Assembler
ASP ASPECT source code file; Procomm Plus
ASP Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice;
AST Adobe Color Separtion table for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ASW Authorware Star; Authorware
AT2 Auto template; Aldus Persuasion 2.0
ATM Adobe Type Manager data/info;
ATY Produced when an association type is exported by 3D Topicscape
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio file; AWAVE, GoldWave
AU Sound (audio) file; SUN Microsystems - Convert (c) Villena
AUD Audio file; AudioRack
AUX Auxiliary dictionary; ChiWriter
AUX Auxiliary references; TeX/LaTeX
AVA Publication; Avagio
AVB AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases;
AVI Audio Video Interleaved animation file; Video for Windows
AVR Audio Visual Research; AWAVE
AVS Application Visualization System;
AVT AVATAR-coding files; A3E
AW Text file; HP AdvanceWrite
AWA Animations Works Accelerated Movie; Animation Works
AWD Microsoft Fax At Work Document; MS Fax At Work
AWK AWK script/program;
AWM Animations Works Movie (as .AVI); Animation Works
AZZ Data file; AZZ Cardfile
B&W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B&W Mono binary screen image; 1st Reader
B Batch list; APPLAUSE
B_W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B1N Both mono and color binary screen image; 1st Reader
B30 Printer font (JLaser - Cordata); Ventura Publisher
B8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane two; PicLab
BAD Bad file; Oracle - many
BAK Backup file;
BAL Music score; Ballade
BAR Horizontal bar menu object file; dBASE Application Generator
BAS BASIC language source; QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC
BAT Batch file; MS-DOS
BB Database backup; Papyrus
BBL Bibliographic reference file; TeX/BibTeX
BBM Brush; Deluxe Paint
BBS Bulletin Board System announce or text info file;
BBS Hudson-style messagebase; FTN software
BCH Batch process object file; dBASE Application Generator
BCH Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
BCO Outline font description; Bitstream
BCP Borland C++ makefile;
BCT Backup dictionary; Clarion
BCW Environment settings; Borland C++ 4.5
BDC Dictionary; Lingvo
BDF Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format; Adobe Software
BDF Binary update file; BUPDATE.EXE (c) TNT Techn.
BDF Bitmap Distribution Format font file; X11
BDF Datafile; Egret
BDR Border; MS Publisher
BDT Dictionary; Lingvo
BEZ Outline font description; Bitstream
BF2 Bradford 2 font;
BFC Briefcase Win95; Win95
BFM Font metrics; unix/Frame
BFX Fax; BitFax
BGA Bitmap graphics;
BGI Borland Graphics Interface device driver; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
BI BASIC include file; Visual Basic
BIB Bibliography (ASCII);
BIB Database - not compatible with TeX format; Papyrus
BIB Literature database; TeX/BibTeX
BIF Binary Image Format b&w graphics file; Image Capture board
BIK Bink video file (RAD Video)
BIN Binary file, usually zero-start (.com analog);
BIN SGI Powerflip;
BIN Text mode memory dump; The Draw - TUD - ACiDDraw - etc
BIT Bitmap X11;
BK! Document backup; WordPerfect for Win
BK Faxbook; JetFax
BK? Backup file;
BKn Timed backup file for document window n; WordPerfect for Win
BKP Backup file; Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner
BKW Mirror image of font set; FontEdit
BLD BLoaDable picture; BASIC
BLK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
BM BitMap graphics file;
BMK Help Bookmarks; Windows 3.x
BMP OS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture); QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BMT Ami Pro Button; Ami Pro
BNK Adlib instrument bank file;
BNR Graphics Banner; Banner - Poster
BOO Book-format; READIBM
BOO Compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc); msbooasm.arc
BPC Chart; Business Plan Toolkit
BPP Backup application; Clarion
BPT Bitmap fills file; CorelDRAW
BR Script; Bridge
BRD Eagle Layout File;
BRK Fax; Brooktrout Fax-Mail
BRK The Brake! Mailer REXX script; The Brake!
BRL CAD; Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD; BRL
BS2 Archive; BS2.EXE
BSA Archive; BSArc
BSC Compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII; BINSCII
BSC Database; Source Browser
BSC Pwbrmake object file; MS Fortran
BSS Casio Phone base; PC-LINK
BST BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file); TeX
BSY Busy flag; FTN soft
BTM Batch-to-memory (quick batch); 4dos -ndos
BTN Makeover Button file;
BUFR Binary Universal Form for the Representation;
BUFR Meteorological Data;
BUG Bugs and Problems;
BUN LucasArts Bundle File;
BUP Backup file;
BUT Button definitions; Buttons!
BUY Datafile format; movie
BVn Overflow file below insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
BWB Spreadsheet application; Visual Baler
BWR Beware (buglist); Kermit
C-- C-- language source; Sphinx C--
C C language source; Watcom C/C++
C Unix file archive; COMPACT
C++ C++ language source;
C00 Print file; Ventura Publisher
C01 Typhoon wave files; AWAVE
C86 C source code file; Computer Innovation C86
CA Initial cache data for root domain servers; Telnet
CA? Borland packed and split file; Borland Installer
CAB Win 95 packed file; Win 95
CAC dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat);
CAD Document; Drafix Windows CAD
CAL Calendar file; Windows 3.x
CAL Spreadsheet format; SuperCalc
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics;
CALS Support Raster Format;
CAM Casio Camera;
CAN Fax; Navigator Fax
CAP Caption; Ventura Publisher
CAP Capture file; ProComm - Telix
CAS C + ASM language source; Turbo C
CAT Catalog; CP Backup - dBASE IV
CBC Fuzzy logic system; CubiCalc
CBL COBOL source code file;
CBM Compiled bitmap graphics; XLib
CBS MasterWord button bar configuration file;
CBT Computer Based Training; many
CC C++ source code file;
CC CC language source; CC
CCC Bitmap graphics (native format); Curtain Call
CCF Communications configuration file; Symphony
CCH Chart; CorelChart
CCITT CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding;
CCL Communication Command Language file; Intalk
CCO BTX Graphics file; XBTX
CD CD description; DN
CDA CD-Audio; Win95
CDB Card database; CardScan
CDB Main database; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CDF Common Data Format;
CDF Cyberspace Description Format;
CDF Graphics; netcdf
CDK Document; Atari Calamus
CDL CADKey CADL Language; CADKey
CDM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
CDM Music format (compressed);
CDR Vector graphics format (drawing); CorelDraw!
CDT Corel Draw Template File; CorelDraw!
CDX Compaund index file; FoxPro
CE Computer Eyes; Conversion Artist
CE Main.ce; The FarSide Computer Calendar
CEB Cont. Edge Bitmap; Conversion Artist
CEF CA-Clipper Workbench Application; CA Clipper
CEF Export File;
CEG Bitmap graphics; Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics
CEL Animation CEL; 3D Studio
CEL Graphics; Autodesk Animator - Lumena
CF Configuration file; imake
CFG Configuration file;
CFL Chart; CorelFLOW
CFN Font data; Atari Calamus
CFO C Form Object internal format object file; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CFP Fax; The Complete Fax Portable
CFT CFast graphics file; Disney Animation Studio
CGA CGA display font; Ventura Publisher
CGI Common Gateway Interface script;
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics; A&L - HG - many
CH Clipper language header; CA Clipper
CH3 Chart; Harvard Graphics 3.0
CH4 Presentation; Charisma 4.0
CHD Font descriptor; FontChameleon
CHI ChiWriter Document; ChiWriter - Chiview
CHK Recovered data; DOS CHKDSK
CHK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CHL Configuration History Log;
CHN Data; Ethnograph 3
CHP Chapter file; Ventura Publisher
CHR Character set; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
CHT Chart; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter
CHT CHeaT in any program/game; many
CHT Interface file for ChartMaster; dBASE
CHZ Archive; CHARC
CIF Caltech Intermediate Format graphics file;
CIF Chapter information; Ventura Publisher
CiM C Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
CIX Database index; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CKB Borland C++ 4.x editor keystroke mapping; BCW.EXE
CL COMMON LISP source code file;
CLA Source; Clarion
CLD Clipper debugger configuration file; CA Clipper
CLP Clip art graphics file; Quattro Pro
CLP Clipboard file; Windows 3.x
CLP Compiler response file; CA Clipper
CLP Graphics format; PCPAINT/Pictor
CLR Color binary screen image; 1st Reader
CLR Color definitions; Photostyler
CLR Color scheme; Boxer/2
CLR Palette file for GIS format;
CLS C++ class definition file;
CLW MFC Class Wizard information; MS VC++
CM Data file; CraftMan
CMB Xtree for Windows Button Bar file;
CMD Command; dBASE - Waffle
CMD External command menu; 1st Reader
CMD OS/2 batch/REXX file; OS/2
CMF FM-music file (Creative Music File);
CMK Card; Card Shop Plus
CMM CMM script (batch) file; CEnvi
CMP Bitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression);
CMP Compressed data; PKWare Inc. data compression library
CMP Header file for PostScript printer files; CorelDRAW
CMP Photofinish Calibration Map; Photofinish
CMP User dictionary; MS Word for DOS
CMU Carnegie Mellon University Formats;
CMV Animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0); CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0
CNC CNC general program data;
CNF Configuration (program - printer setup); program - printer setup
CNF Configuration file;
CNV Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CNV Winword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=converter); MS Word
COB Calgari trueSpace2 File Format;
COB COBOL source code file;
COD Code definition table; UUPC
COD Datafile; Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold
COD file uncluding CODES for any program/game; many
COD Printer code definition file; Boxer/2
COD Program compiled code; FORTRAN
COD Template source file; dBASE Application Generator
COD Videotext file;
COL Color palette; Autodesk Animator - many
COL Spreadsheet; MS Multiplan
COM Command (memory image of executable program); DOS
CON Configuration file; Simdir
CPC Compressed image; Cartesian Perceptual Compression
CPD Script; Complaints Desk
CPF Fax; The Complete Fax
CPI ColorLab Processed Image bitmapped graphics file;
CPI MS-DOS codepage file; MODE.EXE
CPL Control panel file; Windows 3.x
CPL Presentation; Compel
CPP C++ language source; Watcom C/C++
CPP Presentation; CA-Cricket Presents
CPR Knowledge Access; GCGW
CPS ----- backup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps;
CPT Encrypted memo file; dBASE
CPT Mac file archive; COMPACT PRO
CPT Template; CA-Cricket Presents
CPZ Music text file; COMPOZ
CRA Advanced crack file (usually text);
CRD Cardfile; Windows 3.x - YourWay
CRF Cross-reference; MS MASM - Zortech C++
CRK Crack file (usually text);
CRP Encrypted database; dBASE IV
CRS File Conversion Resource; WordPerfect 5.1
CRT Terminal settings information; Oracle
CRU Compressed file archive created by CRUSH;
CSG Graph; Statistica/w
CSM Borland C++ 4.x precompiled header file; BCW.EXE
CSP PC Emcee Screen Image file; Computer Support Corporation
CSS Datafile; CSS - Stats+
CSS Datasheet; Statistica/w; cascading style sheet
CSV Adjusted EGA/VGA palette; CompuShow
CSV Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII);
CTC Control file; PC Installer
CTF Character code translation file; Symphony
CTL Control file; dBASE IV - Aldus Setup
CTX Ciphertext file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
CTX Course TeXt file; some Microsoft online guides
CUF C Utilities Form definition; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CUR Windows resource (cursor image file); Resource Workshop - WRT - Watcom Resource Editor
CUT Graphics format (bitmapped graphics); dr. Halo
CV4 Color file; CodeView
CVP Cover page; WinFax
CVS Graphics; Canvas
CVT Backup file for CONVERTed database file; dBASE IV
CVW Color file; CodeView
CXX C++ source code file; Zortech C++
D64 Commodore 64 disk image
DAA Direct Access Archive
DAT Data file in special format or ASCII;
DAT Database file; Clarion
DB$ Temperature debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DB$ Temporary file; dBASE
DB ?atabase file; Paradox - XTreeGold - dbvista
DB ?onfiguration; dBASE IV - dBFast
DB Multi Edit config; ME
DB2 Database; dBASE II
DB3 Database; dBASE III
DBA Database file; Turbo Prolog - DataEase
DBA DarkBasic source code
DBD Business data; Business Insight
DBD Debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DBF Database file; dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss
DBG Debugger script; DOS debug - Watcom debuger
DBG Symbolic debugging information; MS C/C++
DBK Database backup; dBASE IV
DBM Datafile; DataEase
DBM Menu template; DataBoss
DBO Compiled program; dBASE IV
DBPro DarkBasicPro Project
DBS Data file used by Managing Your Money;
DBS Database in SQL Windows format;
DBS Datafile; PRODAS
DBS Printer description file; MS Word - Works
DBT FoxBASE+ style memo; FoxPro
DBT Memo file for database w/same name; dBASE IV - dBFast
DBW Windows file; DataBoss
DBX DataBeam; GCGW
DCA Document Content Architecture text file; IBM DisplayWrite
DCF Disk image file;
DCL Delphi Control Library; Borland Delphi
DCM DCM music module; AWAVE
DCP OS/2 device code page; OS/2
DCS Bitmap graphics (CYMK format); QuarkXPress
DCS Datafile; ACT! Activity Files
DCT Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format; Clarion
DCT Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCU Delphi unit (compiled); Borland Delphi
DCX Multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format); Intel - SpectraFAX
DD Macintosh file archive; DISKDOUBLER
DDB Bitmap graphics;
DDI Disk image; DiskDupe
DDP Device Driver Profile file; OS/2
DEB DEBUG script; DOS Debug
DEF Assembly header file; Geoworks
DEF Defaults - definitions;
DEF Linker definition file; TLink - WLink...
DEM Demonstration;
DEM Digital Elevation Model;
DEM Graphics file; VistaPro
DEM Vista DEM file; Meta.exe VP3
DES Ascii text parameter description; AWAVE
DEV Device driver;
DFD Data Flow Diagram graphic file; Prosa
DFI Outline font description; Digifont
DFL Default program settings; Signature
DFM Data Flow Diagram model file; Prosa
DFM Delphi form module; Borland Delphi
DFS Delight Sound File;
DFV Printing form (Word); MS Word
DFX Micrografx Effects DLL;
DGN Graphics file; MicroStation
DGS Diagnostics;
DH Dependency information for .ph; Geoworks
DHP Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics file; Dr. Halo II - III
DHT Datafile; Gauss
DIA Diagraph graphics file; Computer Support Corporation
DIB Device Independent Bitmap; rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap; Win - OS/2
DIC Dictionary (e.g. from WinWord);
DIF Borland patch data file; Borland patch
DIF Data Interchange Format; Visicalc
DIF OS/2 V2.2 Display Information File; OS/2
DIF Output from Diff command - script for Patch command;
DIG Digilink; AWAVE
DIG Sound Designer 1 audio file; AWAVE
DIP Graphics;
DIP Watcom debug info processor; WatcomDebugger
DIR Dialing directory file; Procomm Plus
DIR Directory file; VAX - CPS Backup
DIR Movie; MacroMind Director 4.x
DIS Distribution file; VAX Mail
DIS Thesaurus; CorelDraw
DIZ Description file (Description In Zip);
DKB Raytraced graphics; DKBTrace
DL Animation format (Italian origin); Display - DL Viewer
DLD -----; Lotus 1-2-3
DLG Dialog resource script file; MS Windows SDK
DLG Dialog resources; DN
DLG Digital Line Graph;
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file;
DLL Dynamic Link Library; Windows 3.x - OS/2
DLL Export/import filter; CorelDRAW
DLS Setup; Norton Disklock
DMF Music format (Delusion Digital Music File); Delusion
DMO Demo; Derive
DMP Dump file (eg. screen or memory);
DMS Amiga file archive; DISKMASHER
DOC ASCII doc file;
DOC WinWord native file; MS Word
DOCX MS Word 2007 document
DOF Delphi project options file; Borland Delphi
DOG Screen file; Laughing Dog Screen Maker
DOH Dependency information for .poh; Geoworks
DOS External command file; 1st Reader
DOS Network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos);
DOS OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
DOS Something for MS-DOS (e.g. msdos.dos); Win95
DOS Text file containing DOS specific info;
DOT Line-type definition file; CorelDRAW
DOT MS Word document template; MS Word
DOX Text file; MultiMate 4.0
DOZ Description Out of Zip; VENDINFO
DP Calendar file; Daily Planner
DP Data file; DataPhile
DPR Default project- and state-related information; Borland C++ - Delphi - C
DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange;
DRP Web3D File; Web3D
DRS Display Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DRV Driver;
DRW Designer vector graphics file; Designer - MicroGraphix
DS4 Vector graphics; Micrografx Designer 4.x
DSC Description file;
DSC Discard file; Oracle
DSD Database; DataShaper
DSF Delusion Digital Sound File; Delusion
DSK Desktop configuration; BP - DN - BC++ - TP
DSK Disk Drivers; Novell NetWare
DSM Digital Sound Module; DSI
DSN Design; Object System Designer
DSP Display parameters; Signature
DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module; Dynamic Studio
DSP Graphics display driver; Dr. Halo
DSP Norton viewer DLL; Win
DSR Driver Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DSS Screensaver file; DCC
DSS Sound; Digital Soup
DST WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL; Win
DSW Borland C++ 4.x desktop layout file; BCW.EXE
DT_ Data fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
DTA Data file; Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata
DTF Database file; PFS - Q&A
DTM DigiTrekker music module; AWAVE
DTP Document; Timeworks Publisher3
DTP Page Magic 2.0 publication; Page Magic 2.0
DTP Publication; Publish-It!
DVC Data; Lotus 1-2-3
DVI DeVice Independent document; TeX
DVP DESQView run-file; DESQView
DVP Device parameter file; AutoCAD
DW2 Drawing; DesignCAD for windows
DWB Coryphaeus Software Designers Workbench; CSD
DWC Archive; DWC
DWD DiamondWare Digitized file; AWAVE
DWG Drawing; AutoCAD - Drafix
DX Text file; DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXF Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD); AutoCAD
DXN Fax; Fujitsu dexNET
DYN Data; Lotus 1-2-3
EAS Extended file attributes; OS/2
EBJ Error-checking object file; Geoworks
EBQ CITE standard electronic BQ exchange file
EC Error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image; AWAVE
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image; AWAVE
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image; AWAVE
EDL EDL; Premiere
EDQ Ensoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk image; AWAVE
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image; AWAVE
EDT Default settings; VAX Edt editor
EDT Ensoniq TS disk image; AWAVE
EDT External editors definitions; DN
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image; AWAVE
EEB Button bar for Equation Editor; WordPerfect for Win
EFA Ensoniq ASR file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS instrument file; AWAVE
EFK Ensoniq KT file; AWAVE
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file; AWAVE
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file; AWAVE
EFT Ensoniq TS file; AWAVE
EFT High resolution screen font; ChiWriter
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file; AWAVE
EFX Fax; Everex EFax
EGA EGA display font; Ventura Publisher
EKA Internal data files; Borland's Eureka
EL ELISP source code file; Emacs lisp
ELC Compiled ELISP code; Emacs lisp
ELI Archive; ELI
ELT Event list text file; Prosa
EMD ABT Extended MoDule; AWAVE
EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile;
EMU Terminal emulation data; BITCOM
ENC Encoded file - UUENCODEd file; Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENC Music; Encore
END Arrow-head definition file; CorelDRAW
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format;
ENG Dictionary engine; Sprint
ENG English documentation;
ENG Graphics file (charting); EnerGraphics
ENV Envelope or Environments;
ENV Enveloper macro; WOPR
ENV Environment file; WordPerfect for Win
EPD Publication; Express Publisher
EPI Document; Express Publisher
EPI Encapsulated PostScript graphic file;
EPS Encapsulated PostScript (Graphics format); CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EQN Equation filE; WordPerfect for Win
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file; Prosa
ERM Entity Relationship Diagram model file; Prosa
ERR Compiler/linker error report;
ESH Extended Shell batch file;
ETH Document; Ethnograph 3
ETX Structure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers;
EUI Ensoniq EPS family CD image; AWAVE
EVT Events descriptions;
EVY Document; WordPerfect Envoy
EWD Document; Express Publisher for Windows
EX3 Device driveR; Harvard Graphics 3.0
EXC Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM); QEMM
EXC REXX source code file; VM/CMS
EXE Directly executable program; DOS
EXM MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator); HP calculator
EXP Protected mode EXE by PharLap Software; PharLap
EXT Extensions descriptions file;
EXX Intermediate file by MsgPut; IBM LinkWay
EZF Fax; Calculus EZ-Fax
F Archive; FREEZE
F Fortran language source file; NDP Fortran
F01 Fax; perfectfax
F2R Farandole Linear Module; Farandole
F3R Farandole Blocked Linear Module; Farandole
F77 FORTRAN 77 source code file;
F96 Fax; Frecom FAX96
FACE Usenix FACE graphics file;
FAM Famtasia Famicom image format; Famtasia
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions text file;
FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module); Farandole
FAS Macsyma compiled program;
FAX Fax (raster graphics in CCITT format); most Fax programs
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap;
FC Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 2.0
FCM Binary file patch file (forward compression);
FD Declaration file; MS Fortran
FD Field offsets for compiler; DataFlex
FD Front Door' resource files; FD
FDS fwNES Famicom Disk System image; fwNES
FDS Headerless Famicom Disk System image;
FDW Form; F3 Design and Mapping
FEB Button bar for Figure Editor; WordPerfect for Win
FEI Fatal Error Infotable; Geoworks
FES File produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows
FF Intelligont FIAS format;
FF Outline font description; Agfa Compugraphics
FFE Front Fareast Famicom image format;
FFF Fax; defFax
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType);
FFIVW File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds;
FFT Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite);
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file; DisplayWrite
FH3 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FH4 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FI Interface file; MS Fortran
FIF Fractal Image Format file;
FIL File template; Application Generator
FIL Filelist;
FIL Files list object file; dBASE Application Generator
FIL Mirror. FIL is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools;
FIL Overlay; WordPerfect
FIL File which was moved to the Virus Vault by AVG
FIN Print-formatted text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE
FIO Aldus PhotoStyler graphics filter;
FIO Image PALS viewer DLL;
FIT File Index Table; WindowsNT
FITS Flexable Image Transport System;
FIX Patch file;
FKY Macro file; FoxPro
FLB Format library; Papyrus
FLC Animation format FLIC >320x200; AAPlay - Autodesk AniPro
FLD Folder; Charisma
FLI Animation format FLIC 320x200; Autodesk Animator
FLI TeX font library; EmTeX
FLM Film Roll; AutoCAD/AutoShade
FLT Data/file conversion filter (or overlay); Alsud - MS Word
FLT Filter file; Micrografx Picture Publisher
FLT MultiGen Flight;
FLT Support file - graphics filter; Asymetrix ToolBook
FLX Animation format;
FLX Compiled binary; DataFlex
FM Spreadsheet; FileMaker Pro
FM1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x
FM3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FM3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x
FMB File Manager Button bar; WordPerfect for Win
FMF Font or icon file; IBM LinkWay
FMK Makefile; Fortran PowerStation
FMO Compiled format file (dBASE IV); dBASE IV
FMT Format file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FMT Gate3 format file;
FMT Style sheet; Sprint
FMV Full Motion Video file;
FN3 Font file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FND Files searching properties; Win95
FNK FunkTracker music module; AWAVE, FunkTracker
Fnn DOS screen text font - height nn pixels;
FNT Font file; many
FNX Inactive font; Exact
FO1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FO2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FOG Fontographer Database File; Fontographer3.5
FOL Folder of saved messages; 1st Reader
FON Log of all calls; Procomm Plus
FON Terminate phonebook; Terminate - Terminator - Telix
FON Windows bitmapped font file; Win
FONT Font data; unix
FOP Freedom of the Press graphic file;
FOR Form; WindowBase
FOR Fortran language source file; MS Fortran - Watcom Fortran
FOT Installed Truetype font; Windows Font Installer
FOX Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg); FoxBase
FP Configuration file; FoxPro
FPC Catalog; FoxPro
FPD TMT Pascal compiled unit; TMT Pascal
FPT Foxpro memo field tables; FoxPro
FPW Floorplan drawing; FloorPLAN plus for Windows
FR? Packed mail; FTN software
FR3 Renamed dBASE III+ form file; dBASE IV
FRF FontMonger Database file; FontMonger
FRG Uncompiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRL GP-Forth library; GP-Forth;
FRM Registration or other form;;
FRM Report file; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast;
FRM Visual Basic Form; Visual Basic;
FRO Compiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRP Form; PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow;
FRS Screen Font Resource; WordPerfect for Win;
FRT Additional (FPT) report description file; FoxPro;
FRT GP-Forth source file; GP-Forth;
FRX Main (DBF) report description file; FoxPro;
FRX Visual Basic binary program file; Visual Basic;
FSL Form; Paradox for Windows;
FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample; Farandole;
FST Linkable program; dBFast;
FSX Data; Lotus 1-2-3;
FTM Font file; Micrografx
FTP Configuration; FTP Software PC/TCP
FW Database; FrameWork
FW2 Database; Framework II
FW3 Database; Framework III
FWEB Fortran WEB;
FX On-line guide; FastLynx
FXD Phonebook; FAXit
FXP Foxpro executable (precompiled .prg); FoxPro
FXS FAX Transmit Format graphics file; WinFax
G Data chart; APPLAUSE
G16 GoldED for DOS compiled config; GOLDED.EXE
G8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane three; PicLab - Cubicomb Picturemaker
GAM Fax; GammaFax
GBL Global definitions; VAXTPU editor
GBL Global module in Basic programs;
GC1 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.1
GC3 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.3
GCD Graphics;
GDF Dictionary file; GEOS
GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things;
GE GEcho config file; GEcho
GED EDITOR's native file format; Arts & Letters
GED GoldED for DOS compiled config file; GOLDED.EXE
GED Graphics editor file; EnerGraphics
GEM Vector graphics file; GEM - Ventura Publisher
GEN Compiled template; dBASE Application Generator
GEN Generated text; Ventura Publisher
GEO Geode; Geoworks
GEO GEOS specific file (application); GEOS
GEO GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file; GED2.EXE
GEX GEcho config file; GEcho
GFB Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST; gifblast.exe
GFO SGI Radiosity;
GFT Font; NeoPaint
GFT GEM-translator font file;
GFX Instant Artist graphics Files; Instant Artist
GFX PCBoard @X-coded colorful text; GFX2COM - GFX2EXE
GIB Chart; Graph-in-the-Box
GID Help index; windows 95 help
GIF Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics); QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GIW Presentation; Graph-in-the-Box for Windows
GKH Ensoniq Disk Image (VFX, SD, EPS, ASR, TS); Ensoniq
GKS Graphics Kernel System;
GL Animation format; grasprt.exe, PV
GL Animation; GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation
GLB Global module in Basic programs;
GLM Datafile; Glim
GLO Global module in Basic programs;
GLS Datafile; Across
GLY Winword Glossary; MS Word
GMF CGM graphics file; APPLAUSE
GMP Geomorph tile map; SPX
GMS Ghost Mouse Script
GOC Goc source code file; Geoworks
GOE GOES graphic file;
GOH Goc header file; Geoworks
GP Geode parameter file; Geoworks Glue
GPH Graph; Lotus 1-2-3/G
GPK Omnigo program package;
GR2 Screen driver; Windows 3.x
GRA Datafile; SigmaPlot
GrADS Metafile;
GRASP Graphical System for Presentation;
GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
GRD Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRF Graph file; Graph Plus - Charisma
GRIB Gridded Binary;
GRN Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRP Group file; Windows 3.x - Papyrus
GRP Pictures group; PixBase
GRY Graphics format (RAW GREYz);
GS1 Presentation; GraphShow
GSD Vector graphics; Professional Draw
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream; AWAVE
GSW Worksheet; GraphShow
GUP -----; PopMail
GV GrandView outline file;
GWI Groupwise File; Local saved Email
GXL Graphics library; Genus
GZ Archive; GNU zip - WinZipNT
H! On-line help file; Flambeaux Help! Display Engine
H! Pertext database; HELP.EXE
H-- C-- language header; Sphinx C--
H Header file (usually C language); Watcom C/C++
H++ Header file; C++
HA Archive; HA
HAL Data file; Hyper Access Lite OS/2
HAM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
HAP Archive; HAP3
HBK MathCAD handbook; MathCAD
HC Header file;
HDF Help file; Help Development Kit
HDF Hierarchical Data File graphics file; SDSC Image Tools
HDL Alternate download file listing; Procomm Plus
HDR Datafile; Egret
HDR Message header text; Procomm Plus - 1st Reader
HDR PC-File+ Database header;
HDR SPOT image file;
HDS Hierarchical Data System;
HDW Vector graphics; Harvard Draw
HDX Help index; AutoCAD - Zortech C++
HEP Novell Help Librarian Data File; Novell NetWare
HEX Hex dump;
HFI HP Font Info file; GEM
HGL Highlight groups definitions; DN
HGL HP Graphics Language graphics file;
HH C++ header file;
HHH Precompiled header file; Power C
HHP Help information for remote users; Procomm Plus
HI Game high scores table;
HIN Molecule; HyperChem
HIS History of executing/viewing/editing; DN
HLB Help library; VAX
HLP Help file;
HLX Multi Edit help file; MultiEdit 5.0
HLZ Multi Edit packed help file; MultiEdit
HMI Music format (MIDI);
HMM Alternate Mail Read option menu; Procomm Plus
HMP Music format (MIDI);
HNC CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog;
HOF Hall Of Fame (game scores);
HP Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL);
HP8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set; NewWave Write
HPF HP LaserJet fonts; PageMaker
HPGL Plotter file vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language); AutoCad - Harvard Graphics
HPI Font information file; GEM
HPJ Help project; MS Help Compiler for Windows - HC. EXE
HPK Archive; HPACK
HPM Alternate Main menu for privileged users; Procomm Plus
HPM EMM text; HP NewWave
HPM High Performance Map; Quaestor 1.x
HPP C++ header file; Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++
HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language;
HRF Graphics file (Hitachi Raster Format);
HRM Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users; Procomm Plus
HRZ Graphics format; SSTV
HS2 Monochrome image; Postering
HSC 2-op FM music; HSC tracker - hscplay.exe
HSI Handmade Software Inc. graphics file almost JPEG; Image Alchemy
HST History file; Procomm Plus
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (WWW); Netscape - Mosaic - many
HTX Hypertext file;
HWD Presentation; Hollywood
HWP Hangul Word Processor Document ; Hangul (word processor)
HXM Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users; Procomm Plus
HXX C++ header file;
HY1 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HY2 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HYC Data; WordPerfect
HYD Hyphenation dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
HYP Archive; HYPER
I Preprocessor output file; Borland C Preprocessor
IAX Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive);
IBG PDS graphic file;
IBM Archive (Internal IBM only); ARCHDOS
ICA Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture);
ICB Bitmap graphics;
ICC ICC configuration;
ICE Archive; Cracked LHA (old LHA)
ICM ICC configuration;
ICN ICON source code file;
ID Disk identification file;
IDB IDA database; IDA
IDC IDA C language source; IDA
IDE Borland C++ 4.x IDE project; BCW.EXE
IDF MIDI instrument description;
IDS IDA imported names format; IDA
IDW Vector graphics; IntelliDraw
IDX Index; many - FoxPro
IFD Form; JetForm Design
IFF Interchange Format File (IFF); EA Software - Convert (C) Villena - Amiga
IFF Sun TAAC Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
IFP Script; KnowledgeMan
IFS Fractal image compressed file; Yuvpak
IFS Installable file system; OS/2
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification;
IGF Inset Systems; GCGW
IHP Watcom help file; whelp.exe
IHS Inbound History; Bink/+
IL hDC Designer Icon Lin Dll format;
ILB Data; Scream Tracker
ILK Outline of program's format; MS ILink incremental linker
IM8 Sun raster graphics file;
IMA Mirage vector graphics; EGO - Chart - Autumn
IMG ADEX graphic file;
IMG Disk Image; NC 5.0
IMG GEM bitmapped graphics file; Ventura
IMG Vivid IMG file;
IMP Spreadsheet; Lotus Improv
IMQ Image presentation; ImageQ
IN$ Installation file; HP NewWave
IN3 Input device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
INB Test script; Vermont HighTest
INC Include file; several programming languages
IND Data Index; dBASE IV
INF Information text file (ASCII);
INF Install script;
INF OS/2 hypertext help system file; VIEW.EXE
INF Type 1 LaserJet font information file; soft font installers
INFO GNU info reader (output from texinfo); unix
INFO Icon Data (Amiga);
INGR Intergraph Raster File Format;
INI Initialization file;
INK Pantone reference fills file; CorelDRAW
INS Data; WordPerfect
INS Ensoniq Instrument File; Ensoniq
INS Installation script; 1st Reader
INS Instrument music file (Adlib);
INT Borland Interface Units;
INT Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format; Signature
INT Source of Borland interface module;
INX Index; Foxbase
IO Archive; CPIO
IOB 3d graphics database in TDDD format;
IOC Organizational chart; Instant ORGcharting!
ION 4DOS descript.ion file (file descriptions); 4DOS
IP Immortal Player file; Immortal Player
IPF Interchangeable Preservation Format;
IPL Pantone Spot reference palette file; CorelDRAW
IRS Resource (WordPerfect) standard.irs; WordPerfect
IRTR Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS;
ISD Spelling Checker dictionary; RapidFile
ISH Archive; ISH
ISO ISO-9660 table;
IST Digitrakker Instrument File; AWAVE
IT Impulse Tracker music file; Impulse Tracker
IT Settings; intalk
ITF Interface file; JPI TopSpeed Pascal
IV SGI Inventor;
IV-VRML Inventor VRML Format;
IW Presentation flowchart; IconAuthor - HSC InterActive
IWA Text file; IBM Writing Assistant
IWP Text file; Wang
IZT Izl binary token file; IZL
J2C JPEG 2000 image;
JAM Jam messagebase; FTN software
JAR Archive; JAR. Java Games and Aplications
JASC Graphics format (JASC);
JAVA Java source code file;
JBD Datafile; SigmaScan
JBIG Joint Bilevel Image Group;
JBX Project file; Project Scheduler 4
JET Fax; Hybrid JetFax
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format;
JMS Music format (JMusic file); UltraForce
JOR Journal file SQL;
JOU Journal backup; VAX Edt editor
JP2 JPEG 2000 image;
JPC Graphics; Japan PIC
JPEG Graphics file JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format; QPeg - FullView - Display
JTF Fax; Hayes JT Fax
JTF Graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression);
JW Text document; JustWrite
JWL Library; JustWrite
JZZ Spreadsheet; Jazz
K3D Description of macro language 3DS; 3DS
KAR Music format (Karaoke);
KAR Precompiled .prg for KARAT; Rus. FOX+ 2.0
KB Keyboard script; Borland C++ 4.5
KB Program source; Knowledge Pro
KBD Keyboard mapping; LogoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus
KBM Keyboard mapping; Reflection 4.0
KCL Lisp source code; Kyoto Common Lisp
KDC Kodak Digital Camera (graphics); PhotoEnhancer by PictureWorks
KEX Kedit Macro File; Kedit
KEY Datafile; Forecast Pro
KEY Keyboard macros;
KEY OS/2 archive .key-file (i.e. OS2.KEY); OS/2
KEY Security file eg. Shareware Registration info;
KFX Kofax Group; GCGW
KIT Power Chords drum kit file; Power Chord
KMC KatzReview's MegaCrammer
KML Kedit Macro Library;
Knn Database key file; Clarion
KPP Toolpad; SmartPad
KPS Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics;
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KR2 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KRZ Kurzweil K2000 File; Kurzweil
KYB Keyboard mapping; FTP Software PC/TCP
L LEX source code file;
L Linker directive file; WATCOM wlink
L LISP source code file;
LAB Datafile; NCSS - SOLO
LAB Mailing labels; Q+E for MS Excel
LAN Erdas image file;
LAN LAN Drivers; Novell NetWare
LAY Word chart layout; APPLAUSE
LBG Label generator data; dBASE IV
LBL Label; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast
LBM Graphics format (Amiga); Pic-view - Deluxe Paint
LBM Linear bitmap graphics; XLib
LBO Compiled label; dBASE IV
LBR .LBR Archive; forCP/M and MS-DOS using the LU program
LBR Display driver; Lotus 1-2-3
LBT Additional (FPT) label description file; FoxPro
LBX Main (DBF) label description file; FoxPro
LCF Linker Control File; Norton Guides compiler
LCH Chart; IBM Works for OS/2
LCK Lockfile; Paradox
LCL Data (FTP Software PC/TCP);
LCL Data; FTP Software PC/TCP
LCN Lection; WordPerfect
LCS Datafile; ACT! History Files
LCW Spreadsheet; Lucid 3-D
LD Long Distance codes file; Telix
LD1 Overlay file; dBASE
LDB Data filer database; IBM Works for OS/2
LDB Overlay file; MS Access
LDF Data filer form; IBM Works for OS/2
LDF Library definition file; Geoworks Glue
LE DOS/4GW executable image; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
LES Lesson (check *.cbt);
LEV Level file; NetHack 3.x
LEX Dictionary; MS Word - Lexicon
LFL LucasArts resource file;
LFD LucasArts resource file; LucasArts games
LFT Laser printer font; ChiWriter
LG Logo procedure definitions; LSRHS Logo
LGO Logo for header and footer; SuperFax
LGO Startup logo code; Windows 3.x
LHW Amiga archive; LHWARP
LIB Library file; several programming languages
LIC License file used by some programs to put their license on disk;
LIF Archive;
LIF CA Clipper packed file; CA Clipper installer
LIF Logical Interchange Format data file; Hewlett-Packard
LIM Archive; LIMIT
LIN Line types; AutoCAD
LIS Listing; VAX
LIT Web3D File; Web3D
LJ Text file for HP LJ II printer;
LL3 LapLink III related file (document); LapLink III
LMP Demo for Doom (computer 3d game); Doom - Doom2
LNG Language definition file;
LNK Linker response file; .RTLink
LNK Linker script;
LNK Windows 95 shortcut; Windows 95
LOD Load file;
LOG Log file;
LPC Printer driver; TEKO
LRF Linker response file; MS C/C++
LRP Report; IBM Works for OS/2
LRS Language Resource File; WordPerfect for Win
LSA Lightscape Technologies ASCII;
LSB Lightscape Technologies Binary;
LSP LISP language source (autoLISP);
LSP LISP source code file; Xlisp
LSS Spreadsheet; Legato - IBM Works for OS/2
LST Filelist; FRQView
LST Keyboard macro; 1st Reader
LST List file (archive index - compiler listfile);
LST Listing (e.g. source code);
LST Spool file; Oracle
LTM Form (Lotus Forms); Lotus
LWD Text document; LotusWorks
LWOB Lightwave Object Format;
LWP Word processor; IBM Works for OS/2
LYR Lyrics (ASCII);
LZD Difference file for binaries; LDiff 1.20
LZS Archive; LARC
M Macro module; Brief
M Source file for Mathematica and MatLab;
M_U Backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir; MazeGold
M11 Text file; MASS11
M3 MODULA 3 source code file;
M3D 3D animation macro;
M3U MPEG-3 standard Playlist file; XING
M4 M4 preprocessor file; unix
MA hDC products for MicroApp executable files; MicroApp
MA Used by Mathematica for its notebooks; Mathematica
MA3 Macro; Harvard Graphics 3.0
MAC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh MacPaint
MAC Macro file; Multi Edit
MAG Woody Lynn's MAG graphics format; MPS Magro Paint System
MAH Mahjongg Solitaire settings file; Mahjongg Solitaire 2.00
MAK Makefile;
MAK Project file; VB - VC ++
MAN User guide (manual);
MAP Color palette file;
MAP Format data; Micrografx Picture Publisher
MAP Linker map file;
MAP Map file (usually created by compilers);
MAP Map; Atlas MapMaker
MAP Network map; AccView
MAP Game map for Duke Nukem 3D
MAR Assembly program; VAX Macro
MAS SmartMaster set; Freelance Graphics
MAT Data; MatLab
MAX MAX source code file;
MB Memo field values for database; Paradox
MBK Multiple index file backup; dBASE IV
MBX Mailbox data; Eudora/ZERBERUS
MCC Configuration file; Mathcad
MCD MathCad file; MathCad
MCF Font file; Mathcad
MCI MCI command script; Media Control Interface
MCL Multi Edit macro library; Multi Edit
MCP Application script; Capsule
MCP Printer driver; Mathcad
MCW Text file; MacWrite II
MD Archive; mdcd10.arc
MDA Data; MS Access
MDA MS Access system database; MS Access
MDB Microsoft DataBase; Microsoft Access
MDF Several uses
MDL Model; 3D Design Plus or Simulink
MDL Spreadsheet; CA-Compete!
MDM Modem definition file; TELIX
MDR Microdrive file; ZX Spectrum emuulator by g.a.lunter
MDS Midi Session; Sound Imp.
MDT Data table; MS ILink incremental linker
MDX Multiple index file; dBASE IV
MDZ Text description of music module; Cubic Player - Cross-View
ME MultiEdit configuration; MultiEdit
ME Text file READ.ME;
MEB Macro Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MEC MECCA source; Maximus
MED Macro Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
MED Music format; MED/OctaMED
MEM Macro Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
MEM Memory variable save file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper
MEM Memos datafile; Clarion
MEQ Macro Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
MER Macro Editor resident area (vakioalue); WordPerfect Library
MES Macro Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
MES Message;
MET Document; Omnipage Pro
MET Macro Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MET OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
MEU Menu group; DOS Shell
MEX Macro Editor expound file; WordPerfect Library
MEX MEX file (executable command); Matlab
MF Metafont file; TeX
MFF MIDI; Cakewalk, MTPro 4
MFM Music format; DMP
MGF Font; Micrografx
MGF Materials and Geometry Format;
MGX Designer 4.1 Drawing; Designer 4.1
MIB Snmp MIB file;
MID Standard MIDI file; music synthetizers
MIFF Magick Image File Format;
MII Datafile; MicroStat-II
MIME Message in MIME format (RFC822);
MIS Mission, used by many games;
MIX Object file; Power C
MK Makefile;
MK Makefile;
MK Usually makefile;
MKE Makefile; MS Windows SDK
MKG Makefile;
MKI Graphics format (Japan MKI);
MKI Japanese graphics MAKIchan format; MagView 0.5
ML3 Project; Milestones 3.x
MLB Macro library file; Symphony
MLI 3DS Materials Libraries; 3D Studio
MM Text file; MultiMate Advantage II
MMF Mail message file; MS Mail
MMM Multimedia movie file, RIFF RMMP format; MacroMind Director 3.x
MMO Memo writer file; RapidFile
MMP Output video format from Bravado board;
MND Menu source; AutoCAD Menu Compiler
MNG Map; DeLorme Map'n'Go
MNT Additional (FPT) menu description file; FoxPro
MNT Menu memo; FoxPro
MNU Advanced macro file; HP NewWave
MNU Menu; AutoCAD Menu Compiler - Norton Commander - Signature
MNU Microsoft Mouse menu (for DOS apps);
MNX Compiled menu file; AutoCAD
MNX Main (DBF) menu description file; FoxPro
MNY Account book; MS Money
MO? Packed mail; FTN software
MOB Device definition file; PEN Windows
MOD Modula language source;
MOD MODULA-2 source code file; Clarion Modula-2
MOD Module -- used by Windows for DLL which implement DOS support; Win
MOD Music format (Amiga module); DMP - ST - MDP - VP
MOL MOD4WIN PlayList; Mod4Win
MOL Molecule;
MON Monitor description; ReadMail
MOV Animation format (Mac); QuickTime
MOV Movie file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MP2 Mpeg audio file; xing
MP3 MPEG audio stream, layer 3; AWAVE, CoolEdit(+PlugIn)
MPA MPEG audio stream, layer 1,2,3; AWAVE
MPC Calendar file; MS Project
MPEG Animation format; MPEG Player
MPL MediaRack Midi Playlist; MediaRack
MPM MathPlan macro; WordPerfect Library
MPP Project file; MS Project
MPR Generated executable menu file; FoxPro
MPT Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF);
MPV View file; MS Project
MPX Compiled executable menu file; FoxPro; Video format
MRB Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics file; MS C/C++
MRK Windows User Benchmark; Win95
MRS Macro Resource file; WordPerfect for Win
MS Microsoft antivirus report; MSAV
MSC Microsoft C makefile;
MSDL Manchester Scene Description Language;
MSG Message base (e.g. HMB);
MSG Message text file (ASCII);
MSG ZVoice digitized voice file;
MSP Bitmap graphics file; Microsoft Paint
MSP Graphics format; Microsoft Paint
MSS Manuscript text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove
MST Document; MS Test
MST Minispecification file; Prosa
MST Setup script file; MS Windows SDK
MSW Text file; MS Word
MSX CP/M archive; MSX
MTH Math file; Derive
MTL Wavefront;
MTM Music format; MultiTracker
MTS Master Track Pro Files; MTPro 4
MTV MTV Ray Tracer graphic file;
MTW Datafile; Minitab
MU Quattro pro for DOS Menu definition file; Quattro Pro
MUS Music format (MIDI in Doom);
MUS Sound file; MusicTime
MVF Stop frame file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVI Movie command file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVW Log file; Saber LAN
MWF Animation; ProMotion
MWS MWave DSP synths instrument; AWAVE
MXL PackRat 5.0 support DLLs; PackRat 5.0
MXT Data; MS C
MYP Presentation; MM Make Your Point
NAM Name Space Modules; Novell NetWare
NAP Naplps file (VideoShow); EnerGraphics
NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax;
NB Text file; Nota Bene; Wolfram Mathematica Notebook;
NC Graphics; netcdf
NC Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine; CAMS
NC Non-error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
NCC CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file; CamView 3D
NCD Norton Change Directory support file; Norton Commander
NDB Network database; Intellicom - Compex
NDL Nodelist file;
NDX Index file; dBASE II - III - IV - dBFast
NEO Raster graphics file; Atari Neochrome
NES iNES ROM image format;
NET Network configuration/info file;
netCDF Network Common Data Format;
NEW New info;
NFF Haines Neutral File Format;
NFF WorldToolKit Neutral File Format;
NFO Folioview database;
NFO Help format; Nextpage Folio
NFO Info file;
NG Hypertext Database; Norton Guide
NGO NG linker object file; NGML
NGS NG compiler source file; NGC
NIF netimmerse/gamebyro file
NIL NIL; Icon Hear-It
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format;
NL Norton Desktop Icon Library;
NLM Netware loadable module; Novell Netware
NLS National Language Support file; MS-DOS
NLX Form; FormWorx 3.0
nnn Arj archive volumes up to 999; ARJ
nnn Netware unicode rule table (e.g. 1250_Uni.036); Novell Netware
nnn News about smth with ext. of ver. number;
nnn RAR archive volumes up to 999; RAR
NOT Notation;
NP Project schedule (Nokia Planner); Nokia Planner
NPI Source for DGEN.EXE intepreter; dBASE Application Generator
NSS Norton screensaver module; NC - NDW Screen Saver
NST Music module; Amiga Noise Tracker
NSX Compound index file; SuccessWare SIX 3.00
NT Startup files; Windows NT
NTR Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Tutorial; Norton
NTX Database index file; Clipper 5
NUF Message for new users on their 1st call; Procomm Plus
NWS Info text file (latest news) (ASCII);
NXT Sound (NeXT format);
O$$ Outfile; Sprint
O Object file; unix - Atari - GCC
O01 Typhoon vOice file; AWAVE
OAZ Fax; NetFax Manager
OB Object cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
OBD Microsoft Office Binder; MSOffice
OBJ Compiled machine language code;
OBJ Object code; Intel Recolatable Object Module
OBJ Wavefront Object;
OBR Object browser data file; Borland C++
OBS Script; ObjectScript
OBT Microsoft Office Binder Template; MSOffice
OBV Visual interface; ObjectScript
OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard; MSOffice
OCF Object Craft File; Object Craft
OCR Incoming fax transcribed to text; FAXGrapper
OCT Musical file; Pctalizer
OCX New Custom Control's format in VB 4.0; Visual Basic
OCX OLE custom control;
ODB OpenDocument database
ODF OpenDocument formula
ODG OpenDocument drawing
ODIF Open Document Interchange Format;
ODL Object Description Language;
ODL Type library source; Visual C++
ODM OpenDocument master document
ODP OpenDocument presentation
ODS OpenDocument spreadsheet
ODT OpenDocument text document
OFD Form definition; ObjectView
OFF Object File Format vector graphics file;
OFF Object File Format vector graphics;
OFM PostScript font description file;
OFN MS Office documents; MSOffice
OGG Ogg multimedia container format
OHS Outbound History; Bink/+
OIF QuickBase file format
OKT Music (8 channels); Oktalyzer
OKT Music format; Oktalyzer
OLB Object library; VAX
OLD Backup file;
OLI Text file; Olivetti
OOM Swap file; Shroom
OPN Active options; Exact
OPT Options; name used by many programs for configuration information;
OPT Delphi project options; Borland Delphi
OPT Optimize support file; QEMM
OPW Organization chart; Org Plus for Windows
OPX Inactive options; Exact
ORA Parameter file; Oracle
ORG Calendar file; Lotus Organizer
ORG Origin plot; Microcal Origin
OTG OpenDocument drawing template
OTH OpenDocument HTML document template
OTL Outline font description; Z-Soft Type Foundry; Ventura Publisher's Type Foundry Outline Editor format;
OTP OpenDocument presentation template
OTS OpenDocument spreadsheet template
OTT OpenDocument text document template
OTX Text file; Olivetti Olitext Plus
OUT Output file;
OV1 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OV2 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVD Datafile; ObjectVision
OVL Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVR Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
P Database PROGRESS source code; PROGRESS
P PASCAL source code file;
P Parser source code file
P Picture file; APPLAUSE
P Rea-C-Time application parameter file; ReaGeniX code generator
P0? Split archive UC2; SAS.EXE
P10 Tektronix Plot; GCGW
P16 Music (16 channels); ProTracker Studio 16
P22 Patch file (Patch22); Patch22
PA1 Worktable; PageAhead
PAC SBStudio II Package or Song; SBStudio II
PAC STAD Image (graphics ?);
PAD Keypad definition; Telemate
PAK Archive; Pak
PAL Palette file; Microsoft Draw - Win. Paintbrush - many
PAN Printer-specific file (copy to; CorelDRAW
PAR Parameter file; Fractint
PAR PARTS application; Digitalk PARTS
PAR Permanent output file; Windows 3.x
PAR Parity Archive
PAR2 Parity Archive v2
PAS Pascal language source; Borland Pascal
PAT Gravis Ultrasound Patch; Convert (c) Villena
PAT Hatch patterns; AutoCAD - Photostyler
PAT Vector fill files; CorelDRAW
PB Fax; FAXability Plus
PB Phonebook; WinFax Pro
PB Proboard Conf. files; Proboard
PB Setup file; PixBase
PB1 Document; First Publisher for Windows
PBA Powerbasic BASIC source code; Genus
PBD Phone book; FaxNOW! - Faxit
PBD Molecule (protein data bank);
PBI Powerbasic include file; Genus
PBI Profiler Binary Input; MS Source Profiler
PBK Microsoft Network Phone book; MSN
PBL Powerbasic library; Genus
PBM PBM Portable Bit Map graphics format; Jasc Media C.
PBM Planar bitmap graphics; XLib
PBO Profiler Binary Output; MS Source Profiler
PBT Profiler Binary Table; MS Source Profiler
PC Text file containing IBM PC specific info;
PC3 Custom palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PC8 ASCII text IBM8 character set; NewWave Write
PCB P-CAD database; P-CAD
PCC Cutout picture vector graphics; PC Paintbrush
PCD Graphics format (Kodak Photo-CD);
PCD Kodak Photo-CD Image graphics file (768x512); hpcdtoppm
PCF Profiler Command File; MS Source Profiler
PCH Patch file;
PCH Precompiled header; MS C/C++
PCJ Multimedia authoring tool graphics file; IBM's Linkaway-Live
PCK Pickfile; Turbo Pascal
PCL HP-PCL graphics data file; HP Printer Control Language
PCM OKI MSM6376 synth chip PCM; AWAVE
PCM PCM; Authorware
PCS Microsoft PowerPoint picture package; MS PowerPoint - MS ClipArt Gallery
PCT Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PCW Text file; PC Write
PCX PC paintbrush bitmap format; QPeg - Display - ZSoft - PC Paintbrush
PDA Bitmap graphics;
PDB Packrat 5.0 data file; Packrat 5.0
PDB Molecule (protein data bank);
PDF Adobe's Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PDF Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format);
PDF Package Definition File;
PDF PCAD Database Interchange Format; Pdifin.exe - Pdifout.exe
PDF Print device information Netware;
PDG Print Shop Deluxe data file;
PDL Project Description Language file; Borland C++ 4.5
PDN Image file; Paint DotNet
PDS Pds graphics;
PDS Planetary Data System Format;
PDS Pldasm source code file (hardware assembly);
PDV Printer driver; Paintbrush
PDW Document; Professional Draw
PEB Program Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PED Program Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
PEM Program Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
PEQ Program Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
PER Program Editor resident area; WordPerfect Library
PES Program Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
PET Program Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PEX Proboard EXecutable file (Executed from PB); Proboard
PFA PostScript Font File;
PFA Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font);
PFB Adobe Acrobat document; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PFB PostScript font; Adobe Type Manager (ATM)
PFC Text file; First Choice
PFK Programmable function keys; XTreePro
PFM Windows Type 1 font metric file;
PFS Database (PFS:FILE) - text file (PFS:Write); PFS
PFT Printer font; ChiWriter
PG Page cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
PGI Printer Graphics File device driver; PGRAPH library
PGL HP Plotter vector graphics format;
PGM Graphics format (Portable GrayMap); JASC Media C.
PGM Program; Signature
PGP Support file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PGS Manual page; man4dos
PH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
PH PERL header file;
PH Phrase-table; MS C/C++
PHD PolyHedra Database;
PHM Phone book; DN - Lync
PHN Phone list; UltraFax - QmodemPro
PHO Phone database; Metz Phone for Windows
PHP PHP file;
PHR Phrases; LogoScript
PIC 123 Vector graphics format; CShow - Alchemy - Paint (Pictor)
PIC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PIC Lotus picture;
PIC PIXAR picture file; SDSC Image Tool
PICT Macintosh Picture;
PIF OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
PIF Program Information File; Windows 3.x
PIF Vector graphics GDF format file (IBM mainframe computers);
PiM Pascal Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
PIT Compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT; unpackit.zoo
PIX Alias image file; SDSC Image Tool
PIX Inset Pix;
PJ Project; CA-SuperProject
PJT Additional (FPT) project description file; FoxPro
PJX Main (DBF) project description file; FoxPro
PK PacKed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers);
PKA Archive; PKARC
PKG Installer script; Next
PKG P-CAD database; P-CAD
PKT Fido message packet; FTN software
PL Palette; Harvard Graphics
PL PERL source code file;
PL Prolog source code file;
PL Property List font metric file; TeX
PL1 Room plan; 3D Home Architect
PL3 Chart palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PLB FoxPro library; FoxPro
PLB P-CAD library; P-CAD
PLC Add-in file (functions - macros - applications); Lotus 1-2-3
PLC P-CAD database; P-CAD
PLL Prelinked library; CA Clipper
PLM DisorderTracker2 music module; AWAVE
PLN Spreadsheet; WordPerfect for Win
PLT HPGL plotter file vector graphics; AutoCAD
PLT Output file for ploter;
PLT P CAD: Output file editor for PCPLOT or PCPRINT; P CAD
PLT Page Magic 2.0 paper format; Page Magic 2.0
PLT Palette;
PLT Table for .pll; CA Clipper
PLY Data; PopMail
PLY Presentation screen; Harvard Spotlight
PLY ZipPack;
PM Bitmap graphics; Presentation Manager
PM3 PageMaker 3.0 data file; PageMaker 3.0
PM4 Document; PageMaker 4
PM5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication; Aldus PageMaker
PMC Graphics; A4TECH Scanner
PMI OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
PMM Program file; Amaris BTX/2
PMP PhotoMorph Project; PhotoMorph
PN3 Printer device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PNG Portable Network Graphics;
PNM PBM Portable aNy Map graphics file;
PNT Macintosh painting;
PNT Pointlist segment; FTN software
PNT QWK reader pointer file; MarkMail 2.x
POH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
POL InnovMetric Software Polygon Models Format;
POP Messages index; PopMail
POP Pop-up menu object; dBASE Application Generator
POV Raytraced graphics image; Persistence Of Vision
POW Power Chords instrument/song file; Power Chords
PP Amiga archive; POWERPACKER
PPB Button bar for Print Preview; WordPerfect for Win
PPD PostScript printer description file;
PPJ Premiere Project; Premiere
PPK Archive (using for many distributives); PPK
PPL PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PPM Graphics format (Portable PixelMap); JASC Media C.
PPO Preprocessor output; CA Clipper 5.*
PPP Publication; PagePlus
PPS Storyboard; Personal Producer
PPT General file extension; PowerPoint
PPT Presentations; Microsoft
PPTX MS Powerpoint 2007 presentation
PR1 Packrat 4.0 data file; Packrat 4.0
PR2 Packrat 4.x data file; Packrat 4.x
PR2 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 2.x
PR2 Printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 PostScript printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 3.x
PRD Printer driver;
PRE Presentation; Freelance Graphics
PRE Settings; Programmer's WorkBench - MS C/C++
PRE Stork graphic file;
PRF CheckIt Pro v1.0 data file; CheckIt Pro 1.0
PRF Pixel Run Format graphics file; Improces - Fastgraph
PRF Printer driver; dBASE IV
PRF Profiler output;
PRG Program source code (e.g. Clipper language); CA Clipper
PRG Program source; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
PRG Program; Atari
PRI Printer definitions; LogoScript
PRJ Borland C++ IDE project file; BC.EXE - BCW.EXE
PRM Parameters;
PRN Printer driver; Signature
PRN Text file; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony
PRN Usually printer output file;
PRO Profile; used by many programs to store configuration data;
PRO Graphics profile file; DOS
PRO Proboard conf. file; Proboard
PRO Prolog language source;
PRO PROLOG source code file;
PROJ Project File (Interface Builder); NeXT
PRR The Perfect Resume data file; Perfect Resume
PRS Norton Viewer DLL file;
PRS Presentation; Harvard Graphics Win
PRS Printer Resource eg. fonts; WordPerfect for Win
PRS Procedure; dBASE IV
PRT P-CAD component; P-CAD
PRT Part or Drawing; Cadkey
PRT Printer driver; Dr. Halo
PRX Compiled program; FoxPro
PS Document in PostScript format; adobe
PSA Archive (Pretty Simple Archive); PSA.OUT (GNU)
PSD Periscope Debbuger Def file; Periscope
PSD Photoshop bitmap file; Photoshop
PSEG Bitmap graphics; IBM printer Page SEgment
PSF Outline PostScript printer font; ChiWriter
PSM Music format (Protracker Studio Module); Protracker - MASI
PSM Symbol table of IDE; Turbo Pascal
PSN Presentation file for Sound Script; Win
PSP Procedure; Prodea Synergy
PSQ Premiere Sequence; Premiere
PST Postbox file; BMail
PSW File w/ passwords for any program/game; many
PT Game crack; Player Tools
PT Kodak Precition Color Management System;
PT3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PT3 Template; PageMaker 3
PT4 Template; PageMaker 4
PT5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication template; Aldus PageMaker
PTB Script; PubTech BatchWorks
PTL Premiere Title; Premiere
PTM Macro; PubTech BatchWorks
PTM Music format;
PTM Page Magic 2.0 template; Page Magic 2.0
PTN Pattern; Cadkey
PTR OS/2 cursor image file; ICONEDIT.EXE
PTR QWK reader pointer file; QMail
PTU Performer Terrain Utilities;
PUB Page template; MS Publisher
PUB Public key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PUB Publication; Ventura Publisher - 1st Publisher
PUD Warcraft II Map file; Warcraft 2
PUT Archive; PUT
PUT Graphics format; WScan
PVD Script; Instalit
PVL Library; Instalit
PVT Local Fidonet pointlist; FTN software
PW Text file; Professional Write
PWL Password List;
PWP Text document; Professional WritePlus
PX Paradox 3.0 file; Paradox 3.0
PXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
PXR Pixiar Picio; AltamiraComposer
PY PYTHON script file;
PYC Compiled PYTHON script file;
PZD Default settings; Pizazz Plus
PZI Graphics format; PZP
PZO Overlay file; Pizazz Plus
PZP Palette; Pizazz Plus
PZS Settings; Pizazz Plus
PZT Transfer file; Pizazz Plus
PZX Swap file; Pizazz Plus
Q0 Q0 graphic file;
QAG Quick Access Group; Norton Desktop
QAP Application; Omnis Quartz
QBB Quickbooks Backup File
QBE Saved query (Query By Example); dBASE IV - Quattro Pro
QBO Compiled query; dBASE IV
QBW Spreadsheet; QuickBooks for Windows
QDK Backup of startup files created by Optimize; QEMM
QDn Data file - segment n; Omnis Quartz
QDV Graphics file; Steve Blackstock Giffer
QEF Query file; Q+E for MS Excel
QFX Fax; QuickLink
QLB Quick library; MS C/C++
QLC ATM Type 1 fonts script; Adobe Type Manager
QLP Printer driver; QuickLink
QM4 Options or services file; QMail 4.x Mail Door
QPR Generated query program; FoxPro
QPR Print queue device driver; OS/2
QPX Compiled executable QBE query file; FoxPro
QRS Equation Editor support file; WordPerfect for Win
QRT Graphics format (QRT ray tracing);
QT QuickTime movie (animation);
QTVR QuickTime VR Movie;
QWK QWK reader message file;
QXD Document; QuarkXPress
QXL Element library; QuarkXPress
R RATFOR (FORTRAN preprosessor) file;
R Script file; R
R2D Reflex 2 datafile; Reflex 2
R8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane one; PicLab
R8P PCL 4 bitmap font file; Intellifont
RA Remote Access conf. files; RA
RAD 2-op FM music; Reality AdLib Tracker
RAD Radience;
RAL Remote Access Language file; Remote Access
RAM Ramfile; RealAudio
RAR Archive; RAR
RAS Graphics format; SUN Raster
RAT Datafile (RATS);
RAW HSI raw graphic file;
RAW PCM Signed Raw Sound File;
RAW QRT graphic file;
RAY Rayshade;
RBF Datafile; Rbase
RC Configuration file; emacs
RC Resource Compiler script file; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RC Resource Script; Resource Writer
RC UUPC configuration files; UUPC
RC Windows resource compiler script; RC.EXE -Resource WorkShop - OS/2
RCG Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg);
RData Data file; R
RDF Compiled UIC source code; Geoworks UI Compiler
RDI Device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format);
RDX Datafile; Reflex
REC Archivation protocol; ARCSERVE
REC Datafile; EpiInfo
REC Record file; Sprint
REC Windows Recorder Macro File; WinRecorder
RED Path info; Clarion Modula-2
RED REDuced nodelist file; T-Mail nodelist Compiler
REF Cross-reference;
REG OLE Registration file; Windows 3.x
REG Registration information or key;
REM Remarks definition; Sourcer
REM Remarks;
REP QWK reader reply file;
REP Report file used by many applications;
REP Report; Report Designer - CodeReporter - DataBoss
REQ File request; FTN Software
RES Compiled resource; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RES DBASE resources; dBASE IV
RES Windows compiled resource package; Win
REV Revision file; Geoworks
REX PharLab executable file (old format); PharLab
REX Report definition; Oracle
REX Rexx language source file; Rexx
REZ Resource file;
RF Sun raster graphics file;
RFT DCA/RFT Revisable Format Text file; IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1
RGB SGI RGB image file (RAW); SDSC Image Tool
RGX Symbol tables etc. info; ReaGeniX code generator
RH Resource header file; Borland C++ 4.5
RH Windows resource file header; RC.EXE
RHistory Command history logfile; R
RI Data; Lotus 1-2-3
RIB Graphics (Renderman Interface Bytestream); 3D Reality
RIC Fax; Ricoh
RIF RIFF bitmap graphics (Resource Interchange File Format); Fractal Design Painter
RIP TeleGrafix Remote Imaging Protocol; Maximus 3.0
RIX Graphics (ColoRIX Image File); ColoRIX
RL4 Bitmap graphics;
RL8 Bitmap graphics;
RLA Wavefront raster image file; SDSC Image Tool
RLB Data hgw.rlb; Harvard Graphics Win
RLC Graphics 1bit/pixel scanner output;
RLD Norton Commander 5.0 temp file; NC 5.0
RLE Utah Run Length Encoded rasterfile graphic file; SDSC Image Tool
RLZ REALIZER source code file; CA-Realizer
RMI Windows alternate synthesized sound format; RIFF RMID format
RMK Make file; CA Clipper - RMAKE
RN XPL program for Nota Bene users;
RND Rendering Slide; AutoCAD AutoShade
Rnn Multi volume RAR archive; RAR
RNO Runoff file; VAX
ROL FM music Adlib Music File; Roland
ROM Read Only Memory image in emulators, AONs, etc.;
RPB Data report file used by CP Backup; CP Backup
RPD Database; RapidFile
RPF AutoCAD pattern; ACAD
RPL Text document; Replica
RPT Report file used by many applications;
RS Data file; Amiga Resource - Reassembler
RS_ Resource fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
RSC Resource file; ViewMax - many
RSL Resource Library used by PC Tools for Windows; PC Tools - Win
RSP Response file (text file containing input expected by eg. LINK);
RSP Response File; OS/2
RTF Rich Text Format text file (help file script); many - MS Word
RTL HP RTL graphic file;
RTL Run-Time library; Norton Utilities
RTL Text file;
RTP RTPatch software update package data file; Pocket soft patch
RTS Realizer executable file;
RTS Runtime library file; CA-Realizer
RUL Echo-conference rules;
RUN PC Tools for Windows batch file; PC Tools
RUS Russian text;
RV Mobile pricelist data file; Mobile
RVW Review;
RWS Borland Resource Workshop symbol file; Resource Workshop
RWS Resource Workshop data file; Borland C++
RWX Criterion RenderWare;
RWX MEME Shape File;
RWX Script; RenderWare
RXD Reflex 1 datafile; Reflex 1
S$$ Temporary sort file; Sprint
S ASSEMBLY source code file; unix
S Multi Edit macro file source; Multi Edit
S19 Motorola ASCII format of executables
S1K S1000 Simnet Format;
S3I Digiplayer/ST3 Sample File; Digiplayer - ST3
S3M Music (16 channels); Scream Tracker 3.0 - DMP
SA? Packed mail; FTN software
SAIF Spatial Archive Interchange Format;
SAN LucasArts' SMUSH/INSANE animation
SAM Ami Pro data file; Ami Pro
SAM Text file; Samna - Lotus Ami/Ami Pro
SAR Archive; SAR
SAV Backup file (saved file);
SAV Configuration;
SAV Saved game state;
SB Audio file (signed byte);
SB Raw Signed Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
SB Raw Signed PCM Byte 8bit data; AWAVE
SBD Storyboard; Storyboard Editor
SBI Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs);
SBK Emu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank); Convert (c) Villena
SBL Stony Brook Pascal library; SB Pascal
SBP DML program; Superbase 4
SBR Support file; Source Browser
SBT Notes related to record; Suberbase 4 Windows
SC Display driver; Framework II
SC PAL script; Paradox
SC Script; Borland Paradox
SC3 Renamed dBASE III screen mask file; dBASE IV
SC3 Screen device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SCA Datafile; SCA
SCC Text file;
SCD SCODOL film recorder (Scan Conversion Object Description Language); SCODOL
SCF Multimedia show; ScoreMaker
SCF Spelling checker configuration file; Symphony
SCH Project schedule; Schedule Publisher
SCH Scheme; P CAD - Orcad
SCI Fax; SciFax
SCI System Configuration Information;
SCM Scheme source code file;
SCN SCeNe RTrace;
SCN Screen file; Kermit
SCO High score;
SCR Any other screen system;
SCR DEBUG source code file; DOS Debug
SCR Forth screen (source) file; Forth
SCR Screen - screen snapshot; dBASE IV - Procomm Plus
SCR Screen font; LogoScript
SCR Screen saver; Windows 3.x
SCR Screen snapshop;
SCR Script file source; TeleMate - Kermit - 1st Reader
SCT Additional (FPT) screen description file; FoxPro
SCX Chart; Stanford Chart
SCX Graphics format; ColoRIX
SCX Main (DBF) screen description file; FoxPro
SCY Security file; ReaGeniX
SD Sound Designer I audio file; AWAVE
SDA Fidonet's Software Distribution Network file archive description;
SDF Source definition file; Sourcer
SDF System Data Format file (fixed length ASCII text);
SDI Software Distribution Network Info file;
SDK Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image;
SDL Alias Wavefront Scene Description Language;
SDML Spacial Data Modeling Language;
SDN Software Distribution Network compressd file archive; pak251.exe
SDR SmartDraw File; SmartDraw Pro
SDS MIDI Sample DUMP Standard File;
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard;
SDW Ami Draw Symbol File;
SDX Sample DUMP Exchange File;
SEA Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive;
SEC ----- compressed file;
SEC Diskreet encrypted file; Diskreet
SEC Secret key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
SEC Secured animation file; Disney Animation Studio
SEP Printer separator page;
SEQ Atari animation file;
SEQ Sequential Instruction File; Bubble Chamber
SES Session info; Clarion Modula-2
SES Multitrack Audio Session info; Adobe Audition
SET Configuration file; 1st Reader
SET Driver sets created by Install; Symphony
SET Extension used by Norton Backup and CPS Backup for setup info; Norton Backup - CPS Backup
SET Setup options file;
SF IRCAM Sound File; CSound package - MixView sound sample editor
SF WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) wp_root.sf; OS/2 WorkPlace Shell
SF2 Emu SoundFont Bank v2.0 file; AWAVE
SFB HP Soft font (obsolete under Windows);
SFD SoundStage Data file; AWAVE
SFF Scene File Format;
SFI Graphics; SIS Framegrabber
SFI Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape); Ventura Publisher
SFL PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape); landscape - Intellifont -Ventura Publisher
SFO Bitstream font file - fontware format;
SFP PCL 4 bitmap font; portrait - Intellifont - Ventura Publisher
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource; AWAVE
SFS PCL 5 scalable font file; Intellifont
SFT Screen font; ChiWriter
SFX SFX (self-extracting archives) script; RAR
SG1 Graphics; Stanford Graphics
SGF Document with graphics; Starwriter
SGI Graphics file; IRIS - Silicon Graphics
SGT Save/get keyboard macro; Signature
SH ASCII archive; SHAR
SH Unix shell script;
SH3 Presentation; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SHAR Archive; UNSHAR (Unix)
SHB Background; CorelShow
SHG Segmented Hyper-Graphic;
SHK Apple II archive; SHRINKIT
SHM Shell macro; WordPerfect Library
SHP Shape file and source file for text fonts; AutoCAD
SHT HTML format for WWW; NetScape
SHW Presentation; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - CorelShow
SHW Slide show; WordPerfect Presentations
SHX Shape entities; AutoCAD
SIF Setup Installation Files info; Windows NT Setup
SIG Current program settings; Signature
SIG Signature file; ThunderByte AntiVirus - PopMail
SIK Backup file (Sicherungskopie); MS Word
SIT Archive (Macintosh); STUFFIT
SKP Google SketchUp file
SKY SYLK Spreadsheet file (used by Multiplan);
SL S-Lang source code file;
SLB P-CAD library (symbols); P-CAD
SLB Slide library; AutoCAD
SLC SALT (script from Telix) compiled code; Telix
SLD Slide; AutoCAD
SLDPRT Part; SolidWorks
SLDASM Assembly; SolidWorks
SLDDRW Drawing; SolidWorks
SLI Slide; MAGICorp Slide Service
SLK MS Excel import format; MS Excel
SLK SYLK Symbolic Link format data file; MultiPlan
SLL Sound data file;
SLT SALT Script Application Language for Telix script source; Telix
SLV Solution for any game; many
SM Maillist; SoftSpoken Mailer
SM Script; ScriptMaker
SM SMALLTALK source code file;
SM Text file; Samna Word
SMK Smacker Video Format (RAD Video);
SMM Ami Pro Macro File; Ami Pro
SMN Font (ParaGraph's WorkScript format);
SMP Sample (sound file);
SMP Samplevision File; Samplevision
SMT Text file; Smart Ware II
SN Compressed song file; Sound Club editor
SND Digitized sound file; Macintosh/ATARI/PC
SND Power Chords drum sound file; Power Chord
SNG Song (midi sound); Midisoft Studio - Prism
SNO SNOBOL4 source code file;
SNP Book-shelf for .BOO; READIBM
SNP Microsoft Access report snapshot
SNP Output video format from Computer Eyes equipment;
SOAR Soar Production file
SOL Solution eg. game walkthroughs;
SOM Network serial numbers; Quattro Pro
SOM Sort information; Paradox
SON Song; SBStudio II
SOU SBStudio II Sound File; SBStudio II
SOU Sound data (sound tool);
SP Archive (unix); SPLINT
SPC Program; MS Multiplan
SPC Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
SPD Scalable font; Speedo - Harvard Graphics 3.0
SPF Slide presentation file; EnerGraphics
SPG Glossary; Sprint
SPI Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner);
SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format;
SPL Customized printer driver; Sprint
SPL Personal spell dictionary; Signature
SPL Print spooling file; Windows 3.x
SPL Sample;
SPM Data wp{wp}.spm; WordPerfect
SPP Printer file; Sprint
SPR Document letter; Sprint
SPR Generated executable screen file; FoxPro
SPR Sprite;
SPR Story Board sprites;
SPS Screen driver; Sprint
SPS SPSSx source code file; VAX/VMS
SPT Data support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack); MITAC disk/system management utility pack
SPT SPITBOL source code file;
SPW Worksheet; SigmaPlot
SPX Compiled executable screen file; FoxPro
SQD Squish message base; Squish
SQI Squish message base index; Squish
SQL SQL language code; Any SQL database
SQL Squish message base lastread pointers; Squish
SRC Multi-edit source; Multi-Edit
SRC Source; DataFlex
SRF Sun Raster File graphics file;
SRP Script; QuickLink
SS Bitmap graphics; Splash
SS Screen saver; DN
SSD Datafile; SAS/PC
SSP Datafile; SAS Transport
SST AVHRR graphic file;
ST Instrument library; Scream Tracker
ST SMALLTALK source code file; Little Smalltalk
ST Stamp; NeoPaint
STA Data file; Statistica
STA Saved state; Reflection 4.0
STA Stack; Spinmaker Plus
STB Stub library; Genus GX Kernel
STC 1.* spreadsheet template
STD State Transition Diagram graphic file; Prosa; 1.* drawing template; Standard (something..); LogoScript
STF Setup Table File
STI 1.* presentation template
STL Stereolithography Interface Format;
STM Music format (4 channels) (Scream Tracker Module); ST - DMP
STM State Transition Diagram model file; Prosa
STO Pascal stub OBJ file; Genus GX Kernel
STR Gate3 table structure file;
STR Structure list object file; dBASE Application Generator
STS Music format (Scream Tracker Song); ST 2.0-2.3
STS Project status info; MS C/C++
STW Data file; SmartTerm for Windows; 1.* text document template
STX Electronic book; SmarText
STX Music format;
STX Tax form; CA-Simply Tax
STY Ami Pro Template (Style); used by other programs for `styles`; Ami Pro
STY Style library or sheet; many
SU? Packed mail; FTN software
SUI SUIT library; Simple User Interface Toolkit
SUM Summary;
SUN Sun rasterfile graphics file;
SUO Solution User Options for Microsoft Visual Studio
SUP Supplementary dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
SVD Autosave file for document; MS Word
SVG Autosave file for glossary; MS Word
SVQ Music format;
SVS Autosave file for style sheet; MS Word
SVW Super Video Windows; Conversion Artist
SVX Interchange, 8SVX/16SV; AWAVE
SW Raw Signed Word (16bit) data; AWAVE
SWG SWAG Pascal Snippets file; SWAG
SWP Document backup; Sprint
SWP Swap file;
SXC 1.* spreadsheet
SXD 1.* drawing
SXG 1.* master document
SXI 1.* presentation
SXM 1.* formula
SXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
SXW 1.* text document
SY1 SmartPix symbol library; Ami Pro
SY3 Harvard Graphics format;
SY3 Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SYD Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd;
SYD Sysedit backup file; Sysedit
SYM Compiler symbolic information file;
SYM P-CAD component (symbols); P-CAD
SYM Precompiled headers; Borland C++
SYM Program symbol table; Power C - MS ILink incremental linker
SYM Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - MS Windows SDK
SYN SDSC Synu image file; SDSC Image Tool
SYN Synonym file; MS Word 5
SYS System file - device driver or hardware configuration info; DOS
SYW Graphics file (symbol); Harvard Graphics Win
SYW Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave File; Convert (c) Villena
T Archive without compression (tape); tar
T TADS source;
T Tester symbol table; ReaGeniX code generator
T?H Turbo Help file (Pascal, C, Assembler, ...); Borland Thelp
T44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE IV
T64 Program; C64S emulator
TAG Query tag name; DataFlex
TAH Help file for Turbo Assembler; Borland C++
TAL Adobe Type Align; Adobe
TAL Text illustration; TypeAlign
TAP Tape file; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
TAR Archive; TAR
TAZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - COMPRESS
TB1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TB2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TBF Fax; Imavox TurboFax
TBK FOXPRO template backup file; FOXPRO
TBK Memo backup; dBASE IV - FoxPro
TBK Toolbook; Asymetrix ToolBook
TBL Short for Table; used by many programs;
TBL Aldus TableEditor file; TableEditor
TBL Gate3 table file;
TBL Graphics file (native format); PageMaker TableEditor
TBL Table of values; OS/2
TBR Norton Desktop custom toolbar; NDW
TBS Text elements ?? (Textbausteine); MS Word
TBX Table; Project Scheduler 4
TC Configuration; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCH Help file; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCL Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TCW Drawing; TurboCAD for Windows
TD Config from Turbo Debugger; Turbo Debugger
TD0 Compressed diskette in a file; Teledisk
TD2 Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TDB Database; TACT
TDDD Imagine Object File Format;
TDF Speedo font file;
TDF Typeface definition file; Speedo
TDH Help file for Turbo Debugger; Borland C++
TDK Keystroke recording file; Turbo Debugger
TDR Contens of Arvid tape;
TDS Symbol table; Turbo Debugger
TDW Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TEF Fax; Relisys TEFAX
TEL Host file; Telnet
TEM Input template; IconAuthor
TEM Turbo Editor Macro Language script; Borland C++
TET Tetris results; DN
TEX Datasheet; Idealist
TEX TeX text file; Scientific Word - TeX
TEXT Text file;
TF Configuration; Turbo Profiler
TFA Area file; Turbo Profiler
TFC Catalogue file; Tobi's Floppy Cataloguer
TFF self executing TansForm dialogue; TansForm
TFH Help file for Turbo Profiler; Borland C++
TFM Tagged font metric file; Intellifont
TFM TeX Font Metric file; TeX
TFS Statistical information; Turbo Profiler
TG1 Project file; On Target
TGA Targa True Color bitmapped format;
TGZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - GNUzip
TH? Packed mail; FTN software
THE Windows'95 Desktop Theme; Microsoft Plus
THM Picture Publisher or PhotoMagic Thumbnail; Sony Ericsson Theme File
THS Thesaurus dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
TIC FTN special file with assotiated file description; ALLFIX
TIFF TIFF (tagged image format file) bitmapped file; Alchemy - PhotoStyler -PageMaker - CorelDRAW
TIL Fuzzy logic knowledge base; Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler
TIS Tile set; MahJongg 3.0
TJL Backup file; VAXTPU editor
TLB Interoperaility Type Library; Win95
TLB Reference table; Bubble Chamber
TLB Text library; VAX
TLB Type library; Visual C++
TLC Compiled Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TLD Disk Image; Teledisk
TLP Project; TimeLine
TMF Tagged Font Metric file; WordPerfect for Win
TMO ZTG global optimizer default output file; Zortech C++
TMP Temporary file;
TMS TeleMate compiled script; TeleMate
TOC Table Of Contents text file (ASCII);
TOK Borland C++ 4.x reserved word list; BCW.EXE
TOPC TopicCrunch SEO Project file holding keywords, domain and search engine settings (ASCII);
TOS Self-extracting file archive (Atari ST);
TP Session-state file; Turbo Profiler
TP Turbo Pascal cfg file; Turbo Pascal
TP3 Template; Harvard Graphics 3.0
TPB Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup; HiJaak
TPC File produced when an inter-Topicscape topic link file is exported to Windows
TPF Downloadable PCL Soft font file; HiJaak
TPH Help file; Turbo Pascal
TPL Resident units library; Turbo Pascal
TPL Template file; GoldEd -ITrack
TPL Template; Harvard Graphics 2.0
TPP Protected Mode Units; Borland Pascal 7.0
TPU Borland Pascal DOS Mode Library; Borland Pascal
TPU Command file (VAXTPU editor); VAXTPU editor
TPW Borland Pascal Windows Library; Borland Pascal
TPW Session-state file; Turbo Profiler for Windows
TPZ Archive; TAR - GNUzip
TR Man page input suitable for troff -man;
TR Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for DOS
TR2 Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TRC Debug support file; Power CTrace
TRE Directory tree file; PC-Tools
TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format;
TRK Track (i.e. video sequence), used by many games;
TRM Terminal settings; Windows 3.x
TRN Translation support file; Quattro - Clarion
TRS Executable file; Micrografx
TRU True Basic source file;
TRW Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TSK Microsoft Multimedia Task Application; Win95
TSM Turbo Assembler Manual; TASM for OS/2
TST Printer test file; WordPerfect for Win
TSV Tab Separated Values;
TTF TrueType Font file;
TU? Packed mail; FTN software
TUD The Ultimate Draw file; The Ultimate Draw
TUT Tutorial;
TV Table view settings; Paradox
TVF Table view settings; dBASE
TVn Overflow file above insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
TXF Archive; TAR and FREEZE
TXI Support file; TeX
TXT Common name for ASCII text file;
TXW Yamaha TX-16W Wave File; Convert (c) Villena
TYM Time Stamp (PageMaker 4); PageMaker 4
U8 Sample;
UB Raw Unsigned Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
UC2 Archive; UC II
UCN New archive; UC II
UDF Filter; Photostyler
UDW Raw Unsigned DWord data; AWAVE
UE2 Encrypted archive; UC II
UHA UHarc archive
UHS Universal Hint System (binary file);
UI Espire source code file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UI User interface; Sprint
UIF Long prompts for windows; WordPerfect for Win
UIH Espire header file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UL ULAW audio file;
ULD Information about uploaded files; Procomm Plus
ULT Music; UltraTracker
UMB Backup file; MemMaker
UNF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNI Datafile; Forecast Pro
UNI Music format; UNIMOD - MIKMOD
UNIF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNX Text file containing UNIX specific info;
UOML UniqueObject Markup Language (UOML) is a XML-based markup language;
UPD Update data; dBASE
UPO Compiled update data; dBASE
URT Utah Raster Toolkit;
USE Log file;
USP Printer font with USASCII extended character set; PageMaker
USR User database file; Procomm Plus - Turbo C++ tour
UW Raw Unsigned Word 16bit data; AWAVE
UWF UltraTracker WaveSample; UltraTracker
V Consistency check support file; ReaGeniX code generator
V Main input file for an image; Vivid 2.0
V8 Covox 8bit file; AWAVE
VAL Validity checks and referential integrity; Paradox for Windows
VAL Values list object file; dBASE Application Generator
VAN Animation; VistaPro
VAP Value Added Process; NetWare 2.xx
VAR Variable file; IconAuthor
VBR Visual Basic Custom Control file; Visual Basic
VBX Visual Basic eXtension; Visual Basic
VBZ Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template; Setup Wizard
VC Include file with color definitions; Vivid 2.0
VC Spreadsheet; VisiCalc
VCA Visual Clip Art;
VCR VCR drivers for Arvid;
VCW Visual workbench information; MS Visual C++
VCX Spreatsheet; VisiCalc Advanced
VDA Bitmap graphics;
VDO Story Board video image; Story Board
VDR Drawing; ComputerEasy Draw
VEW GroupWise for Windows; Win
VEW View file; Clipper 5 - Lotus Approach
VFA FontLab Database file; FontLab
VFM Ventura Font Metrics file;
VFM Voting Form; Voter
VFN Voting Form for Customers; Voter
VGA VGA display driver;
VGA VGA display font;
VGD VGA display driver; Generic CADD
VGR Graphics file; Ventura Publisher
VI Graphics file; Jovian Logic VI
VI Watcom editor script; VI.EXE
VICAR Graphics (Video Image Communication and Retrieval);
VID Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer);
VID Graphics format; Word&Deed
VID MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
VID Screen device driver; Word
VIFF Khoros Visualization Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
VIK Graphics format (VIKING);
VIR Virus or infected file;
VIS VIS graphics file;
VLM Virtual Loadable Module; Netware
VM Virtual Memory file; Geoworks
VMC Virtual memory configuration; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
VMF Font characteristics; Ventura Publisher
VMS Text file containing VMS specific info;
VO Include file with object definition; Vivid 2.0
VOC Sound format (Creative Lab's Sound File); PlayVoc
VOF Object folder; VZ Programmer
VOX Dialogic adpcm file; AWAVE, CoolEdit
VP 3DS Video posting; 3D Studio
VPF Vector Product Format;
VPG Graphics file; VPGraphics
VPH Virtual Pascal Help; VP/OS2
VPI Virtual Pascal Unit; VP/OS2
VRM Overlay file; QuattroPro
VRM Visual rexx source; WATCOM VREXX
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language; NetScape
VRP Project; WATCOM VX?Rexx
VRS Video Resource eg. video device driver; WordPerfect
VS Include file with surface definition; Vivid 2.0
VSD Diagram; Shapeware Visio
VSD Visio drawing; Visio
VSM Simulation model; VisSim
VSP Sprite; SPX
VSS SmartShapes file; Shapeware Visio
VSS Visio Template; Visio
VST Truevision Vista graphics file;
VST Visio Template; Visio
VUE Animation; 3D Studio
VUE View; dBASE IV - FoxPro
VW Text file; Volkswriter
VWR File viewer file; PC Tools
VXD Windows 3.x virtual device driver; Windows 3.x
W Word chart file; APPLAUSE
W01 Yamaha SY-series wave files; AWAVE
W01 Yamaha TX16W wave file; AWAVE
W30 Printer font; AST TurboLaser - Ventura Publisher
W31 Startup file; Windows 3.1
W40 Something for Windows95 (e.g. config.w40); Win95
W44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE
W95 Something for Windows95; Win95
WAD War Allocation Daemon; Doom - Doom2
WAS ProComm Script File (source code); ProComm
WAV Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE); Media Player
WAX ProComm compiled script; ProComm
WB1 Notebook; Quattro Pro
WB2 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WBF MS Windows Batch File; Catch
WBK Document/workbook; WordPerfect for Win
WBT Norton Desktop; Norton Desktop
WBT Wilsonware Batch file; Winbatch
WCD Macro token list; WordPerfect for Win
WCH WordPerfect Macro Facility; WP
WCM Data transmission file; MS Works
WCM Macro; WordPerfect for Win
WCP Product information description; WordPerfect for Win
WD InfoSelect Data file;
WDB Database; MS Works
WE? Packed mail; FTN software
WEB WEB source code file;
WebOOGL Web Object Oriented Graphics Library;
WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank; AWAVE
WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum; AWAVE
WFM Form object; dBASE Form Designer
WFN Font; CorelDRAW
WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Prog.; AWAVE
WFX Data file; Winfax
WG1 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3/G
WG2 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2
WID Width table; Ventura Publisher
WIN Window file; FoxPro - dBASE
WIZ Page wizard; MS Publisher
WK1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x - Symphony 1.1+
WK3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x
WK4 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4
WKB Document; WordPerfect for Win
WKE Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 educational version
WKI Spreadsheet format; Lotus 123 2x
WKQ Spreadsheet; Quattro
WKS Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A - Symphony 1.0 - MS Works
WKS Workspace; Xlisp
WKZ Spreadsheet format; Dos Navigator
WLK Graphics; Virtus Walkthrough
WLK Walk Through for any game; many
WMC Backup of startup files by Windows MathCad autoexec.wmc; MathCad
WMC Macro file; WordPerfect for Win
WMC Text file; WordMARC
WMF Windows MetaFile vector graphics;
WMP Graphics (Windows Magic Icon Palette);
WN Text; NeXT WriteNow
WNF Corel Draw Font File; CorelDraw
WOA Swap file; Windows 3.x
WOC Organization; Windows OrgChart
WOW Music (8 channels); Grave Mod Player
WP Word Perfect Format; WP
WP5 Document; WordPerfect 5.x
WPD Document; WordPerfect 6.0 - PFS:WindowWorks
WPD Windows printer driver (uninstallable); Windows
WPF Fax; WorldPort
WPF Form; WordPerfect
WPG WordPerfect Graphics vector graphics; DrawPerfect
WPJ Watcom C/C++ IDE project; IDE.EXE
WPK Macros; WordPerfect for Win
WPL MediaRack Wave Playlist; MediaRack
WPM Macros; WordPerfect
WPS Text document; MS Works
WQ! Compressed spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WQ1 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WR1 Spreatsheet; Symphony 1.1 - 1.2 - 2
WRD Template; Charisma
WRI Write editor format; Write - WinWord
WRK Spreadsheet; Symphony 1.0
WRL VRML file;
WRP Archive; Amiga WARP
WRS Windows Resource eg. printer driver; WordPerfect for Win
WS APL Worksheet;
WS Text file; WordStar 5.0-6.0
WS2 Text file; WordStar 2000
WSD Document; WordStar
WSP Workspace; Fortran PowerStation
WSQ Wavelet-packet Scalar Quantization Format;
WSRC X-wais source;
WST Text file; WordStar
WWB Button bar for document window; WordPerfect for Win
WWK Keyboard layout; WordPerfect for Win
WXP Document; EXP for Windows
X Archive; X1.EXE
X AVS X image file; SDSC Image Tool
X DirectX 3D object
X LEX source code file;
X3D x3d and xdart Formats;
XBM X11 Bitmap graphics file;
XCF Gimp image file;
XCK Extended crack file (usually text);
XCK Extended crack;
XCL Xtree for Windows Script file; Xtree for Win
XDF OS/2 extended disk format image; XDFCOPY.EXE
XDM Directory Manipulator for 32-bit Protected Mode; Xenotech Research Labs
XFN Printer font; Xerox 4045 - Ventura Publisher
XFR Ventura Publisher Bitmap Editor Font file;
XFT 24 pin printer font; ChiWriter
XI Fast Tracker 2 instrument file; AWAVE
XI Fastracker 2.0 Instrument File; Fastracker 2.0
XLA Add-in macro sheet; MS Excel
XLA XLib Archive;
XLB Excel Toolbar; MS Excel
XLC Excel Chart; MS Excel
XLD Excel Dialog; MS Excel
XLK Excel Archive; MS Excel
XLL Excel Dynamic Link Library; MS Excel
XLM Excel Macro File; MS Excel
XLS Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel
XLSX Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel 2007
XLT Excel Template; MS Excel
XLT Translation table; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony - Procomm Plus
XLV Excel Module; MS Excel
XLW Excel Workbook; MS Excel
XM Fast Tracker 2 extended module; AWAVE, Mod4Win, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker
XM Music format; FastTracker - Cubic Player
XMI Compressed eXtended MIdi music;
XNF Standard Network File form;
Xnn Secondary indexes; Borland Paradox
XOF RenderMorphics;
XP eXtended Pattern; FastTracker 2.0
XPM X11 Pixel Map graphics file;
XQT Executable file; Waffle
XQT Macro sheet; SuperCalc
XRF Cross-reference file;
XTB External translation table; LogoScript
XTP XTreeGold overlay; XTreeGold
XWD X Window System window dump image graphics file; SDSC Image Tool
XWK Keyboard mapping; Crosstalk
XWP Session; Crosstalk
XWP Text file; Xerox Writer
XX Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XXE Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XY Text file; XY Write
XY3 Text file; XYWrite III
XYW Text file; XyWrite III
Y Archive (Amiga); Yabba
Y YACC grammar file;
YAL Data custom/nature.yal; Arts & Letters
YC Archive; YACC (YAC.EXE)
Ynn Secondary index; Borland Paradox
YUV Graphics format (YUV);
YZ Archive; YAC
Z Archive; WinZipNT - COMPRESS - PACK
Z3 Infocom game module;
Z80 Snapshot; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
ZAD ZFax digitized voice file; ZFax
ZDG Compressed ZiffNet text document; Zview
ZGM Graphics; Zenographics
ZOM Archive; Amiga ZOOM
ZOO Archive; ZOO
ZVD ZyXEL Voicefile; Z-Fax
ZZE Encoded file;
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