In a SDI application to launch a dialog box you have to launch it from the menu or toolbar.
Listed below are the procedures by which you can accomplish the above.
First Creates a menu item and dialog box.
Now Create a class for the dialog box.
Once you create a dialog box and right click it, it will show a window where you can name your class for the new dialog.
However it will be derived from CDialog.
For Example Imagine you have a new dialog and you have created a new class named CTest.
Then In the Class wizard create a function for the Menu or Tool Bar item, which when clicked will launch the dialog box.
In that function create a object for the CTest class previously created by us.
The code Snippet is shown below.
CTest test;
Now run the program. Once you go to the particular menu item and click it the dialog box will be launced.
Note:- Wherever you create the class object be sure to include the Header file.
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