Thursday, March 8, 2007

Developing Drivers from Windows

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Definition Device Driver

A device driver, often called a driver for short, is a computer program that enables another program, typically, an operating system (e.g., Windows, Linux) to interact with a hardware device. A driver is essentially an instruction manual that provides the operating system with the information on how to control and communicate with a particular piece of hardware.

Windows 2000 Driver Design Goals

  • Portability
    • The driver program should be compatible across all platforms. So it is must not be written in assembly language coding since instruction sets changes from processor to processors. Coding in C would be good idea since it can be recompiled and run on any platform. But care should be taken as to, no library function are used. Since those library function may not be available on another platform.
  • Configurability
  • Always pre-emptive and interruptive
    • Pre-emptive scheduling means if a higher priority process arrives then the processor sends the process, which is in execution to the wait state and executes the higher priority process. This type of scheduling is an effective way to maximize average performance.
    • Two schemes are used here
      • The Kernel-defined run-time priority scheme for threads
      • The Kernel-defined interrupt request level (IRQL)
        • Priority order of IRQL
          • Software Interrupts - low priority
          • Decvice drivers - higher priority
          • System-critical such as system clock or bus-error interrupts - highest priority.
  • Multiprocessor-safe on multiprocessor platforms
    • In a multiprocessor environment a process will check each processor to execute its process. Care should be taken as to, that the process should not be executed in two processors.
  • Object-based
    • If we design our driver program as separate routines or objects then modifying the driver can be very useful in future implementations.
  • Packet-driven I/O with reusable I/O request packets
    • I/O requests can be small or big. Sending then as such would result in tremendous overhead. So as such we group them into packets or split large packets and send them across to various destinations.
  • Support for asynchronous I/O
    • Asynchronous means the process does not wait for the request to be completed. Instead it carries on with the next set of instruction.
    • This is very good time saving mechanism.

How to run a Device Driver in Windows

Creating the code

· First create a separate directory for your driver.

· Then create the driver code in .c files and store it in that directory.

· Then create the following two files


!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def


TARGETNAME = test //the name of the .sys file we desire




LIBS = %BUILD%\lib

SOURCES = test.c // the name of the file that contains the driver code

  • Both these files should be stored in the same directory as of the .c file.
  • Both should be saves without any extensions.

Compiling Your Driver Code

· Then go to the DDK in the start menu and select

_>Development Kit

__>Windows 2000 DDK

___>Check Build Environment

· A command prompt opens.

· Navigate to the directory where your driver code resides.

· Then Type build in the command prompt.

· It compiles your driver code.

· Once the compilation is over the .sys file is created.

Registering your Driver

· Before executing the .sys file it has to be registered with the windows registry.

· To register a .sys file download the OSR Driver Loader from the net and first install it.

· Then open and it and in the Driver Path give your newly created .sys file.

· All device driver can be loaded only once but it can be started or stopped frequently.

· The software itself contains all the options such as registering a driver and unregistering a driver, start and stopping the service.

· You can also start and stop the service from command prompt itself using the commands

· netstart (driver name without extension) and netstop(driver name without extension).

Viewing the Output

· To view the output, use the DebugView for debugging and viewing output. Once again it should be downloaded from net.

· Run this first before starting the service and hence you can view the output.

File Extension formats in alphabetical order


### Temp file; QTIC A zog B = c
#24 Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer; LogoScript
#IB Printer data file; LogoScript
#nn Part of file image; Long
#SC Printer data file; LogoScript
#ST Standard mode printer definitions; LogoScript
$$$ OS/2 archive file (i.e archives.$$$, keys.$$$); OS/2
$$$ Temporary file;
$? ZX Spectrum file in HOBETA format;
$00 Pipe file; DOS
$DB Temporary file; dBASE IV
$ED Editor temporary file; MS C
$O1 Pipe file; DOS
$VM Virtual manager temporary file; Windows 3.x
)2( LHA archiver temporary file; LHA
??$ Backup file; P-CAD
??_ Microsoft packed file; Expand
?DK Disk image; Loaddskf.exe
?UT Nonpacked FTN mail (? - flavor); FTN software
___ Adinf table; Adinf
?Q? Squeeze for CP/M and MS-DOS
~$~ Temporary file; 1st Reader
~?? Old [BackUp] files (.MNU to .~MN); Resource Workshop - Borland Delphi
μ Metrowerks Codewarrior project
Π THINK C project


0 Compressed harddisk data; DoubleSpace
0B Printer font with lineDraw extended character set; PageMaker
1 Fax;
1 Fax; many
1 Roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page;
15U Printer font with PI font set; PageMaker
1ST Usually README.1ST text file;
2GR 286 Grabber File; Win
301 Fax; Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96
386 Intel 80386 processor driver; Windows 3.x
386 Windows virtual device driver; Win
3DMF QuickDraw 3D Metafile; QuickDraw
3DS 3D Studio Graphics format; 3D Studio
3DT Database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held
3FX Effect; CorelChart
3GR 386 Grabber File; Win
3GP Mobile Phone Video
3T4 Binary file converter to ASCII; Util3
4C$ Datafile; 4Cast/2
4MD Musical file;
4SW 4DOS Swap File; 4DOS
4TH FORTH source code file; ForthCMP - LMI Forth
668 Music (the mixing is always at 12048 Hz);
669 Music (8 channels); The 669 Composer
6CM Music (6 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
75 75x75 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8 A86 assembler source code file;
85 85x85 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
8BF Adobe Photoshop compatibile filters/plugins
8CM Music (8 Channel Module); Triton FastTracker
8M Printer font with Math 8 extended character set; PageMaker
8U Printer font with Roman 8 extended character set; PageMaker
91 91x91 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher
96 96x96 dpi display font; Ventura Publisher


A ADA source code file;
A Library; unix
A11 Graphics AIIM image file;
AAS Animation Play Script; AAPlay
AB6 Datafile; ABStat
AB8 Datafile; ABStat
ABC Document; ABC FlowCharter 1.0
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font; Adobe Software
ABK Automatic backup file; CorelDRAW
ABM Image PALS album file;
ABR Adobe Brush file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ABS Abstracts (info file);
ABS Data file; Abscissa
ACA Project; Project Manager Workbench
ACB Archive; ACB
ACC Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax); GEM / resident
ACF Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ACM Audio Compression Module add-on; Win
ACMB Graphics file;
ACO Adobe Color Palette;
ACT ACTOR source code file; ACTOR
ACT Animations Works Actor (Graphics cell); Animation Works
ACT FoxDoc Action Diagrams; FoxPro
ACT Presentation; Action!
AD AfterDark screensaver module; AfterDark
AD2 ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
AD3 ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file; ZFAX
ADA Ada source code file;
ADB Ada Package Body;
ADC Bitmap graphics (16 colors); Scanstudio
ADC Dictionary; Lingvo
ADD OS/2 adapter device driver;
ADI Graphics file; AutoCAD
ADL MCA adapter description library; QEMM
ADM After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADN Add-in; Lotus 1-2-3
ADR After Dark support file; AfterDark
ADS Ada Package Specification;
ADT Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ADT Dictionary; Lingvo
ADT Fax; AdTech
ADV GUS device driver;
ADX Document; Archetype Designer
AF2 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 2.0
AF3 Flowchart; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFI Truevision bitmap graphics;
AFL Font file (for Allways); Lotus 1-2-3
AFM Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
AFM Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer; ATM - many
AFP Shape palette; ABC FlowCharter
AFT Template; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFW Workplace; ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AI Vector graphics file; Adobe Ilustrator
AIFC Sound;
AIFF Audio Interchange Format File (AIFF); Convert (c) Villena
AiM Asm Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
AIN Archive; AIN
AIO APL programming language file transfer format file;
AIS Array of Intensity Samples graphics file; Xerox
AIX Datafile for cardfile application; HP NewWave
ALG Activity Log; ARCSOLO
ALL ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files; Arts & Letters
ALL Filelist w/ all files; FRQView
ALL Format file for working pages; Always
ALL General printer information; WordPerfect for Win
ALO Almanac support file;
ALT Menu file; WordPerfect Library
AMF Music (Advanced Module Format); DMP
AMG Archive; AMGC
AMG System image file; ACTOR
AMR Audio format for mobile phones (Nokia, SonyEricsson)
AMS Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file; PhotoShop
AMS Music format;
ANI Animation cursors for Win; Win95 - WinNT
ANI Animation; IconAuthor
ANM Animation; Deluxe Paint Animator
ANN Help Annotations; Windows 3.x
Ann Multi volume ARJ archive; ARJ
ANS ANSI character graphics (animation) file; ANSView
ANS ASCII text ANSI character set; NewWave Write
AOL America On-line for Windows DLL; Win
AOS Add-On Software; Nokia 9000
AP Archive; WHAP
AP Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
APC Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APD Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APF Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
API Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
API Passed parameter file; 1st Reader
API Printer driver; Lotus 1-2-3
APL APL work space format file;
APL Support module used by Manugraphics APL products;
APM Authorware Macintosh; Authorware
APP Add-in application file; Symphony
APP Application object file; dBASE Application Generator
APP Application; FoxPro
APP Executable application file; DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari
APP Generated application; FoxPro
APR Employee performance review; Employee Appraiser
APW Authorware Windows; Authorware
APX Appexpert database file; Borland C++ 4.5
ARF Automatic Response File;
ARH Archivers definitions file; DN
ARI Archive; ARI
ARJ Archive; ARJ - ARJZ
ARK ARC archive; CP/M port of ARC file archiver
ARK Archive; QUARK
ARK Managing your Money Archive File;
ARR Arrangement; Atari Cubase
ART First Publisher graphic file; First Publisher
ART Graphics (scrapbook); Art Import
ART Graphics format (Another Ray Tracer); PFS:1st publisher - Art Import
ARX Archive; ARX
ASC ASCII text file;
ASC Transport armor file; PGP
ASD Autosave file; MS Word
ASD Presentation; Astound
ASD Screen driver; Lotus 1-2-3
ASE Velvet Studio Sample; AWAVE
ASF Screen font; Lotus 1-2-3
ASH Assembly language header file; TASM 3.0
ASI ASIC language source; ASIC
ASI Assembler include file; Turbo C - Borland C++
ASM Assembler language source; TASM - MASM
ASO Assembler object (object orientated) file; Turbo Assembler
ASP ASPECT source code file; Procomm Plus
ASP Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice;
AST Adobe Color Separtion table for PhotoShop; PhotoShop
ASW Authorware Star; Authorware
AT2 Auto template; Aldus Persuasion 2.0
ATM Adobe Type Manager data/info;
ATY Produced when an association type is exported by 3D Topicscape
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio file; AWAVE, GoldWave
AU Sound (audio) file; SUN Microsystems - Convert (c) Villena
AUD Audio file; AudioRack
AUX Auxiliary dictionary; ChiWriter
AUX Auxiliary references; TeX/LaTeX
AVA Publication; Avagio
AVB AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases;
AVI Audio Video Interleaved animation file; Video for Windows
AVR Audio Visual Research; AWAVE
AVS Application Visualization System;
AVT AVATAR-coding files; A3E
AW Text file; HP AdvanceWrite
AWA Animations Works Accelerated Movie; Animation Works
AWD Microsoft Fax At Work Document; MS Fax At Work
AWK AWK script/program;
AWM Animations Works Movie (as .AVI); Animation Works
AZZ Data file; AZZ Cardfile


B&W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B&W Mono binary screen image; 1st Reader
B Batch list; APPLAUSE
B_W Black and white graphics file; atari - mac
B1N Both mono and color binary screen image; 1st Reader
B30 Printer font (JLaser - Cordata); Ventura Publisher
B8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane two; PicLab
BAD Bad file; Oracle - many
BAK Backup file;
BAL Music score; Ballade
BAR Horizontal bar menu object file; dBASE Application Generator
BAS BASIC language source; QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC
BAT Batch file; MS-DOS
BB Database backup; Papyrus
BBL Bibliographic reference file; TeX/BibTeX
BBM Brush; Deluxe Paint
BBS Bulletin Board System announce or text info file;
BBS Hudson-style messagebase; FTN software
BCH Batch process object file; dBASE Application Generator
BCH Datafile; Datalex EntryPoint 90
BCO Outline font description; Bitstream
BCP Borland C++ makefile;
BCT Backup dictionary; Clarion
BCW Environment settings; Borland C++ 4.5
BDC Dictionary; Lingvo
BDF Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format; Adobe Software
BDF Binary update file; BUPDATE.EXE (c) TNT Techn.
BDF Bitmap Distribution Format font file; X11
BDF Datafile; Egret
BDR Border; MS Publisher
BDT Dictionary; Lingvo
BEZ Outline font description; Bitstream
BF2 Bradford 2 font;
BFC Briefcase Win95; Win95
BFM Font metrics; unix/Frame
BFX Fax; BitFax
BGA Bitmap graphics;
BGI Borland Graphics Interface device driver; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
BI BASIC include file; Visual Basic
BIB Bibliography (ASCII);
BIB Database - not compatible with TeX format; Papyrus
BIB Literature database; TeX/BibTeX
BIF Binary Image Format b&w graphics file; Image Capture board
BIK Bink video file (RAD Video)
BIN Binary file, usually zero-start (.com analog);
BIN SGI Powerflip;
BIN Text mode memory dump; The Draw - TUD - ACiDDraw - etc
BIT Bitmap X11;
BK! Document backup; WordPerfect for Win
BK Faxbook; JetFax
BK? Backup file;
BKn Timed backup file for document window n; WordPerfect for Win
BKP Backup file; Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner
BKW Mirror image of font set; FontEdit
BLD BLoaDable picture; BASIC
BLK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
BM BitMap graphics file;
BMK Help Bookmarks; Windows 3.x
BMP OS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture); QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BMT Ami Pro Button; Ami Pro
BNK Adlib instrument bank file;
BNR Graphics Banner; Banner - Poster
BOO Book-format; READIBM
BOO Compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc); msbooasm.arc
BPC Chart; Business Plan Toolkit
BPP Backup application; Clarion
BPT Bitmap fills file; CorelDRAW
BR Script; Bridge
BRD Eagle Layout File;
BRK Fax; Brooktrout Fax-Mail
BRK The Brake! Mailer REXX script; The Brake!
BRL CAD; Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD; BRL
BS2 Archive; BS2.EXE
BSA Archive; BSArc
BSC Compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII; BINSCII
BSC Database; Source Browser
BSC Pwbrmake object file; MS Fortran
BSS Casio Phone base; PC-LINK
BST BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file); TeX
BSY Busy flag; FTN soft
BTM Batch-to-memory (quick batch); 4dos -ndos
BTN Makeover Button file;
BUFR Binary Universal Form for the Representation;
BUFR Meteorological Data;
BUG Bugs and Problems;
BUN LucasArts Bundle File;
BUP Backup file;
BUT Button definitions; Buttons!
BUY Datafile format; movie
BVn Overflow file below insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
BWB Spreadsheet application; Visual Baler
BWR Beware (buglist); Kermit


C-- C-- language source; Sphinx C--
C C language source; Watcom C/C++
C Unix file archive; COMPACT
C++ C++ language source;
C00 Print file; Ventura Publisher
C01 Typhoon wave files; AWAVE
C86 C source code file; Computer Innovation C86
CA Initial cache data for root domain servers; Telnet
CA? Borland packed and split file; Borland Installer
CAB Win 95 packed file; Win 95
CAC dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat);
CAD Document; Drafix Windows CAD
CAL Calendar file; Windows 3.x
CAL Spreadsheet format; SuperCalc
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics;
CALS Support Raster Format;
CAM Casio Camera;
CAN Fax; Navigator Fax
CAP Caption; Ventura Publisher
CAP Capture file; ProComm - Telix
CAS C + ASM language source; Turbo C
CAT Catalog; CP Backup - dBASE IV
CBC Fuzzy logic system; CubiCalc
CBL COBOL source code file;
CBM Compiled bitmap graphics; XLib
CBS MasterWord button bar configuration file;
CBT Computer Based Training; many
CC C++ source code file;
CC CC language source; CC
CCC Bitmap graphics (native format); Curtain Call
CCF Communications configuration file; Symphony
CCH Chart; CorelChart
CCITT CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding;
CCL Communication Command Language file; Intalk
CCO BTX Graphics file; XBTX
CD CD description; DN
CDA CD-Audio; Win95
CDB Card database; CardScan
CDB Main database; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CDF Common Data Format;
CDF Cyberspace Description Format;
CDF Graphics; netcdf
CDK Document; Atari Calamus
CDL CADKey CADL Language; CADKey
CDM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
CDM Music format (compressed);
CDR Vector graphics format (drawing); CorelDraw!
CDT Corel Draw Template File; CorelDraw!
CDX Compaund index file; FoxPro
CE Computer Eyes; Conversion Artist
CE Main.ce; The FarSide Computer Calendar
CEB Cont. Edge Bitmap; Conversion Artist
CEF CA-Clipper Workbench Application; CA Clipper
CEF Export File;
CEG Bitmap graphics; Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics
CEL Animation CEL; 3D Studio
CEL Graphics; Autodesk Animator - Lumena
CF Configuration file; imake
CFG Configuration file;
CFL Chart; CorelFLOW
CFN Font data; Atari Calamus
CFO C Form Object internal format object file; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CFP Fax; The Complete Fax Portable
CFT CFast graphics file; Disney Animation Studio
CGA CGA display font; Ventura Publisher
CGI Common Gateway Interface script;
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics; A&L - HG - many
CH Clipper language header; CA Clipper
CH3 Chart; Harvard Graphics 3.0
CH4 Presentation; Charisma 4.0
CHD Font descriptor; FontChameleon
CHI ChiWriter Document; ChiWriter - Chiview
CHK Recovered data; DOS CHKDSK
CHK Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CHL Configuration History Log;
CHN Data; Ethnograph 3
CHP Chapter file; Ventura Publisher
CHR Character set; Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
CHT Chart; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter
CHT CHeaT in any program/game; many
CHT Interface file for ChartMaster; dBASE
CHZ Archive; CHARC
CIF Caltech Intermediate Format graphics file;
CIF Chapter information; Ventura Publisher
CiM C Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
CIX Database index; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CKB Borland C++ 4.x editor keystroke mapping; BCW.EXE
CL COMMON LISP source code file;
CLA Source; Clarion
CLD Clipper debugger configuration file; CA Clipper
CLP Clip art graphics file; Quattro Pro
CLP Clipboard file; Windows 3.x
CLP Compiler response file; CA Clipper
CLP Graphics format; PCPAINT/Pictor
CLR Color binary screen image; 1st Reader
CLR Color definitions; Photostyler
CLR Color scheme; Boxer/2
CLR Palette file for GIS format;
CLS C++ class definition file;
CLW MFC Class Wizard information; MS VC++
CM Data file; CraftMan
CMB Xtree for Windows Button Bar file;
CMD Command; dBASE - Waffle
CMD External command menu; 1st Reader
CMD OS/2 batch/REXX file; OS/2
CMF FM-music file (Creative Music File);
CMK Card; Card Shop Plus
CMM CMM script (batch) file; CEnvi
CMP Bitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression);
CMP Compressed data; PKWare Inc. data compression library
CMP Header file for PostScript printer files; CorelDRAW
CMP Photofinish Calibration Map; Photofinish
CMP User dictionary; MS Word for DOS
CMU Carnegie Mellon University Formats;
CMV Animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0); CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0
CNC CNC general program data;
CNF Configuration (program - printer setup); program - printer setup
CNF Configuration file;
CNV Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
CNV Winword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=converter); MS Word
COB Calgari trueSpace2 File Format;
COB COBOL source code file;
COD Code definition table; UUPC
COD Datafile; Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold
COD file uncluding CODES for any program/game; many
COD Printer code definition file; Boxer/2
COD Program compiled code; FORTRAN
COD Template source file; dBASE Application Generator
COD Videotext file;
COL Color palette; Autodesk Animator - many
COL Spreadsheet; MS Multiplan
COM Command (memory image of executable program); DOS
CON Configuration file; Simdir
CPC Compressed image; Cartesian Perceptual Compression
CPD Script; Complaints Desk
CPF Fax; The Complete Fax
CPI ColorLab Processed Image bitmapped graphics file;
CPI MS-DOS codepage file; MODE.EXE
CPL Control panel file; Windows 3.x
CPL Presentation; Compel
CPP C++ language source; Watcom C/C++
CPP Presentation; CA-Cricket Presents
CPR Knowledge Access; GCGW
CPS ----- backup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps;
CPT Encrypted memo file; dBASE
CPT Mac file archive; COMPACT PRO
CPT Template; CA-Cricket Presents
CPZ Music text file; COMPOZ
CRA Advanced crack file (usually text);
CRD Cardfile; Windows 3.x - YourWay
CRF Cross-reference; MS MASM - Zortech C++
CRK Crack file (usually text);
CRP Encrypted database; dBASE IV
CRS File Conversion Resource; WordPerfect 5.1
CRT Terminal settings information; Oracle
CRU Compressed file archive created by CRUSH;
CSG Graph; Statistica/w
CSM Borland C++ 4.x precompiled header file; BCW.EXE
CSP PC Emcee Screen Image file; Computer Support Corporation
CSS Datafile; CSS - Stats+
CSS Datasheet; Statistica/w; cascading style sheet
CSV Adjusted EGA/VGA palette; CompuShow
CSV Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII);
CTC Control file; PC Installer
CTF Character code translation file; Symphony
CTL Control file; dBASE IV - Aldus Setup
CTX Ciphertext file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
CTX Course TeXt file; some Microsoft online guides
CUF C Utilities Form definition; TCU Turbo C Utilities
CUR Windows resource (cursor image file); Resource Workshop - WRT - Watcom Resource Editor
CUT Graphics format (bitmapped graphics); dr. Halo
CV4 Color file; CodeView
CVP Cover page; WinFax
CVS Graphics; Canvas
CVT Backup file for CONVERTed database file; dBASE IV
CVW Color file; CodeView
CXX C++ source code file; Zortech C++


D64 Commodore 64 disk image
DAA Direct Access Archive
DAT Data file in special format or ASCII;
DAT Database file; Clarion
DB$ Temperature debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DB$ Temporary file; dBASE
DB ?atabase file; Paradox - XTreeGold - dbvista
DB ?onfiguration; dBASE IV - dBFast
DB Multi Edit config; ME
DB2 Database; dBASE II
DB3 Database; dBASE III
DBA Database file; Turbo Prolog - DataEase
DBA DarkBasic source code
DBD Business data; Business Insight
DBD Debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DBF Database file; dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss
DBG Debugger script; DOS debug - Watcom debuger
DBG Symbolic debugging information; MS C/C++
DBK Database backup; dBASE IV
DBM Datafile; DataEase
DBM Menu template; DataBoss
DBO Compiled program; dBASE IV
DBPro DarkBasicPro Project
DBS Data file used by Managing Your Money;
DBS Database in SQL Windows format;
DBS Datafile; PRODAS
DBS Printer description file; MS Word - Works
DBT FoxBASE+ style memo; FoxPro
DBT Memo file for database w/same name; dBASE IV - dBFast
DBW Windows file; DataBoss
DBX DataBeam; GCGW
DCA Document Content Architecture text file; IBM DisplayWrite
DCF Disk image file;
DCL Delphi Control Library; Borland Delphi
DCM DCM music module; AWAVE
DCP OS/2 device code page; OS/2
DCS Bitmap graphics (CYMK format); QuarkXPress
DCS Datafile; ACT! Activity Files
DCT Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format; Clarion
DCT Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCU Delphi unit (compiled); Borland Delphi
DCX Multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format); Intel - SpectraFAX
DD Macintosh file archive; DISKDOUBLER
DDB Bitmap graphics;
DDI Disk image; DiskDupe
DDP Device Driver Profile file; OS/2
DEB DEBUG script; DOS Debug
DEF Assembly header file; Geoworks
DEF Defaults - definitions;
DEF Linker definition file; TLink - WLink...
DEM Demonstration;
DEM Digital Elevation Model;
DEM Graphics file; VistaPro
DEM Vista DEM file; Meta.exe VP3
DES Ascii text parameter description; AWAVE
DEV Device driver;
DFD Data Flow Diagram graphic file; Prosa
DFI Outline font description; Digifont
DFL Default program settings; Signature
DFM Data Flow Diagram model file; Prosa
DFM Delphi form module; Borland Delphi
DFS Delight Sound File;
DFV Printing form (Word); MS Word
DFX Micrografx Effects DLL;
DGN Graphics file; MicroStation
DGS Diagnostics;
DH Dependency information for .ph; Geoworks
DHP Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics file; Dr. Halo II - III
DHT Datafile; Gauss
DIA Diagraph graphics file; Computer Support Corporation
DIB Device Independent Bitmap; rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap; Win - OS/2
DIC Dictionary (e.g. from WinWord);
DIF Borland patch data file; Borland patch
DIF Data Interchange Format; Visicalc
DIF OS/2 V2.2 Display Information File; OS/2
DIF Output from Diff command - script for Patch command;
DIG Digilink; AWAVE
DIG Sound Designer 1 audio file; AWAVE
DIP Graphics;
DIP Watcom debug info processor; WatcomDebugger
DIR Dialing directory file; Procomm Plus
DIR Directory file; VAX - CPS Backup
DIR Movie; MacroMind Director 4.x
DIS Distribution file; VAX Mail
DIS Thesaurus; CorelDraw
DIZ Description file (Description In Zip);
DKB Raytraced graphics; DKBTrace
DL Animation format (Italian origin); Display - DL Viewer
DLD -----; Lotus 1-2-3
DLG Dialog resource script file; MS Windows SDK
DLG Dialog resources; DN
DLG Digital Line Graph;
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file;
DLL Dynamic Link Library; Windows 3.x - OS/2
DLL Export/import filter; CorelDRAW
DLS Setup; Norton Disklock
DMF Music format (Delusion Digital Music File); Delusion
DMO Demo; Derive
DMP Dump file (eg. screen or memory);
DMS Amiga file archive; DISKMASHER
DOC ASCII doc file;
DOC WinWord native file; MS Word
DOCX MS Word 2007 document
DOF Delphi project options file; Borland Delphi
DOG Screen file; Laughing Dog Screen Maker
DOH Dependency information for .poh; Geoworks
DOS External command file; 1st Reader
DOS Network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos);
DOS OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
DOS Something for MS-DOS (e.g. msdos.dos); Win95
DOS Text file containing DOS specific info;
DOT Line-type definition file; CorelDRAW
DOT MS Word document template; MS Word
DOX Text file; MultiMate 4.0
DOZ Description Out of Zip; VENDINFO
DP Calendar file; Daily Planner
DP Data file; DataPhile
DPR Default project- and state-related information; Borland C++ - Delphi - C
DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange;
DRP Web3D File; Web3D
DRS Display Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DRV Driver;
DRW Designer vector graphics file; Designer - MicroGraphix
DS4 Vector graphics; Micrografx Designer 4.x
DSC Description file;
DSC Discard file; Oracle
DSD Database; DataShaper
DSF Delusion Digital Sound File; Delusion
DSK Desktop configuration; BP - DN - BC++ - TP
DSK Disk Drivers; Novell NetWare
DSM Digital Sound Module; DSI
DSN Design; Object System Designer
DSP Display parameters; Signature
DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module; Dynamic Studio
DSP Graphics display driver; Dr. Halo
DSP Norton viewer DLL; Win
DSR Driver Resource; WordPerfect for Win
DSS Screensaver file; DCC
DSS Sound; Digital Soup
DST WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL; Win
DSW Borland C++ 4.x desktop layout file; BCW.EXE
DT_ Data fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
DTA Data file; Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata
DTF Database file; PFS - Q&A
DTM DigiTrekker music module; AWAVE
DTP Document; Timeworks Publisher3
DTP Page Magic 2.0 publication; Page Magic 2.0
DTP Publication; Publish-It!
DVC Data; Lotus 1-2-3
DVI DeVice Independent document; TeX
DVP DESQView run-file; DESQView
DVP Device parameter file; AutoCAD
DW2 Drawing; DesignCAD for windows
DWB Coryphaeus Software Designers Workbench; CSD
DWC Archive; DWC
DWD DiamondWare Digitized file; AWAVE
DWG Drawing; AutoCAD - Drafix
DX Text file; DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXF Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD); AutoCAD
DXN Fax; Fujitsu dexNET
DYN Data; Lotus 1-2-3


EAS Extended file attributes; OS/2
EBJ Error-checking object file; Geoworks
EBQ CITE standard electronic BQ exchange file
EC Error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image; AWAVE
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image; AWAVE
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image; AWAVE
EDL EDL; Premiere
EDQ Ensoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk image; AWAVE
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image; AWAVE
EDT Default settings; VAX Edt editor
EDT Ensoniq TS disk image; AWAVE
EDT External editors definitions; DN
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image; AWAVE
EEB Button bar for Equation Editor; WordPerfect for Win
EFA Ensoniq ASR file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS instrument file; AWAVE
EFK Ensoniq KT file; AWAVE
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file; AWAVE
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file; AWAVE
EFT Ensoniq TS file; AWAVE
EFT High resolution screen font; ChiWriter
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file; AWAVE
EFX Fax; Everex EFax
EGA EGA display font; Ventura Publisher
EKA Internal data files; Borland's Eureka
EL ELISP source code file; Emacs lisp
ELC Compiled ELISP code; Emacs lisp
ELI Archive; ELI
ELT Event list text file; Prosa
EMD ABT Extended MoDule; AWAVE
EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile;
EMU Terminal emulation data; BITCOM
ENC Encoded file - UUENCODEd file; Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENC Music; Encore
END Arrow-head definition file; CorelDRAW
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format;
ENG Dictionary engine; Sprint
ENG English documentation;
ENG Graphics file (charting); EnerGraphics
ENV Envelope or Environments;
ENV Enveloper macro; WOPR
ENV Environment file; WordPerfect for Win
EPD Publication; Express Publisher
EPI Document; Express Publisher
EPI Encapsulated PostScript graphic file;
EPS Encapsulated PostScript (Graphics format); CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EQN Equation filE; WordPerfect for Win
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file; Prosa
ERM Entity Relationship Diagram model file; Prosa
ERR Compiler/linker error report;
ESH Extended Shell batch file;
ETH Document; Ethnograph 3
ETX Structure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers;
EUI Ensoniq EPS family CD image; AWAVE
EVT Events descriptions;
EVY Document; WordPerfect Envoy
EWD Document; Express Publisher for Windows
EX3 Device driveR; Harvard Graphics 3.0
EXC Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM); QEMM
EXC REXX source code file; VM/CMS
EXE Directly executable program; DOS
EXM MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator); HP calculator
EXP Protected mode EXE by PharLap Software; PharLap
EXT Extensions descriptions file;
EXX Intermediate file by MsgPut; IBM LinkWay
EZF Fax; Calculus EZ-Fax


F Archive; FREEZE
F Fortran language source file; NDP Fortran
F01 Fax; perfectfax
F2R Farandole Linear Module; Farandole
F3R Farandole Blocked Linear Module; Farandole
F77 FORTRAN 77 source code file;
F96 Fax; Frecom FAX96
FACE Usenix FACE graphics file;
FAM Famtasia Famicom image format; Famtasia
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions text file;
FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module); Farandole
FAS Macsyma compiled program;
FAX Fax (raster graphics in CCITT format); most Fax programs
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap;
FC Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 2.0
FCM Binary file patch file (forward compression);
FD Declaration file; MS Fortran
FD Field offsets for compiler; DataFlex
FD Front Door' resource files; FD
FDS fwNES Famicom Disk System image; fwNES
FDS Headerless Famicom Disk System image;
FDW Form; F3 Design and Mapping
FEB Button bar for Figure Editor; WordPerfect for Win
FEI Fatal Error Infotable; Geoworks
FES File produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows
FF Intelligont FIAS format;
FF Outline font description; Agfa Compugraphics
FFE Front Fareast Famicom image format;
FFF Fax; defFax
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType);
FFIVW File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds;
FFT Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite);
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file; DisplayWrite
FH3 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FH4 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FI Interface file; MS Fortran
FIF Fractal Image Format file;
FIL File template; Application Generator
FIL Filelist;
FIL Files list object file; dBASE Application Generator
FIL Mirror. FIL is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools;

FIL Overlay; WordPerfect
FIL File which was moved to the Virus Vault by AVG
FIN Print-formatted text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE
FIO Aldus PhotoStyler graphics filter;
FIO Image PALS viewer DLL;
FIT File Index Table; WindowsNT
FITS Flexable Image Transport System;
FIX Patch file;
FKY Macro file; FoxPro
FLB Format library; Papyrus
FLC Animation format FLIC >320x200; AAPlay - Autodesk AniPro
FLD Folder; Charisma
FLI Animation format FLIC 320x200; Autodesk Animator
FLI TeX font library; EmTeX
FLM Film Roll; AutoCAD/AutoShade
FLT Data/file conversion filter (or overlay); Alsud - MS Word
FLT Filter file; Micrografx Picture Publisher
FLT MultiGen Flight;
FLT Support file - graphics filter; Asymetrix ToolBook
FLX Animation format;
FLX Compiled binary; DataFlex
FM Spreadsheet; FileMaker Pro
FM1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x
FM3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FM3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x
FMB File Manager Button bar; WordPerfect for Win
FMF Font or icon file; IBM LinkWay
FMK Makefile; Fortran PowerStation
FMO Compiled format file (dBASE IV); dBASE IV
FMT Format file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FMT Gate3 format file;
FMT Style sheet; Sprint
FMV Full Motion Video file;
FN3 Font file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FND Files searching properties; Win95
FNK FunkTracker music module; AWAVE, FunkTracker
Fnn DOS screen text font - height nn pixels;
FNT Font file; many
FNX Inactive font; Exact
FO1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FO2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FOG Fontographer Database File; Fontographer3.5
FOL Folder of saved messages; 1st Reader
FON Log of all calls; Procomm Plus
FON Terminate phonebook; Terminate - Terminator - Telix
FON Windows bitmapped font file; Win
FONT Font data; unix
FOP Freedom of the Press graphic file;
FOR Form; WindowBase
FOR Fortran language source file; MS Fortran - Watcom Fortran
FOT Installed Truetype font; Windows Font Installer
FOX Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg); FoxBase
FP Configuration file; FoxPro
FPC Catalog; FoxPro
FPD TMT Pascal compiled unit; TMT Pascal
FPT Foxpro memo field tables; FoxPro
FPW Floorplan drawing; FloorPLAN plus for Windows
FR? Packed mail; FTN software
FR3 Renamed dBASE III+ form file; dBASE IV
FRF FontMonger Database file; FontMonger
FRG Uncompiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRL GP-Forth library; GP-Forth;
FRM Registration or other form;;
FRM Report file; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast;
FRM Visual Basic Form; Visual Basic;
FRO Compiled report file; dBASE IV;
FRP Form; PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow;
FRS Screen Font Resource; WordPerfect for Win;
FRT Additional (FPT) report description file; FoxPro;
FRT GP-Forth source file; GP-Forth;
FRX Main (DBF) report description file; FoxPro;
FRX Visual Basic binary program file; Visual Basic;
FSL Form; Paradox for Windows;
FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample; Farandole;
FST Linkable program; dBFast;
FSX Data; Lotus 1-2-3;
FTM Font file; Micrografx
FTP Configuration; FTP Software PC/TCP
FW Database; FrameWork
FW2 Database; Framework II
FW3 Database; Framework III
FWEB Fortran WEB;
FX On-line guide; FastLynx
FXD Phonebook; FAXit
FXP Foxpro executable (precompiled .prg); FoxPro
FXS FAX Transmit Format graphics file; WinFax


G Data chart; APPLAUSE
G16 GoldED for DOS compiled config; GOLDED.EXE
G8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane three; PicLab - Cubicomb Picturemaker
GAM Fax; GammaFax
GBL Global definitions; VAXTPU editor
GBL Global module in Basic programs;
GC1 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.1
GC3 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.3
GCD Graphics;
GDF Dictionary file; GEOS
GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things;
GE GEcho config file; GEcho
GED EDITOR's native file format; Arts & Letters
GED GoldED for DOS compiled config file; GOLDED.EXE
GED Graphics editor file; EnerGraphics
GEM Vector graphics file; GEM - Ventura Publisher
GEN Compiled template; dBASE Application Generator
GEN Generated text; Ventura Publisher
GEO Geode; Geoworks
GEO GEOS specific file (application); GEOS
GEO GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file; GED2.EXE
GEX GEcho config file; GEcho
GFB Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST; gifblast.exe
GFO SGI Radiosity;
GFT Font; NeoPaint
GFT GEM-translator font file;
GFX Instant Artist graphics Files; Instant Artist
GFX PCBoard @X-coded colorful text; GFX2COM - GFX2EXE
GIB Chart; Graph-in-the-Box
GID Help index; windows 95 help
GIF Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics); QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GIW Presentation; Graph-in-the-Box for Windows
GKH Ensoniq Disk Image (VFX, SD, EPS, ASR, TS); Ensoniq
GKS Graphics Kernel System;
GL Animation format; grasprt.exe, PV
GL Animation; GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation
GLB Global module in Basic programs;
GLM Datafile; Glim
GLO Global module in Basic programs;
GLS Datafile; Across
GLY Winword Glossary; MS Word
GMF CGM graphics file; APPLAUSE
GMP Geomorph tile map; SPX
GMS Ghost Mouse Script
GOC Goc source code file; Geoworks
GOE GOES graphic file;
GOH Goc header file; Geoworks
GP Geode parameter file; Geoworks Glue
GPH Graph; Lotus 1-2-3/G
GPK Omnigo program package;
GR2 Screen driver; Windows 3.x
GRA Datafile; SigmaPlot
GrADS Metafile;
GRASP Graphical System for Presentation;
GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
GRD Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRF Graph file; Graph Plus - Charisma
GRIB Gridded Binary;
GRN Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRP Group file; Windows 3.x - Papyrus
GRP Pictures group; PixBase
GRY Graphics format (RAW GREYz);
GS1 Presentation; GraphShow
GSD Vector graphics; Professional Draw
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream; AWAVE
GSW Worksheet; GraphShow
GUP -----; PopMail
GV GrandView outline file;
GWI Groupwise File; Local saved Email
GXL Graphics library; Genus
GZ Archive; GNU zip - WinZipNT


H! On-line help file; Flambeaux Help! Display Engine
H! Pertext database; HELP.EXE
H-- C-- language header; Sphinx C--
H Header file (usually C language); Watcom C/C++
H++ Header file; C++
HA Archive; HA
HAL Data file; Hyper Access Lite OS/2
HAM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
HAP Archive; HAP3
HBK MathCAD handbook; MathCAD
HC Header file;
HDF Help file; Help Development Kit
HDF Hierarchical Data File graphics file; SDSC Image Tools
HDL Alternate download file listing; Procomm Plus
HDR Datafile; Egret
HDR Message header text; Procomm Plus - 1st Reader
HDR PC-File+ Database header;
HDR SPOT image file;
HDS Hierarchical Data System;
HDW Vector graphics; Harvard Draw
HDX Help index; AutoCAD - Zortech C++
HEP Novell Help Librarian Data File; Novell NetWare
HEX Hex dump;
HFI HP Font Info file; GEM
HGL Highlight groups definitions; DN
HGL HP Graphics Language graphics file;
HH C++ header file;
HHH Precompiled header file; Power C
HHP Help information for remote users; Procomm Plus
HI Game high scores table;
HIN Molecule; HyperChem
HIS History of executing/viewing/editing; DN
HLB Help library; VAX
HLP Help file;
HLX Multi Edit help file; MultiEdit 5.0
HLZ Multi Edit packed help file; MultiEdit
HMI Music format (MIDI);
HMM Alternate Mail Read option menu; Procomm Plus
HMP Music format (MIDI);
HNC CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog;
HOF Hall Of Fame (game scores);
HP Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL);
HP8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set; NewWave Write
HPF HP LaserJet fonts; PageMaker
HPGL Plotter file vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language); AutoCad - Harvard Graphics
HPI Font information file; GEM
HPJ Help project; MS Help Compiler for Windows - HC. EXE
HPK Archive; HPACK
HPM Alternate Main menu for privileged users; Procomm Plus
HPM EMM text; HP NewWave
HPM High Performance Map; Quaestor 1.x
HPP C++ header file; Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++
HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language;
HRF Graphics file (Hitachi Raster Format);
HRM Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users; Procomm Plus
HRZ Graphics format; SSTV
HS2 Monochrome image; Postering
HSC 2-op FM music; HSC tracker - hscplay.exe
HSI Handmade Software Inc. graphics file almost JPEG; Image Alchemy
HST History file; Procomm Plus
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (WWW); Netscape - Mosaic - many
HTX Hypertext file;
HWD Presentation; Hollywood
HWP Hangul Word Processor Document ; Hangul (word processor)
HXM Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users; Procomm Plus
HXX C++ header file;
HY1 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HY2 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HYC Data; WordPerfect
HYD Hyphenation dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
HYP Archive; HYPER


I Preprocessor output file; Borland C Preprocessor
IAX Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive);
IBG PDS graphic file;
IBM Archive (Internal IBM only); ARCHDOS
ICA Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture);
ICB Bitmap graphics;
ICC ICC configuration;
ICE Archive; Cracked LHA (old LHA)
ICM ICC configuration;
ICN ICON source code file;
ID Disk identification file;
IDB IDA database; IDA
IDC IDA C language source; IDA
IDE Borland C++ 4.x IDE project; BCW.EXE
IDF MIDI instrument description;
IDS IDA imported names format; IDA
IDW Vector graphics; IntelliDraw
IDX Index; many - FoxPro
IFD Form; JetForm Design
IFF Interchange Format File (IFF); EA Software - Convert (C) Villena - Amiga
IFF Sun TAAC Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
IFP Script; KnowledgeMan
IFS Fractal image compressed file; Yuvpak
IFS Installable file system; OS/2
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification;
IGF Inset Systems; GCGW
IHP Watcom help file; whelp.exe
IHS Inbound History; Bink/+
IL hDC Designer Icon Lin Dll format;
ILB Data; Scream Tracker
ILK Outline of program's format; MS ILink incremental linker
IM8 Sun raster graphics file;
IMA Mirage vector graphics; EGO - Chart - Autumn
IMG ADEX graphic file;
IMG Disk Image; NC 5.0
IMG GEM bitmapped graphics file; Ventura
IMG Vivid IMG file;
IMP Spreadsheet; Lotus Improv
IMQ Image presentation; ImageQ
IN$ Installation file; HP NewWave
IN3 Input device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
INB Test script; Vermont HighTest
INC Include file; several programming languages
IND Data Index; dBASE IV
INF Information text file (ASCII);
INF Install script;
INF OS/2 hypertext help system file; VIEW.EXE
INF Type 1 LaserJet font information file; soft font installers
INFO GNU info reader (output from texinfo); unix
INFO Icon Data (Amiga);
INGR Intergraph Raster File Format;
INI Initialization file;
INK Pantone reference fills file; CorelDRAW
INS Data; WordPerfect
INS Ensoniq Instrument File; Ensoniq
INS Installation script; 1st Reader
INS Instrument music file (Adlib);
INT Borland Interface Units;
INT Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format; Signature
INT Source of Borland interface module;
INX Index; Foxbase
IO Archive; CPIO
IOB 3d graphics database in TDDD format;
IOC Organizational chart; Instant ORGcharting!
ION 4DOS descript.ion file (file descriptions); 4DOS
IP Immortal Player file; Immortal Player
IPF Interchangeable Preservation Format;
IPL Pantone Spot reference palette file; CorelDRAW
IRS Resource (WordPerfect) standard.irs; WordPerfect
IRTR Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS;
ISD Spelling Checker dictionary; RapidFile
ISH Archive; ISH
ISO ISO-9660 table;
IST Digitrakker Instrument File; AWAVE
IT Impulse Tracker music file; Impulse Tracker
IT Settings; intalk
ITF Interface file; JPI TopSpeed Pascal
IV SGI Inventor;
IV-VRML Inventor VRML Format;
IW Presentation flowchart; IconAuthor - HSC InterActive
IWA Text file; IBM Writing Assistant
IWP Text file; Wang
IZT Izl binary token file; IZL


J2C JPEG 2000 image;
JAM Jam messagebase; FTN software
JAR Archive; JAR. Java Games and Aplications
JASC Graphics format (JASC);
JAVA Java source code file;
JBD Datafile; SigmaScan
JBIG Joint Bilevel Image Group;
JBX Project file; Project Scheduler 4
JET Fax; Hybrid JetFax
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format;
JMS Music format (JMusic file); UltraForce
JOR Journal file SQL;
JOU Journal backup; VAX Edt editor
JP2 JPEG 2000 image;
JPC Graphics; Japan PIC
JPEG Graphics file JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format; QPeg - FullView - Display
JTF Fax; Hayes JT Fax
JTF Graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression);
JW Text document; JustWrite
JWL Library; JustWrite
JZZ Spreadsheet; Jazz


K3D Description of macro language 3DS; 3DS
KAR Music format (Karaoke);
KAR Precompiled .prg for KARAT; Rus. FOX+ 2.0
KB Keyboard script; Borland C++ 4.5
KB Program source; Knowledge Pro
KBD Keyboard mapping; LogoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus
KBM Keyboard mapping; Reflection 4.0
KCL Lisp source code; Kyoto Common Lisp
KDC Kodak Digital Camera (graphics); PhotoEnhancer by PictureWorks
KEX Kedit Macro File; Kedit
KEY Datafile; Forecast Pro
KEY Keyboard macros;
KEY OS/2 archive .key-file (i.e. OS2.KEY); OS/2
KEY Security file eg. Shareware Registration info;
KFX Kofax Group; GCGW
KIT Power Chords drum kit file; Power Chord
KMC KatzReview's MegaCrammer
KML Kedit Macro Library;
Knn Database key file; Clarion
KPP Toolpad; SmartPad
KPS Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics;
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KR2 Kurzweil 2000 sample file; AWAVE
KRZ Kurzweil K2000 File; Kurzweil
KYB Keyboard mapping; FTP Software PC/TCP


L LEX source code file;
L Linker directive file; WATCOM wlink
L LISP source code file;
LAB Datafile; NCSS - SOLO
LAB Mailing labels; Q+E for MS Excel
LAN Erdas image file;
LAN LAN Drivers; Novell NetWare
LAY Word chart layout; APPLAUSE
LBG Label generator data; dBASE IV
LBL Label; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast
LBM Graphics format (Amiga); Pic-view - Deluxe Paint
LBM Linear bitmap graphics; XLib
LBO Compiled label; dBASE IV
LBR .LBR Archive; forCP/M and MS-DOS using the LU program
LBR Display driver; Lotus 1-2-3
LBT Additional (FPT) label description file; FoxPro
LBX Main (DBF) label description file; FoxPro
LCF Linker Control File; Norton Guides compiler
LCH Chart; IBM Works for OS/2
LCK Lockfile; Paradox
LCL Data (FTP Software PC/TCP);
LCL Data; FTP Software PC/TCP
LCN Lection; WordPerfect
LCS Datafile; ACT! History Files
LCW Spreadsheet; Lucid 3-D
LD Long Distance codes file; Telix
LD1 Overlay file; dBASE
LDB Data filer database; IBM Works for OS/2
LDB Overlay file; MS Access
LDF Data filer form; IBM Works for OS/2
LDF Library definition file; Geoworks Glue
LE DOS/4GW executable image; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
LES Lesson (check *.cbt);
LEV Level file; NetHack 3.x
LEX Dictionary; MS Word - Lexicon
LFL LucasArts resource file;
LFD LucasArts resource file; LucasArts games
LFT Laser printer font; ChiWriter
LG Logo procedure definitions; LSRHS Logo
LGO Logo for header and footer; SuperFax
LGO Startup logo code; Windows 3.x
LHW Amiga archive; LHWARP
LIB Library file; several programming languages
LIC License file used by some programs to put their license on disk;
LIF Archive;
LIF CA Clipper packed file; CA Clipper installer
LIF Logical Interchange Format data file; Hewlett-Packard
LIM Archive; LIMIT
LIN Line types; AutoCAD
LIS Listing; VAX
LIT Web3D File; Web3D
LJ Text file for HP LJ II printer;
LL3 LapLink III related file (document); LapLink III
LMP Demo for Doom (computer 3d game); Doom - Doom2
LNG Language definition file;
LNK Linker response file; .RTLink
LNK Linker script;
LNK Windows 95 shortcut; Windows 95
LOD Load file;
LOG Log file;
LPC Printer driver; TEKO
LRF Linker response file; MS C/C++
LRP Report; IBM Works for OS/2
LRS Language Resource File; WordPerfect for Win
LSA Lightscape Technologies ASCII;
LSB Lightscape Technologies Binary;
LSP LISP language source (autoLISP);
LSP LISP source code file; Xlisp
LSS Spreadsheet; Legato - IBM Works for OS/2
LST Filelist; FRQView
LST Keyboard macro; 1st Reader
LST List file (archive index - compiler listfile);
LST Listing (e.g. source code);
LST Spool file; Oracle
LTM Form (Lotus Forms); Lotus
LWD Text document; LotusWorks
LWOB Lightwave Object Format;
LWP Word processor; IBM Works for OS/2
LYR Lyrics (ASCII);
LZD Difference file for binaries; LDiff 1.20
LZS Archive; LARC


M Macro module; Brief
M Source file for Mathematica and MatLab;
M_U Backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir; MazeGold
M11 Text file; MASS11
M3 MODULA 3 source code file;
M3D 3D animation macro;
M3U MPEG-3 standard Playlist file; XING
M4 M4 preprocessor file; unix
MA hDC products for MicroApp executable files; MicroApp
MA Used by Mathematica for its notebooks; Mathematica
MA3 Macro; Harvard Graphics 3.0
MAC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh MacPaint
MAC Macro file; Multi Edit
MAG Woody Lynn's MAG graphics format; MPS Magro Paint System
MAH Mahjongg Solitaire settings file; Mahjongg Solitaire 2.00
MAK Makefile;
MAK Project file; VB - VC ++
MAN User guide (manual);
MAP Color palette file;
MAP Format data; Micrografx Picture Publisher
MAP Linker map file;
MAP Map file (usually created by compilers);
MAP Map; Atlas MapMaker
MAP Network map; AccView
MAP Game map for Duke Nukem 3D
MAR Assembly program; VAX Macro
MAS SmartMaster set; Freelance Graphics
MAT Data; MatLab
MAX MAX source code file;
MB Memo field values for database; Paradox
MBK Multiple index file backup; dBASE IV
MBX Mailbox data; Eudora/ZERBERUS
MCC Configuration file; Mathcad
MCD MathCad file; MathCad
MCF Font file; Mathcad
MCI MCI command script; Media Control Interface
MCL Multi Edit macro library; Multi Edit
MCP Application script; Capsule
MCP Printer driver; Mathcad
MCW Text file; MacWrite II
MD Archive; mdcd10.arc
MDA Data; MS Access
MDA MS Access system database; MS Access
MDB Microsoft DataBase; Microsoft Access
MDF Several uses
MDL Model; 3D Design Plus or Simulink
MDL Spreadsheet; CA-Compete!
MDM Modem definition file; TELIX
MDR Microdrive file; ZX Spectrum emuulator by g.a.lunter
MDS Midi Session; Sound Imp.
MDT Data table; MS ILink incremental linker
MDX Multiple index file; dBASE IV
MDZ Text description of music module; Cubic Player - Cross-View
ME MultiEdit configuration; MultiEdit
ME Text file READ.ME;
MEB Macro Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MEC MECCA source; Maximus
MED Macro Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
MED Music format; MED/OctaMED
MEM Macro Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
MEM Memory variable save file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper
MEM Memos datafile; Clarion
MEQ Macro Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
MER Macro Editor resident area (vakioalue); WordPerfect Library
MES Macro Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
MES Message;
MET Document; Omnipage Pro
MET Macro Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
MET OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
MEU Menu group; DOS Shell
MEX Macro Editor expound file; WordPerfect Library
MEX MEX file (executable command); Matlab
MF Metafont file; TeX
MFF MIDI; Cakewalk, MTPro 4
MFM Music format; DMP
MGF Font; Micrografx
MGF Materials and Geometry Format;
MGX Designer 4.1 Drawing; Designer 4.1
MIB Snmp MIB file;
MID Standard MIDI file; music synthetizers
MIFF Magick Image File Format;
MII Datafile; MicroStat-II
MIME Message in MIME format (RFC822);
MIS Mission, used by many games;
MIX Object file; Power C
MK Makefile;
MK Makefile;
MK Usually makefile;
MKE Makefile; MS Windows SDK
MKG Makefile;
MKI Graphics format (Japan MKI);
MKI Japanese graphics MAKIchan format; MagView 0.5
ML3 Project; Milestones 3.x
MLB Macro library file; Symphony
MLI 3DS Materials Libraries; 3D Studio
MM Text file; MultiMate Advantage II
MMF Mail message file; MS Mail
MMM Multimedia movie file, RIFF RMMP format; MacroMind Director 3.x
MMO Memo writer file; RapidFile
MMP Output video format from Bravado board;
MND Menu source; AutoCAD Menu Compiler
MNG Map; DeLorme Map'n'Go
MNT Additional (FPT) menu description file; FoxPro
MNT Menu memo; FoxPro
MNU Advanced macro file; HP NewWave
MNU Menu; AutoCAD Menu Compiler - Norton Commander - Signature
MNU Microsoft Mouse menu (for DOS apps);
MNX Compiled menu file; AutoCAD
MNX Main (DBF) menu description file; FoxPro
MNY Account book; MS Money
MO? Packed mail; FTN software
MOB Device definition file; PEN Windows
MOD Modula language source;
MOD MODULA-2 source code file; Clarion Modula-2
MOD Module -- used by Windows for DLL which implement DOS support; Win
MOD Music format (Amiga module); DMP - ST - MDP - VP
MOL MOD4WIN PlayList; Mod4Win
MOL Molecule;
MON Monitor description; ReadMail
MOV Animation format (Mac); QuickTime
MOV Movie file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MP2 Mpeg audio file; xing
MP3 MPEG audio stream, layer 3; AWAVE, CoolEdit(+PlugIn)
MPA MPEG audio stream, layer 1,2,3; AWAVE
MPC Calendar file; MS Project
MPEG Animation format; MPEG Player
MPL MediaRack Midi Playlist; MediaRack
MPM MathPlan macro; WordPerfect Library
MPP Project file; MS Project
MPR Generated executable menu file; FoxPro
MPT Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF);
MPV View file; MS Project
MPX Compiled executable menu file; FoxPro; Video format
MRB Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics file; MS C/C++
MRK Windows User Benchmark; Win95
MRS Macro Resource file; WordPerfect for Win
MS Microsoft antivirus report; MSAV
MSC Microsoft C makefile;
MSDL Manchester Scene Description Language;
MSG Message base (e.g. HMB);
MSG Message text file (ASCII);
MSG ZVoice digitized voice file;
MSP Bitmap graphics file; Microsoft Paint
MSP Graphics format; Microsoft Paint
MSS Manuscript text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove
MST Document; MS Test
MST Minispecification file; Prosa
MST Setup script file; MS Windows SDK
MSW Text file; MS Word
MSX CP/M archive; MSX
MTH Math file; Derive
MTL Wavefront;
MTM Music format; MultiTracker
MTS Master Track Pro Files; MTPro 4
MTV MTV Ray Tracer graphic file;
MTW Datafile; Minitab
MU Quattro pro for DOS Menu definition file; Quattro Pro
MUS Music format (MIDI in Doom);
MUS Sound file; MusicTime
MVF Stop frame file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVI Movie command file; AutoCAD AutoFlix
MVW Log file; Saber LAN
MWF Animation; ProMotion
MWS MWave DSP synths instrument; AWAVE
MXL PackRat 5.0 support DLLs; PackRat 5.0
MXT Data; MS C
MYP Presentation; MM Make Your Point


NAM Name Space Modules; Novell NetWare
NAP Naplps file (VideoShow); EnerGraphics
NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax;
NB Text file; Nota Bene; Wolfram Mathematica Notebook;
NC Graphics; netcdf
NC Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine; CAMS
NC Non-error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks
NCC CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file; CamView 3D
NCD Norton Change Directory support file; Norton Commander
NDB Network database; Intellicom - Compex
NDL Nodelist file;
NDX Index file; dBASE II - III - IV - dBFast
NEO Raster graphics file; Atari Neochrome
NES iNES ROM image format;
NET Network configuration/info file;
netCDF Network Common Data Format;
NEW New info;
NFF Haines Neutral File Format;
NFF WorldToolKit Neutral File Format;
NFO Folioview database;
NFO Help format; Nextpage Folio
NFO Info file;
NG Hypertext Database; Norton Guide
NGO NG linker object file; NGML
NGS NG compiler source file; NGC
NIF netimmerse/gamebyro file
NIL NIL; Icon Hear-It
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format;
NL Norton Desktop Icon Library;
NLM Netware loadable module; Novell Netware
NLS National Language Support file; MS-DOS
NLX Form; FormWorx 3.0
nnn Arj archive volumes up to 999; ARJ
nnn Netware unicode rule table (e.g. 1250_Uni.036); Novell Netware
nnn News about smth with ext. of ver. number;
nnn RAR archive volumes up to 999; RAR
NOT Notation;
NP Project schedule (Nokia Planner); Nokia Planner
NPI Source for DGEN.EXE intepreter; dBASE Application Generator
NSS Norton screensaver module; NC - NDW Screen Saver
NST Music module; Amiga Noise Tracker
NSX Compound index file; SuccessWare SIX 3.00
NT Startup files; Windows NT
NTR Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename);
NTS Tutorial; Norton
NTX Database index file; Clipper 5
NUF Message for new users on their 1st call; Procomm Plus
NWS Info text file (latest news) (ASCII);
NXT Sound (NeXT format);


O$$ Outfile; Sprint
O Object file; unix - Atari - GCC
O01 Typhoon vOice file; AWAVE
OAZ Fax; NetFax Manager
OB Object cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
OBD Microsoft Office Binder; MSOffice
OBJ Compiled machine language code;
OBJ Object code; Intel Recolatable Object Module
OBJ Wavefront Object;
OBR Object browser data file; Borland C++
OBS Script; ObjectScript
OBT Microsoft Office Binder Template; MSOffice
OBV Visual interface; ObjectScript
OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard; MSOffice
OCF Object Craft File; Object Craft
OCR Incoming fax transcribed to text; FAXGrapper
OCT Musical file; Pctalizer
OCX New Custom Control's format in VB 4.0; Visual Basic
OCX OLE custom control;
ODB OpenDocument database
ODF OpenDocument formula
ODG OpenDocument drawing
ODIF Open Document Interchange Format;
ODL Object Description Language;
ODL Type library source; Visual C++
ODM OpenDocument master document
ODP OpenDocument presentation
ODS OpenDocument spreadsheet
ODT OpenDocument text document
OFD Form definition; ObjectView
OFF Object File Format vector graphics file;
OFF Object File Format vector graphics;
OFM PostScript font description file;
OFN MS Office documents; MSOffice
OGG Ogg multimedia container format
OHS Outbound History; Bink/+
OIF QuickBase file format
OKT Music (8 channels); Oktalyzer
OKT Music format; Oktalyzer
OLB Object library; VAX
OLD Backup file;
OLI Text file; Olivetti
OOM Swap file; Shroom
OPN Active options; Exact
OPT Options; name used by many programs for configuration information;
OPT Delphi project options; Borland Delphi
OPT Optimize support file; QEMM
OPW Organization chart; Org Plus for Windows
OPX Inactive options; Exact
ORA Parameter file; Oracle
ORG Calendar file; Lotus Organizer
ORG Origin plot; Microcal Origin
OTG OpenDocument drawing template
OTH OpenDocument HTML document template
OTL Outline font description; Z-Soft Type Foundry; Ventura Publisher's Type Foundry Outline Editor format;
OTP OpenDocument presentation template
OTS OpenDocument spreadsheet template
OTT OpenDocument text document template
OTX Text file; Olivetti Olitext Plus
OUT Output file;
OV1 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OV2 Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVD Datafile; ObjectVision
OVL Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);
OVR Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed);


P Database PROGRESS source code; PROGRESS
P PASCAL source code file;
P Parser source code file
P Picture file; APPLAUSE
P Rea-C-Time application parameter file; ReaGeniX code generator
P0? Split archive UC2; SAS.EXE
P10 Tektronix Plot; GCGW
P16 Music (16 channels); ProTracker Studio 16
P22 Patch file (Patch22); Patch22
PA1 Worktable; PageAhead
PAC SBStudio II Package or Song; SBStudio II
PAC STAD Image (graphics ?);
PAD Keypad definition; Telemate
PAK Archive; Pak
PAL Palette file; Microsoft Draw - Win. Paintbrush - many
PAN Printer-specific file (copy to; CorelDRAW
PAR Parameter file; Fractint
PAR PARTS application; Digitalk PARTS
PAR Permanent output file; Windows 3.x
PAR Parity Archive
PAR2 Parity Archive v2
PAS Pascal language source; Borland Pascal
PAT Gravis Ultrasound Patch; Convert (c) Villena
PAT Hatch patterns; AutoCAD - Photostyler
PAT Vector fill files; CorelDRAW
PB Fax; FAXability Plus
PB Phonebook; WinFax Pro
PB Proboard Conf. files; Proboard
PB Setup file; PixBase
PB1 Document; First Publisher for Windows
PBA Powerbasic BASIC source code; Genus
PBD Phone book; FaxNOW! - Faxit
PBD Molecule (protein data bank);
PBI Powerbasic include file; Genus
PBI Profiler Binary Input; MS Source Profiler
PBK Microsoft Network Phone book; MSN
PBL Powerbasic library; Genus
PBM PBM Portable Bit Map graphics format; Jasc Media C.
PBM Planar bitmap graphics; XLib
PBO Profiler Binary Output; MS Source Profiler
PBT Profiler Binary Table; MS Source Profiler
PC Text file containing IBM PC specific info;
PC3 Custom palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PC8 ASCII text IBM8 character set; NewWave Write
PCB P-CAD database; P-CAD
PCC Cutout picture vector graphics; PC Paintbrush
PCD Graphics format (Kodak Photo-CD);
PCD Kodak Photo-CD Image graphics file (768x512); hpcdtoppm
PCF Profiler Command File; MS Source Profiler
PCH Patch file;
PCH Precompiled header; MS C/C++
PCJ Multimedia authoring tool graphics file; IBM's Linkaway-Live
PCK Pickfile; Turbo Pascal
PCL HP-PCL graphics data file; HP Printer Control Language
PCM OKI MSM6376 synth chip PCM; AWAVE
PCM PCM; Authorware
PCS Microsoft PowerPoint picture package; MS PowerPoint - MS ClipArt Gallery
PCT Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PCW Text file; PC Write
PCX PC paintbrush bitmap format; QPeg - Display - ZSoft - PC Paintbrush
PDA Bitmap graphics;
PDB Packrat 5.0 data file; Packrat 5.0
PDB Molecule (protein data bank);
PDF Adobe's Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PDF Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format);
PDF Package Definition File;
PDF PCAD Database Interchange Format; Pdifin.exe - Pdifout.exe
PDF Print device information Netware;
PDG Print Shop Deluxe data file;
PDL Project Description Language file; Borland C++ 4.5
PDN Image file; Paint DotNet
PDS Pds graphics;
PDS Planetary Data System Format;
PDS Pldasm source code file (hardware assembly);
PDV Printer driver; Paintbrush
PDW Document; Professional Draw
PEB Program Editor bottom overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PED Program Editor delete save; WordPerfect Library
PEM Program Editor macro; WordPerfect Library
PEQ Program Editor print queue file; WordPerfect Library
PER Program Editor resident area; WordPerfect Library
PES Program Editor work space file; WordPerfect Library
PET Program Editor top overflow file; WordPerfect Library
PEX Proboard EXecutable file (Executed from PB); Proboard
PFA PostScript Font File;
PFA Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font);
PFB Adobe Acrobat document; Adobe Acrobat Reader
PFB PostScript font; Adobe Type Manager (ATM)
PFC Text file; First Choice
PFK Programmable function keys; XTreePro
PFM Windows Type 1 font metric file;
PFS Database (PFS:FILE) - text file (PFS:Write); PFS
PFT Printer font; ChiWriter
PG Page cut/paste file; IBM LinkWay
PGI Printer Graphics File device driver; PGRAPH library
PGL HP Plotter vector graphics format;
PGM Graphics format (Portable GrayMap); JASC Media C.
PGM Program; Signature
PGP Support file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PGS Manual page; man4dos
PH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
PH PERL header file;
PH Phrase-table; MS C/C++
PHD PolyHedra Database;
PHM Phone book; DN - Lync
PHN Phone list; UltraFax - QmodemPro
PHO Phone database; Metz Phone for Windows
PHP PHP file;
PHR Phrases; LogoScript
PIC 123 Vector graphics format; CShow - Alchemy - Paint (Pictor)
PIC Bitmap graphics file; Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2
PIC Lotus picture;
PIC PIXAR picture file; SDSC Image Tool
PICT Macintosh Picture;
PIF OS/2 graphics metafile; PICVIEW.EXE
PIF Program Information File; Windows 3.x
PIF Vector graphics GDF format file (IBM mainframe computers);
PiM Pascal Text Mode Image File; The Ultimate Draw
PIT Compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT; unpackit.zoo
PIX Alias image file; SDSC Image Tool
PIX Inset Pix;
PJ Project; CA-SuperProject
PJT Additional (FPT) project description file; FoxPro
PJX Main (DBF) project description file; FoxPro
PK PacKed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers);
PKA Archive; PKARC
PKG Installer script; Next
PKG P-CAD database; P-CAD
PKT Fido message packet; FTN software
PL Palette; Harvard Graphics
PL PERL source code file;
PL Prolog source code file;
PL Property List font metric file; TeX
PL1 Room plan; 3D Home Architect
PL3 Chart palette; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PLB FoxPro library; FoxPro
PLB P-CAD library; P-CAD
PLC Add-in file (functions - macros - applications); Lotus 1-2-3
PLC P-CAD database; P-CAD
PLL Prelinked library; CA Clipper
PLM DisorderTracker2 music module; AWAVE
PLN Spreadsheet; WordPerfect for Win
PLT HPGL plotter file vector graphics; AutoCAD
PLT Output file for ploter;
PLT P CAD: Output file editor for PCPLOT or PCPRINT; P CAD
PLT Page Magic 2.0 paper format; Page Magic 2.0
PLT Palette;
PLT Table for .pll; CA Clipper
PLY Data; PopMail
PLY Presentation screen; Harvard Spotlight
PLY ZipPack;
PM Bitmap graphics; Presentation Manager
PM3 PageMaker 3.0 data file; PageMaker 3.0
PM4 Document; PageMaker 4
PM5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication; Aldus PageMaker
PMC Graphics; A4TECH Scanner
PMI OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe
PMM Program file; Amaris BTX/2
PMP PhotoMorph Project; PhotoMorph
PN3 Printer device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PNG Portable Network Graphics;
PNM PBM Portable aNy Map graphics file;
PNT Macintosh painting;
PNT Pointlist segment; FTN software
PNT QWK reader pointer file; MarkMail 2.x
POH Optimized .goh file; Geoworks
POL InnovMetric Software Polygon Models Format;
POP Messages index; PopMail
POP Pop-up menu object; dBASE Application Generator
POV Raytraced graphics image; Persistence Of Vision
POW Power Chords instrument/song file; Power Chords
PP Amiga archive; POWERPACKER
PPB Button bar for Print Preview; WordPerfect for Win
PPD PostScript printer description file;
PPJ Premiere Project; Premiere
PPK Archive (using for many distributives); PPK
PPL PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PPM Graphics format (Portable PixelMap); JASC Media C.
PPO Preprocessor output; CA Clipper 5.*
PPP Publication; PagePlus
PPS Storyboard; Personal Producer
PPT General file extension; PowerPoint
PPT Presentations; Microsoft
PPTX MS Powerpoint 2007 presentation
PR1 Packrat 4.0 data file; Packrat 4.0
PR2 Packrat 4.x data file; Packrat 4.x
PR2 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 2.x
PR2 Printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 PostScript printer driver; dBASE IV
PR3 Presentation; Aldus Persuasion 3.x
PRD Printer driver;
PRE Presentation; Freelance Graphics
PRE Settings; Programmer's WorkBench - MS C/C++
PRE Stork graphic file;
PRF CheckIt Pro v1.0 data file; CheckIt Pro 1.0
PRF Pixel Run Format graphics file; Improces - Fastgraph
PRF Printer driver; dBASE IV
PRF Profiler output;
PRG Program source code (e.g. Clipper language); CA Clipper
PRG Program source; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
PRG Program; Atari
PRI Printer definitions; LogoScript
PRJ Borland C++ IDE project file; BC.EXE - BCW.EXE
PRM Parameters;
PRN Printer driver; Signature
PRN Text file; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony
PRN Usually printer output file;
PRO Profile; used by many programs to store configuration data;
PRO Graphics profile file; DOS
PRO Proboard conf. file; Proboard
PRO Prolog language source;
PRO PROLOG source code file;
PROJ Project File (Interface Builder); NeXT
PRR The Perfect Resume data file; Perfect Resume
PRS Norton Viewer DLL file;
PRS Presentation; Harvard Graphics Win
PRS Printer Resource eg. fonts; WordPerfect for Win
PRS Procedure; dBASE IV
PRT P-CAD component; P-CAD
PRT Part or Drawing; Cadkey
PRT Printer driver; Dr. Halo
PRX Compiled program; FoxPro
PS Document in PostScript format; adobe
PSA Archive (Pretty Simple Archive); PSA.OUT (GNU)
PSD Periscope Debbuger Def file; Periscope
PSD Photoshop bitmap file; Photoshop
PSEG Bitmap graphics; IBM printer Page SEgment
PSF Outline PostScript printer font; ChiWriter
PSM Music format (Protracker Studio Module); Protracker - MASI
PSM Symbol table of IDE; Turbo Pascal
PSN Presentation file for Sound Script; Win
PSP Procedure; Prodea Synergy
PSQ Premiere Sequence; Premiere
PST Postbox file; BMail
PSW File w/ passwords for any program/game; many
PT Game crack; Player Tools
PT Kodak Precition Color Management System;
PT3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
PT3 Template; PageMaker 3
PT4 Template; PageMaker 4
PT5 Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publication template; Aldus PageMaker
PTB Script; PubTech BatchWorks
PTL Premiere Title; Premiere
PTM Macro; PubTech BatchWorks
PTM Music format;
PTM Page Magic 2.0 template; Page Magic 2.0
PTN Pattern; Cadkey
PTR OS/2 cursor image file; ICONEDIT.EXE
PTR QWK reader pointer file; QMail
PTU Performer Terrain Utilities;
PUB Page template; MS Publisher
PUB Public key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
PUB Publication; Ventura Publisher - 1st Publisher
PUD Warcraft II Map file; Warcraft 2
PUT Archive; PUT
PUT Graphics format; WScan
PVD Script; Instalit
PVL Library; Instalit
PVT Local Fidonet pointlist; FTN software
PW Text file; Professional Write
PWL Password List;
PWP Text document; Professional WritePlus
PX Paradox 3.0 file; Paradox 3.0
PXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
PXR Pixiar Picio; AltamiraComposer
PY PYTHON script file;
PYC Compiled PYTHON script file;
PZD Default settings; Pizazz Plus
PZI Graphics format; PZP
PZO Overlay file; Pizazz Plus
PZP Palette; Pizazz Plus
PZS Settings; Pizazz Plus
PZT Transfer file; Pizazz Plus
PZX Swap file; Pizazz Plus


Q0 Q0 graphic file;
QAG Quick Access Group; Norton Desktop
QAP Application; Omnis Quartz
QBB Quickbooks Backup File
QBE Saved query (Query By Example); dBASE IV - Quattro Pro
QBO Compiled query; dBASE IV
QBW Spreadsheet; QuickBooks for Windows
QDK Backup of startup files created by Optimize; QEMM
QDn Data file - segment n; Omnis Quartz
QDV Graphics file; Steve Blackstock Giffer
QEF Query file; Q+E for MS Excel
QFX Fax; QuickLink
QLB Quick library; MS C/C++
QLC ATM Type 1 fonts script; Adobe Type Manager
QLP Printer driver; QuickLink
QM4 Options or services file; QMail 4.x Mail Door
QPR Generated query program; FoxPro
QPR Print queue device driver; OS/2
QPX Compiled executable QBE query file; FoxPro
QRS Equation Editor support file; WordPerfect for Win
QRT Graphics format (QRT ray tracing);
QT QuickTime movie (animation);
QTVR QuickTime VR Movie;
QWK QWK reader message file;
QXD Document; QuarkXPress
QXL Element library; QuarkXPress


R RATFOR (FORTRAN preprosessor) file;
R Script file; R
R2D Reflex 2 datafile; Reflex 2
R8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane one; PicLab
R8P PCL 4 bitmap font file; Intellifont
RA Remote Access conf. files; RA
RAD 2-op FM music; Reality AdLib Tracker
RAD Radience;
RAL Remote Access Language file; Remote Access
RAM Ramfile; RealAudio
RAR Archive; RAR
RAS Graphics format; SUN Raster
RAT Datafile (RATS);
RAW HSI raw graphic file;
RAW PCM Signed Raw Sound File;
RAW QRT graphic file;
RAY Rayshade;
RBF Datafile; Rbase
RC Configuration file; emacs
RC Resource Compiler script file; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RC Resource Script; Resource Writer
RC UUPC configuration files; UUPC
RC Windows resource compiler script; RC.EXE -Resource WorkShop - OS/2
RCG Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg);
RData Data file; R
RDF Compiled UIC source code; Geoworks UI Compiler
RDI Device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format);
RDX Datafile; Reflex
REC Archivation protocol; ARCSERVE
REC Datafile; EpiInfo
REC Record file; Sprint
REC Windows Recorder Macro File; WinRecorder
RED Path info; Clarion Modula-2
RED REDuced nodelist file; T-Mail nodelist Compiler
REF Cross-reference;
REG OLE Registration file; Windows 3.x
REG Registration information or key;
REM Remarks definition; Sourcer
REM Remarks;
REP QWK reader reply file;
REP Report file used by many applications;
REP Report; Report Designer - CodeReporter - DataBoss
REQ File request; FTN Software
RES Compiled resource; MS C/C++ - Borland C++
RES DBASE resources; dBASE IV
RES Windows compiled resource package; Win
REV Revision file; Geoworks
REX PharLab executable file (old format); PharLab
REX Report definition; Oracle
REX Rexx language source file; Rexx
REZ Resource file;
RF Sun raster graphics file;
RFT DCA/RFT Revisable Format Text file; IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1
RGB SGI RGB image file (RAW); SDSC Image Tool
RGX Symbol tables etc. info; ReaGeniX code generator
RH Resource header file; Borland C++ 4.5
RH Windows resource file header; RC.EXE
RHistory Command history logfile; R
RI Data; Lotus 1-2-3
RIB Graphics (Renderman Interface Bytestream); 3D Reality
RIC Fax; Ricoh
RIF RIFF bitmap graphics (Resource Interchange File Format); Fractal Design Painter
RIP TeleGrafix Remote Imaging Protocol; Maximus 3.0
RIX Graphics (ColoRIX Image File); ColoRIX
RL4 Bitmap graphics;
RL8 Bitmap graphics;
RLA Wavefront raster image file; SDSC Image Tool
RLB Data hgw.rlb; Harvard Graphics Win
RLC Graphics 1bit/pixel scanner output;
RLD Norton Commander 5.0 temp file; NC 5.0
RLE Utah Run Length Encoded rasterfile graphic file; SDSC Image Tool
RLZ REALIZER source code file; CA-Realizer
RMI Windows alternate synthesized sound format; RIFF RMID format
RMK Make file; CA Clipper - RMAKE
RN XPL program for Nota Bene users;
RND Rendering Slide; AutoCAD AutoShade
Rnn Multi volume RAR archive; RAR
RNO Runoff file; VAX
ROL FM music Adlib Music File; Roland
ROM Read Only Memory image in emulators, AONs, etc.;
RPB Data report file used by CP Backup; CP Backup
RPD Database; RapidFile
RPF AutoCAD pattern; ACAD
RPL Text document; Replica
RPT Report file used by many applications;
RS Data file; Amiga Resource - Reassembler
RS_ Resource fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
RSC Resource file; ViewMax - many
RSL Resource Library used by PC Tools for Windows; PC Tools - Win
RSP Response file (text file containing input expected by eg. LINK);
RSP Response File; OS/2
RTF Rich Text Format text file (help file script); many - MS Word
RTL HP RTL graphic file;
RTL Run-Time library; Norton Utilities
RTL Text file;
RTP RTPatch software update package data file; Pocket soft patch
RTS Realizer executable file;
RTS Runtime library file; CA-Realizer
RUL Echo-conference rules;
RUN PC Tools for Windows batch file; PC Tools
RUS Russian text;
RV Mobile pricelist data file; Mobile
RVW Review;
RWS Borland Resource Workshop symbol file; Resource Workshop
RWS Resource Workshop data file; Borland C++
RWX Criterion RenderWare;
RWX MEME Shape File;
RWX Script; RenderWare
RXD Reflex 1 datafile; Reflex 1


S$$ Temporary sort file; Sprint
S ASSEMBLY source code file; unix
S Multi Edit macro file source; Multi Edit
S19 Motorola ASCII format of executables
S1K S1000 Simnet Format;
S3I Digiplayer/ST3 Sample File; Digiplayer - ST3
S3M Music (16 channels); Scream Tracker 3.0 - DMP
SA? Packed mail; FTN software
SAIF Spatial Archive Interchange Format;
SAN LucasArts' SMUSH/INSANE animation
SAM Ami Pro data file; Ami Pro
SAM Text file; Samna - Lotus Ami/Ami Pro
SAR Archive; SAR
SAV Backup file (saved file);
SAV Configuration;
SAV Saved game state;
SB Audio file (signed byte);
SB Raw Signed Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
SB Raw Signed PCM Byte 8bit data; AWAVE
SBD Storyboard; Storyboard Editor
SBI Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs);
SBK Emu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank); Convert (c) Villena
SBL Stony Brook Pascal library; SB Pascal
SBP DML program; Superbase 4
SBR Support file; Source Browser
SBT Notes related to record; Suberbase 4 Windows
SC Display driver; Framework II
SC PAL script; Paradox
SC Script; Borland Paradox
SC3 Renamed dBASE III screen mask file; dBASE IV
SC3 Screen device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SCA Datafile; SCA
SCC Text file;
SCD SCODOL film recorder (Scan Conversion Object Description Language); SCODOL
SCF Multimedia show; ScoreMaker
SCF Spelling checker configuration file; Symphony
SCH Project schedule; Schedule Publisher
SCH Scheme; P CAD - Orcad
SCI Fax; SciFax
SCI System Configuration Information;
SCM Scheme source code file;
SCN SCeNe RTrace;
SCN Screen file; Kermit
SCO High score;
SCR Any other screen system;
SCR DEBUG source code file; DOS Debug
SCR Forth screen (source) file; Forth
SCR Screen - screen snapshot; dBASE IV - Procomm Plus
SCR Screen font; LogoScript
SCR Screen saver; Windows 3.x
SCR Screen snapshop;
SCR Script file source; TeleMate - Kermit - 1st Reader
SCT Additional (FPT) screen description file; FoxPro
SCX Chart; Stanford Chart
SCX Graphics format; ColoRIX
SCX Main (DBF) screen description file; FoxPro
SCY Security file; ReaGeniX
SD Sound Designer I audio file; AWAVE
SDA Fidonet's Software Distribution Network file archive description;
SDF Source definition file; Sourcer
SDF System Data Format file (fixed length ASCII text);
SDI Software Distribution Network Info file;
SDK Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image;
SDL Alias Wavefront Scene Description Language;
SDML Spacial Data Modeling Language;
SDN Software Distribution Network compressd file archive; pak251.exe
SDR SmartDraw File; SmartDraw Pro
SDS MIDI Sample DUMP Standard File;
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard;
SDW Ami Draw Symbol File;
SDX Sample DUMP Exchange File;
SEA Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive;
SEC ----- compressed file;
SEC Diskreet encrypted file; Diskreet
SEC Secret key ring file; Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
SEC Secured animation file; Disney Animation Studio
SEP Printer separator page;
SEQ Atari animation file;
SEQ Sequential Instruction File; Bubble Chamber
SES Session info; Clarion Modula-2
SES Multitrack Audio Session info; Adobe Audition
SET Configuration file; 1st Reader
SET Driver sets created by Install; Symphony
SET Extension used by Norton Backup and CPS Backup for setup info; Norton Backup - CPS Backup
SET Setup options file;
SF IRCAM Sound File; CSound package - MixView sound sample editor
SF WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) wp_root.sf; OS/2 WorkPlace Shell
SF2 Emu SoundFont Bank v2.0 file; AWAVE
SFB HP Soft font (obsolete under Windows);
SFD SoundStage Data file; AWAVE
SFF Scene File Format;
SFI Graphics; SIS Framegrabber
SFI Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape); Ventura Publisher
SFL PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape); landscape - Intellifont -Ventura Publisher
SFO Bitstream font file - fontware format;
SFP PCL 4 bitmap font; portrait - Intellifont - Ventura Publisher
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource; AWAVE
SFS PCL 5 scalable font file; Intellifont
SFT Screen font; ChiWriter
SFX SFX (self-extracting archives) script; RAR
SG1 Graphics; Stanford Graphics
SGF Document with graphics; Starwriter
SGI Graphics file; IRIS - Silicon Graphics
SGT Save/get keyboard macro; Signature
SH ASCII archive; SHAR
SH Unix shell script;
SH3 Presentation; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SHAR Archive; UNSHAR (Unix)
SHB Background; CorelShow
SHG Segmented Hyper-Graphic;
SHK Apple II archive; SHRINKIT
SHM Shell macro; WordPerfect Library
SHP Shape file and source file for text fonts; AutoCAD
SHT HTML format for WWW; NetScape
SHW Presentation; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - CorelShow
SHW Slide show; WordPerfect Presentations
SHX Shape entities; AutoCAD
SIF Setup Installation Files info; Windows NT Setup
SIG Current program settings; Signature
SIG Signature file; ThunderByte AntiVirus - PopMail
SIK Backup file (Sicherungskopie); MS Word
SIT Archive (Macintosh); STUFFIT
SKP Google SketchUp file
SKY SYLK Spreadsheet file (used by Multiplan);
SL S-Lang source code file;
SLB P-CAD library (symbols); P-CAD
SLB Slide library; AutoCAD
SLC SALT (script from Telix) compiled code; Telix
SLD Slide; AutoCAD
SLDPRT Part; SolidWorks
SLDASM Assembly; SolidWorks
SLDDRW Drawing; SolidWorks
SLI Slide; MAGICorp Slide Service
SLK MS Excel import format; MS Excel
SLK SYLK Symbolic Link format data file; MultiPlan
SLL Sound data file;
SLT SALT Script Application Language for Telix script source; Telix
SLV Solution for any game; many
SM Maillist; SoftSpoken Mailer
SM Script; ScriptMaker
SM SMALLTALK source code file;
SM Text file; Samna Word
SMK Smacker Video Format (RAD Video);
SMM Ami Pro Macro File; Ami Pro
SMN Font (ParaGraph's WorkScript format);
SMP Sample (sound file);
SMP Samplevision File; Samplevision
SMT Text file; Smart Ware II
SN Compressed song file; Sound Club editor
SND Digitized sound file; Macintosh/ATARI/PC
SND Power Chords drum sound file; Power Chord
SNG Song (midi sound); Midisoft Studio - Prism
SNO SNOBOL4 source code file;
SNP Book-shelf for .BOO; READIBM
SNP Microsoft Access report snapshot
SNP Output video format from Computer Eyes equipment;
SOAR Soar Production file
SOL Solution eg. game walkthroughs;
SOM Network serial numbers; Quattro Pro
SOM Sort information; Paradox
SON Song; SBStudio II
SOU SBStudio II Sound File; SBStudio II
SOU Sound data (sound tool);
SP Archive (unix); SPLINT
SPC Program; MS Multiplan
SPC Temporary file; WordPerfect for Win
SPD Scalable font; Speedo - Harvard Graphics 3.0
SPF Slide presentation file; EnerGraphics
SPG Glossary; Sprint
SPI Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner);
SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format;
SPL Customized printer driver; Sprint
SPL Personal spell dictionary; Signature
SPL Print spooling file; Windows 3.x
SPL Sample;
SPM Data wp{wp}.spm; WordPerfect
SPP Printer file; Sprint
SPR Document letter; Sprint
SPR Generated executable screen file; FoxPro
SPR Sprite;
SPR Story Board sprites;
SPS Screen driver; Sprint
SPS SPSSx source code file; VAX/VMS
SPT Data support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack); MITAC disk/system management utility pack
SPT SPITBOL source code file;
SPW Worksheet; SigmaPlot
SPX Compiled executable screen file; FoxPro
SQD Squish message base; Squish
SQI Squish message base index; Squish
SQL SQL language code; Any SQL database
SQL Squish message base lastread pointers; Squish
SRC Multi-edit source; Multi-Edit
SRC Source; DataFlex
SRF Sun Raster File graphics file;
SRP Script; QuickLink
SS Bitmap graphics; Splash
SS Screen saver; DN
SSD Datafile; SAS/PC
SSP Datafile; SAS Transport
SST AVHRR graphic file;
ST Instrument library; Scream Tracker
ST SMALLTALK source code file; Little Smalltalk
ST Stamp; NeoPaint
STA Data file; Statistica
STA Saved state; Reflection 4.0
STA Stack; Spinmaker Plus
STB Stub library; Genus GX Kernel
STC 1.* spreadsheet template
STD State Transition Diagram graphic file; Prosa; 1.* drawing template; Standard (something..); LogoScript
STF Setup Table File
STI 1.* presentation template
STL Stereolithography Interface Format;
STM Music format (4 channels) (Scream Tracker Module); ST - DMP
STM State Transition Diagram model file; Prosa
STO Pascal stub OBJ file; Genus GX Kernel
STR Gate3 table structure file;
STR Structure list object file; dBASE Application Generator
STS Music format (Scream Tracker Song); ST 2.0-2.3
STS Project status info; MS C/C++
STW Data file; SmartTerm for Windows; 1.* text document template
STX Electronic book; SmarText
STX Music format;
STX Tax form; CA-Simply Tax
STY Ami Pro Template (Style); used by other programs for `styles`; Ami Pro
STY Style library or sheet; many
SU? Packed mail; FTN software
SUI SUIT library; Simple User Interface Toolkit
SUM Summary;
SUN Sun rasterfile graphics file;
SUO Solution User Options for Microsoft Visual Studio
SUP Supplementary dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
SVD Autosave file for document; MS Word
SVG Autosave file for glossary; MS Word
SVQ Music format;
SVS Autosave file for style sheet; MS Word
SVW Super Video Windows; Conversion Artist
SVX Interchange, 8SVX/16SV; AWAVE
SW Raw Signed Word (16bit) data; AWAVE
SWG SWAG Pascal Snippets file; SWAG
SWP Document backup; Sprint
SWP Swap file;
SXC 1.* spreadsheet
SXD 1.* drawing
SXG 1.* master document
SXI 1.* presentation
SXM 1.* formula
SXP 3DS Process file; 3D Studio
SXW 1.* text document
SY1 SmartPix symbol library; Ami Pro
SY3 Harvard Graphics format;
SY3 Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
SYD Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd;
SYD Sysedit backup file; Sysedit
SYM Compiler symbolic information file;
SYM P-CAD component (symbols); P-CAD
SYM Precompiled headers; Borland C++
SYM Program symbol table; Power C - MS ILink incremental linker
SYM Symbol file; Harvard Graphics 2.0 - MS Windows SDK
SYN SDSC Synu image file; SDSC Image Tool
SYN Synonym file; MS Word 5
SYS System file - device driver or hardware configuration info; DOS
SYW Graphics file (symbol); Harvard Graphics Win
SYW Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave File; Convert (c) Villena


T Archive without compression (tape); tar
T TADS source;
T Tester symbol table; ReaGeniX code generator
T?H Turbo Help file (Pascal, C, Assembler, ...); Borland Thelp
T44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE IV
T64 Program; C64S emulator
TAG Query tag name; DataFlex
TAH Help file for Turbo Assembler; Borland C++
TAL Adobe Type Align; Adobe
TAL Text illustration; TypeAlign
TAP Tape file; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
TAR Archive; TAR
TAZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - COMPRESS
TB1 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TB2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
TBF Fax; Imavox TurboFax
TBK FOXPRO template backup file; FOXPRO
TBK Memo backup; dBASE IV - FoxPro
TBK Toolbook; Asymetrix ToolBook
TBL Short for Table; used by many programs;
TBL Aldus TableEditor file; TableEditor
TBL Gate3 table file;
TBL Graphics file (native format); PageMaker TableEditor
TBL Table of values; OS/2
TBR Norton Desktop custom toolbar; NDW
TBS Text elements ?? (Textbausteine); MS Word
TBX Table; Project Scheduler 4
TC Configuration; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCH Help file; Turbo C - Borland C++
TCL Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TCW Drawing; TurboCAD for Windows
TD Config from Turbo Debugger; Turbo Debugger
TD0 Compressed diskette in a file; Teledisk
TD2 Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TDB Database; TACT
TDDD Imagine Object File Format;
TDF Speedo font file;
TDF Typeface definition file; Speedo
TDH Help file for Turbo Debugger; Borland C++
TDK Keystroke recording file; Turbo Debugger
TDR Contens of Arvid tape;
TDS Symbol table; Turbo Debugger
TDW Configuration file; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TEF Fax; Relisys TEFAX
TEL Host file; Telnet
TEM Input template; IconAuthor
TEM Turbo Editor Macro Language script; Borland C++
TET Tetris results; DN
TEX Datasheet; Idealist
TEX TeX text file; Scientific Word - TeX
TEXT Text file;
TF Configuration; Turbo Profiler
TFA Area file; Turbo Profiler
TFC Catalogue file; Tobi's Floppy Cataloguer
TFF self executing TansForm dialogue; TansForm
TFH Help file for Turbo Profiler; Borland C++
TFM Tagged font metric file; Intellifont
TFM TeX Font Metric file; TeX
TFS Statistical information; Turbo Profiler
TG1 Project file; On Target
TGA Targa True Color bitmapped format;
TGZ Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - GNUzip
TH? Packed mail; FTN software
THE Windows'95 Desktop Theme; Microsoft Plus
THM Picture Publisher or PhotoMagic Thumbnail; Sony Ericsson Theme File
THS Thesaurus dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
TIC FTN special file with assotiated file description; ALLFIX
TIFF TIFF (tagged image format file) bitmapped file; Alchemy - PhotoStyler -PageMaker - CorelDRAW
TIL Fuzzy logic knowledge base; Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler
TIS Tile set; MahJongg 3.0
TJL Backup file; VAXTPU editor
TLB Interoperaility Type Library; Win95
TLB Reference table; Bubble Chamber
TLB Text library; VAX
TLB Type library; Visual C++
TLC Compiled Tool Command Language source code; Swat
TLD Disk Image; Teledisk
TLP Project; TimeLine
TMF Tagged Font Metric file; WordPerfect for Win
TMO ZTG global optimizer default output file; Zortech C++
TMP Temporary file;
TMS TeleMate compiled script; TeleMate
TOC Table Of Contents text file (ASCII);
TOK Borland C++ 4.x reserved word list; BCW.EXE
TOPC TopicCrunch SEO Project file holding keywords, domain and search engine settings (ASCII);
TOS Self-extracting file archive (Atari ST);
TP Session-state file; Turbo Profiler
TP Turbo Pascal cfg file; Turbo Pascal
TP3 Template; Harvard Graphics 3.0
TPB Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup; HiJaak
TPC File produced when an inter-Topicscape topic link file is exported to Windows
TPF Downloadable PCL Soft font file; HiJaak
TPH Help file; Turbo Pascal
TPL Resident units library; Turbo Pascal
TPL Template file; GoldEd -ITrack
TPL Template; Harvard Graphics 2.0
TPP Protected Mode Units; Borland Pascal 7.0
TPU Borland Pascal DOS Mode Library; Borland Pascal
TPU Command file (VAXTPU editor); VAXTPU editor
TPW Borland Pascal Windows Library; Borland Pascal
TPW Session-state file; Turbo Profiler for Windows
TPZ Archive; TAR - GNUzip
TR Man page input suitable for troff -man;
TR Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for DOS
TR2 Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Win32
TRC Debug support file; Power CTrace
TRE Directory tree file; PC-Tools
TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format;
TRK Track (i.e. video sequence), used by many games;
TRM Terminal settings; Windows 3.x
TRN Translation support file; Quattro - Clarion
TRS Executable file; Micrografx
TRU True Basic source file;
TRW Session-state settings; Turbo Debugger for Windows
TSK Microsoft Multimedia Task Application; Win95
TSM Turbo Assembler Manual; TASM for OS/2
TST Printer test file; WordPerfect for Win
TSV Tab Separated Values;
TTF TrueType Font file;
TU? Packed mail; FTN software
TUD The Ultimate Draw file; The Ultimate Draw
TUT Tutorial;
TV Table view settings; Paradox
TVF Table view settings; dBASE
TVn Overflow file above insert point in Doc n; WordPerfect for Win
TXF Archive; TAR and FREEZE
TXI Support file; TeX
TXT Common name for ASCII text file;
TXW Yamaha TX-16W Wave File; Convert (c) Villena
TYM Time Stamp (PageMaker 4); PageMaker 4


U8 Sample;
UB Raw Unsigned Byte (8bit) data; AWAVE
UC2 Archive; UC II
UCN New archive; UC II
UDF Filter; Photostyler
UDW Raw Unsigned DWord data; AWAVE
UE2 Encrypted archive; UC II
UHA UHarc archive
UHS Universal Hint System (binary file);
UI Espire source code file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UI User interface; Sprint
UIF Long prompts for windows; WordPerfect for Win
UIH Espire header file; Geoworks UI Compiler
UL ULAW audio file;
ULD Information about uploaded files; Procomm Plus
ULT Music; UltraTracker
UMB Backup file; MemMaker
UNF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNI Datafile; Forecast Pro
UNI Music format; UNIMOD - MIKMOD
UNIF Universal NES Image Interchange File Format;
UNX Text file containing UNIX specific info;
UOML UniqueObject Markup Language (UOML) is a XML-based markup language;
UPD Update data; dBASE
UPO Compiled update data; dBASE
URT Utah Raster Toolkit;
USE Log file;
USP Printer font with USASCII extended character set; PageMaker
USR User database file; Procomm Plus - Turbo C++ tour
UW Raw Unsigned Word 16bit data; AWAVE
UWF UltraTracker WaveSample; UltraTracker


V Consistency check support file; ReaGeniX code generator
V Main input file for an image; Vivid 2.0
V8 Covox 8bit file; AWAVE
VAL Validity checks and referential integrity; Paradox for Windows
VAL Values list object file; dBASE Application Generator
VAN Animation; VistaPro
VAP Value Added Process; NetWare 2.xx
VAR Variable file; IconAuthor
VBR Visual Basic Custom Control file; Visual Basic
VBX Visual Basic eXtension; Visual Basic
VBZ Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template; Setup Wizard
VC Include file with color definitions; Vivid 2.0
VC Spreadsheet; VisiCalc
VCA Visual Clip Art;
VCR VCR drivers for Arvid;
VCW Visual workbench information; MS Visual C++
VCX Spreatsheet; VisiCalc Advanced
VDA Bitmap graphics;
VDO Story Board video image; Story Board
VDR Drawing; ComputerEasy Draw
VEW GroupWise for Windows; Win
VEW View file; Clipper 5 - Lotus Approach
VFA FontLab Database file; FontLab
VFM Ventura Font Metrics file;
VFM Voting Form; Voter
VFN Voting Form for Customers; Voter
VGA VGA display driver;
VGA VGA display font;
VGD VGA display driver; Generic CADD
VGR Graphics file; Ventura Publisher
VI Graphics file; Jovian Logic VI
VI Watcom editor script; VI.EXE
VICAR Graphics (Video Image Communication and Retrieval);
VID Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer);
VID Graphics format; Word&Deed
VID MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5
VID Screen device driver; Word
VIFF Khoros Visualization Image File Format; SDSC Image Tool
VIK Graphics format (VIKING);
VIR Virus or infected file;
VIS VIS graphics file;
VLM Virtual Loadable Module; Netware
VM Virtual Memory file; Geoworks
VMC Virtual memory configuration; DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
VMF Font characteristics; Ventura Publisher
VMS Text file containing VMS specific info;
VO Include file with object definition; Vivid 2.0
VOC Sound format (Creative Lab's Sound File); PlayVoc
VOF Object folder; VZ Programmer
VOX Dialogic adpcm file; AWAVE, CoolEdit
VP 3DS Video posting; 3D Studio
VPF Vector Product Format;
VPG Graphics file; VPGraphics
VPH Virtual Pascal Help; VP/OS2
VPI Virtual Pascal Unit; VP/OS2
VRM Overlay file; QuattroPro
VRM Visual rexx source; WATCOM VREXX
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language; NetScape
VRP Project; WATCOM VX?Rexx
VRS Video Resource eg. video device driver; WordPerfect
VS Include file with surface definition; Vivid 2.0
VSD Diagram; Shapeware Visio
VSD Visio drawing; Visio
VSM Simulation model; VisSim
VSP Sprite; SPX
VSS SmartShapes file; Shapeware Visio
VSS Visio Template; Visio
VST Truevision Vista graphics file;
VST Visio Template; Visio
VUE Animation; 3D Studio
VUE View; dBASE IV - FoxPro
VW Text file; Volkswriter
VWR File viewer file; PC Tools
VXD Windows 3.x virtual device driver; Windows 3.x


W Word chart file; APPLAUSE
W01 Yamaha SY-series wave files; AWAVE
W01 Yamaha TX16W wave file; AWAVE
W30 Printer font; AST TurboLaser - Ventura Publisher
W31 Startup file; Windows 3.1
W40 Something for Windows95 (e.g. config.w40); Win95
W44 Temporary file for Sort or Index; dBASE
W95 Something for Windows95; Win95
WAD War Allocation Daemon; Doom - Doom2
WAS ProComm Script File (source code); ProComm
WAV Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE); Media Player
WAX ProComm compiled script; ProComm
WB1 Notebook; Quattro Pro
WB2 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WBF MS Windows Batch File; Catch
WBK Document/workbook; WordPerfect for Win
WBT Norton Desktop; Norton Desktop
WBT Wilsonware Batch file; Winbatch
WCD Macro token list; WordPerfect for Win
WCH WordPerfect Macro Facility; WP
WCM Data transmission file; MS Works
WCM Macro; WordPerfect for Win
WCP Product information description; WordPerfect for Win
WD InfoSelect Data file;
WDB Database; MS Works
WE? Packed mail; FTN software
WEB WEB source code file;
WebOOGL Web Object Oriented Graphics Library;
WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank; AWAVE
WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum; AWAVE
WFM Form object; dBASE Form Designer
WFN Font; CorelDRAW
WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Prog.; AWAVE
WFX Data file; Winfax
WG1 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3/G
WG2 Worksheet; Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2
WID Width table; Ventura Publisher
WIN Window file; FoxPro - dBASE
WIZ Page wizard; MS Publisher
WK1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x - Symphony 1.1+
WK3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x
WK4 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4
WKB Document; WordPerfect for Win
WKE Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 educational version
WKI Spreadsheet format; Lotus 123 2x
WKQ Spreadsheet; Quattro
WKS Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A - Symphony 1.0 - MS Works
WKS Workspace; Xlisp
WKZ Spreadsheet format; Dos Navigator
WLK Graphics; Virtus Walkthrough
WLK Walk Through for any game; many
WMC Backup of startup files by Windows MathCad autoexec.wmc; MathCad
WMC Macro file; WordPerfect for Win
WMC Text file; WordMARC
WMF Windows MetaFile vector graphics;
WMP Graphics (Windows Magic Icon Palette);
WN Text; NeXT WriteNow
WNF Corel Draw Font File; CorelDraw
WOA Swap file; Windows 3.x
WOC Organization; Windows OrgChart
WOW Music (8 channels); Grave Mod Player
WP Word Perfect Format; WP
WP5 Document; WordPerfect 5.x
WPD Document; WordPerfect 6.0 - PFS:WindowWorks
WPD Windows printer driver (uninstallable); Windows
WPF Fax; WorldPort
WPF Form; WordPerfect
WPG WordPerfect Graphics vector graphics; DrawPerfect
WPJ Watcom C/C++ IDE project; IDE.EXE
WPK Macros; WordPerfect for Win
WPL MediaRack Wave Playlist; MediaRack
WPM Macros; WordPerfect
WPS Text document; MS Works
WQ! Compressed spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WQ1 Spreadsheet; Quattro Pro
WR1 Spreatsheet; Symphony 1.1 - 1.2 - 2
WRD Template; Charisma
WRI Write editor format; Write - WinWord
WRK Spreadsheet; Symphony 1.0
WRL VRML file;
WRP Archive; Amiga WARP
WRS Windows Resource eg. printer driver; WordPerfect for Win
WS APL Worksheet;
WS Text file; WordStar 5.0-6.0
WS2 Text file; WordStar 2000
WSD Document; WordStar
WSP Workspace; Fortran PowerStation
WSQ Wavelet-packet Scalar Quantization Format;
WSRC X-wais source;
WST Text file; WordStar
WWB Button bar for document window; WordPerfect for Win
WWK Keyboard layout; WordPerfect for Win
WXP Document; EXP for Windows


X Archive; X1.EXE
X AVS X image file; SDSC Image Tool
X DirectX 3D object
X LEX source code file;
X3D x3d and xdart Formats;
XBM X11 Bitmap graphics file;
XCF Gimp image file;
XCK Extended crack file (usually text);
XCK Extended crack;
XCL Xtree for Windows Script file; Xtree for Win
XDF OS/2 extended disk format image; XDFCOPY.EXE
XDM Directory Manipulator for 32-bit Protected Mode; Xenotech Research Labs
XFN Printer font; Xerox 4045 - Ventura Publisher
XFR Ventura Publisher Bitmap Editor Font file;
XFT 24 pin printer font; ChiWriter
XI Fast Tracker 2 instrument file; AWAVE
XI Fastracker 2.0 Instrument File; Fastracker 2.0
XLA Add-in macro sheet; MS Excel
XLA XLib Archive;
XLB Excel Toolbar; MS Excel
XLC Excel Chart; MS Excel
XLD Excel Dialog; MS Excel
XLK Excel Archive; MS Excel
XLL Excel Dynamic Link Library; MS Excel
XLM Excel Macro File; MS Excel
XLS Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel
XLSX Excel Spreadsheet; MS Excel 2007
XLT Excel Template; MS Excel
XLT Translation table; Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony - Procomm Plus
XLV Excel Module; MS Excel
XLW Excel Workbook; MS Excel
XM Fast Tracker 2 extended module; AWAVE, Mod4Win, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker
XM Music format; FastTracker - Cubic Player
XMI Compressed eXtended MIdi music;
XNF Standard Network File form;
Xnn Secondary indexes; Borland Paradox
XOF RenderMorphics;
XP eXtended Pattern; FastTracker 2.0
XPM X11 Pixel Map graphics file;
XQT Executable file; Waffle
XQT Macro sheet; SuperCalc
XRF Cross-reference file;
XTB External translation table; LogoScript
XTP XTreeGold overlay; XTreeGold
XWD X Window System window dump image graphics file; SDSC Image Tool
XWK Keyboard mapping; Crosstalk
XWP Session; Crosstalk
XWP Text file; Xerox Writer
XX Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XXE Encoded file (ASCII); XXENCODE
XY Text file; XY Write
XY3 Text file; XYWrite III
XYW Text file; XyWrite III


Y Archive (Amiga); Yabba
Y YACC grammar file;
YAL Data custom/nature.yal; Arts & Letters
YC Archive; YACC (YAC.EXE)
Ynn Secondary index; Borland Paradox
YUV Graphics format (YUV);
YZ Archive; YAC


Z Archive; WinZipNT - COMPRESS - PACK
Z3 Infocom game module;
Z80 Snapshot; ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter
ZAD ZFax digitized voice file; ZFax
ZDG Compressed ZiffNet text document; Zview
ZGM Graphics; Zenographics
ZOM Archive; Amiga ZOOM
ZOO Archive; ZOO
ZVD ZyXEL Voicefile; Z-Fax
ZZE Encoded file;