Thursday, March 8, 2007

List of file extension (by order of the type)

AVI : Audio Video Interface
WMV : Window Media Video
WAV : WaveForm Audio Format
WMA : Windows Media Audio
MPEG : Moving Pictures Expert Group
MP3 : MPEG Layer 3
MP2 : MPEG Layer 2
ASX : Active stream redirector
M3U : It is a computer file format that stores multimedia playlists
MIDI : Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MID : Musical Instrument Digital Interface ( MIDI )
SND : Sound resource. The standard sound format on Apple Macintosh
AV : Audio:Visual
ASF : Advanced Streaming Format

GIF : Graphic Interchange Format
JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group
BMP : Bitmap
PDF : Portable Document Format
RTF : Rich Text Format
TIFF : Taged Image File Format

SWF : Shockwave Flash file

KEY, KEYNOTE : Apple Keynote Presentation
ODP : OpenDocument presentation
OTP : OpenDocument presentation template
PPS : Microsoft PowerPoint Show
PPT : Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
PRZ : Lotus Freelance Graphics
SHF : ThinkFree Show
STI : 1.* Presentation template
SXI : 1.* Presentation
WATCH : Dataton Watchout Presentation


* .?Q? - files compressed by the SQ program.
* 7z 7-Zip compressed file
* ace
* ALZ - Alzip format
* big Special file compression format used by Electronic Arts for compressing the data for many of EA's games
* bzip2 (.bz2)
* cab - Microsoft Cabinet
* deb - Debian Linux install package
* DMG - an Apple compressed/encrypted format
* EEA - An encrypted CAB, ostensibly for protecting e-mail attachments
* gzip (.gz) - Compressed file
* jar - ZIP file with manifest for use with Java applications.
* LBR - Library file
* LQR - LBR Library file compressed by the SQ program.
* LHA (.lzh)
* lzo
* lzx
* PAK - Enhanced type of .ARC archive
* Parchive (.par, .par2)
* Doom³ archive (.pk4) (Opens similarly to a zip archive.)
* RAR Rar Archive (.rar), for multiple file archive (rar to .r01-.r99 to s01 and so on)
* sit - StuffIt (Macintosh)
* sit - (Macintosh)
* tar
* .tar.gz, .tgz (gzipped tar file)
* uha (Ultra High Archive Compression)
* zoo
* zip


* CAD - CadStd
* DWG - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
* DGN - MicroStation design file
* DXF - ASCII Drawing Interchange file format
* GERBER, or Gerber file
* ICD - IronCAD 2D CAD file
* EXCELLON, or Excellon file
* Intergraph's Intergraph Standard File Formats
* Industry Foundation Classes for sharing AEC and FM data.
* Softimage's dotXSI
* STL Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines.


* ACCDB - Microsoft Access Database Format
* DB - Paradox
* DBF - DBase, DBase III/IV/V, Microsoft FoxPro
* EAP - Enterprise Architect Project
* FDB - Firebird Databases
* FP? - Filemaker
* FRM - MySQL table definition
* GDB - Borland InterBase Databases
* KEXI - Kexi database file (SQLite-based)
* KEXIC - shortcut to a database connection for a Kexi databases on a server
* MDB - Microsoft Database (Access)
* MDE - Compiled Microsoft Database (Access)
* MFD - Microsoft SQL Server Database
* MYD - MySQL MyISAM table data
* MYI - MySQL MyISAM table index
* NSF - Lotus Notes database
* NTF - Lotus Notes database design template
* ODB - OpenDocument database
* SQL - bundled SQL queries
* WDB - Microsoft Works Database


* ABW - AbiWord document
* AFP - Advanced Function Presentation - IBc
* Amigaguide
* ANS - ANSI text with Layout
* ASC - ASCII text with Layout
* AWW - Ability Write
* CWK - ClarisWorks / AppleWorks document
* DOC - Microsoft Word
* DOCX - Microsoft Word 2007 XML based format
* DOT - Microsoft Word Template
* DOTX - Microsoft Word 2007 Template
* HTML - HyperText Markup Language (.html, .htm)
* HWP - Haansoft Hangul Word Processor document
* LWP - Lotus Word Pro
* MCW - Microsoft Word for Macintosh (versions 4.0 - 5.1)
* ODT - OpenDocument Text document
* OTT - OpenDocument text document template
* PAGES - Apple Pages Presentation
* PAP - Papyrus word processor document
* Radix-64
* RTF - Rich Text Format
* SDW - StarWriter text document, used in earlier versions of StarOffice
* STW - StarOffice/ text document template
* SXW - StarOffice/ text document
* TeX (.tex)
* Texinfo (.info)
* Troff
* TXT - ASCII or Unicode raw text file
* UOML - UniqueObject Markup Language (UOML) is a XML-based markup language;
* WPD - WordPerfect document
* WPS - Microsoft Works document
* WPT - Microsoft Works Template
* WRF - ThinkFree Write
* WRI - Microsoft Write
* XHTML (.xhtml, .xht)
* XML - eXtensible Markup Language - broader than just documents - OpenOffice employs XML


* ABF - Adobe Binary Screen Font
* AFM - Adobe Font Metrics
* BDF - Bitmap Distribution Format
* FON - Bitmapped Font - Microsoft Windows
* MGF - MicroGrafx Font
* OTF - OpenType Font
* PCF - Portable Compiled Font
* PostScript Font - Type 1, Type 2
o PFA - Printer Font ASCII
o PFB - Printer Font Binary - Adobe
o PFM - Printer Font Metrics - Adobe
o FOND - Font Description resource - Mac OS
* SNF - Server Normal Format
* TFM - TeX font metric
* TTF - TrueType Font


* ACT - Adobe Color Table. Contains a raw color palette and usually consists of 256 24-bit RGB colour values.
* ART - America Online proprietary format
* BMP - Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image
* BLP - Blizzard Entertainment proprietary texture format
* CIT - Intergraph is a monochrome bitmap format
* CPT - Corel PHOTO-PAINT image
* CUT - Dr. Halo image file
* DIB - Device-Independent Bitmap graphic
* DjVu - DjVu for scanned documents
* Exif - Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras
* GIF - CompuServe's Graphics Interchange Format
* ICNS - file format use for icons in Mac OS X. Contains bitmap images at multiple resolutions and bitdepths with alpha

* ICO - a file format used for icons in Microsoft Windows. Contains small bitmap images at multiple resolutions and

* IFF (.iff, .ilbm, .lbm) - ILBM
* JNG - a single-frame MNG using JPEG compression and possibly an alpha channel.
* JPEG, JFIF (.jpg or .jpeg) - a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images.
* JP2 - JPEG2000
* LBM - Deluxe Paint image file
* MAX - ScanSoft PaperPort document
* MIFF - ImageMagick's native file format
* MNG - Multiple Network Graphics, the animated version of PNG
* MSP - a file format used by old versions of Microsoft Paint. Replaced with BMP in Microsoft Windows 3.0
* NITF - A US Government standard commonly used in Intelligence systems
* PBM - Portable bitmap
* PC1 - Low resolution, compressed Degas picture file
* PC2 - Medium resolution, compressed Degas picture file
* PC3 - High resolution, compressed Degas picture file
* PCX - a lossless format used by ZSoft's PC Paint, popular at one time on DOS systems.
* PGM - Portable graymap
* PI1 - Low resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
* PI2 - Medium resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
* PI3 - High resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
* PICT, PCT - Apple Macintosh PICT image
* PNG - Portable Network Graphic (lossless, recommended for display and edition of graphic images)
* PNM - Portable Any Map graphic bitmap image
* PPM - Portable Pixmap (Pixel Map) image
* PSB - Adobe Photoshop Big image file (for large files)
* PSD, PDD - Adobe Photoshop Drawing
* PSP - Paint Shop Pro image
* PXR - Pixar Image Computer image file
* QFX - QuickLink Fax image
* RAW - General term for minimally processed image data (acquired by a digital camera)
* RLE - a run-length encoded image
* SCT - Scitex Continuous Tone image file
* SGI, RGB, INT, BW - Silicon Graphics Image
* TGA (.tga, .targa, .icb, .vda, .vst, .pix) - Truevision TGA (Targa) image
* TIFF (.tif or .tiff) Tagged Image File Format (usually lossless, but many variants exist, including lossy ones)
* XBM - X Window System Bitmap
* XCF - GIMP image (from Gimp's origin at the eXperimental Computing Facility of the University of California)
* XPM - X Window System Pixmap


* AWG - Ability Draw
* AI - Adobe Illustrator Document
* EPS - Encapsulated Postscript
* CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile an ISO Standard
* CMX - CorelDRAW vector image
* DXF - ASCII Drawing Interchange file format, used in AutoCAD
* SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics, employs XML
* Scene description languages (3D vector image formats)
o RenderMan
o VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
o X3D
* WMF - Windows MetaFile
* EMF - Enhanced (Windows) MetaFile, an extension to WMF


* MAX,3DS - 3D Studio Max Model (.max, .3ds)
* MA - Alias Maya ASCII File (.ma)
* MB - Alias Maya Binary File (.mb)
* AC - AC3D Model (.ac)
* AN8 - Anim8or Model (.an8)
* AOI - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
* B3D - Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
* BLEND - Blender (.blend)
* COB - Caligari Object (.cob)
* DAE - COLLADA (.dae)
* X - DirectX 3D Model (.x)
* DTS - Torque Game Engine (.dts)
* LWO - Lightwave Object (.lwo)
* MESH - Meshwork Model (.mesh)
* OBJ - OBJ (.obj)
* 3DMF - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
* RWX - RenderWare Object (.rwx)
* SLDASM - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
* SLDPRT - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
* CFL - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
* WINGS - Wings3D (.wings)
* Z3D - Zmodeler (.z3d)


* a.out (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files; classic UNIX object format,

now often superseded by ELF)
* .Class files, used in Java
* .COFF (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files) UNIX Common Object File Format, now often superseded by ELF
* COM files, used in DOS
* .DLL; used in Microsoft Windows
* .EAR files, archives of Java enterprise applications
* .ELF (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files) used in many modern Unix and

Unix-like systems, including Solaris, other System V Release 4 derivatives, Linux, and BSD)
* MZ EXE (.exe; used in DOS)
* .JAR files, archives of Java class files
* .XPI (which is a PKZIP archive that can be run by Mozilla web browsers to install software) (.xpi)
* Mach-O (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .dylib and .bundle for shared object files) Mach based

systems, notably native format of Mac OS X)
* PE (.EXE, .DLL; used in Microsoft Windows and some other systems)
* .PEF (Mac OS versions 9 and under; compatible with Mac OS X via the Classic emulator)
* .WAR files, archives of Java Web applications
* .ZXE - Executable that is generated by the Z++ compiler.


* .VBX - Visual Basic Extensions
* .OCX - Object Control Extensions

* .tlb - Windows Type Library


* ASL - anim8or scripting language
* AU3 - AutoIt version 3
* BAT - Batch file
* BAS - QBasic
* BB - Blitz3D
* BMAX - BlitzMax
* CMD - Batch file
* EGG - Chicken
* HTA - HTML Application
* JS - JavaScript
* LUA - Lua
* MRC - mIRC Script
* NUT - Squirrel
* PHP? - PHP (? = version number)
* PL - Perl
* PS1 - Windows PowerShell shell script
* PS1XML - Windows PowerShell format and type definitions
* PSC1 - Windows PowerShell console file
* PY - Python
* PYC - Python
* PYO - Python
* RB - Ruby
* SCPT - Applescript
* SH - Shell script
* TCL - Tcl
* VBS - Visual Basic Script


* ASM, S – Assembly Language source
* BAS – BASIC, Visual Basic module
* C – C source
* CLS – Visual Basic class
* COB, CBL – Cobol source
* CPP, CC, CXX – C++ source
* CS – C# source
* D – D source
* E - Eiffel source
* FOR, FTN, F, F77 – Fortran source
* FRM - Visual Basic form
* FRX - Visual Basic form stash file (binary form file)
* H – C/C++ header file
* HPP, HXX – C++ header file
* INC – Turbo Pascal included source
* JAVA – Java source
* L – Lex source
* M - Objective-C source
* M - Matlab
* M4 – m4 source
* ML – Standard ML / Objective CAML source
* N – Nemerle source
* PAS, PP, P – Pascal source (DPR for projects)
* P – Parser source
* PHP, PHP3, PHP4 – PHP source
* PL, PM – Perl
* PY – Python programming language source
* RESX - Resource file for .NET applications
* VB – Visual Basic.NET source
* VBP – Visual Basic project
* Y – YACC source


* 123 - Lotus 1-2-3
* AWS - Ability Spreadsheet
* CLF - ThinkFree Calc
* CSV - Comma-Separated Values
* gnumeric - Gnumeric spreadsheet, a gziped XML file
* ODS - OpenDocument spreadsheet
* OTS - OpenDocument spreadsheet template
* QPW - Quattro
* STC - StarOffice/ 1.* Spreadsheet template
* SXC - StarOffice/ 1.* Spreadsheet
* TAB - tab delimited columns; also TSV (Tab-Separated Values)
* WK1 - Lotus 1-2-3 up to version 2.01
* WK3 - Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0
* WK4 - Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0
* WKS - Lotus 1-2-3
* WKS - Microsoft Works
* WQ1 - Quattro Pro DOS version
* XLK - Microsoft Excel worksheet backup
* XLS - Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet
* XLR - Microsoft Works version 6.0
* XLT - Microsoft Excel worksheet template
* XLW - Microsoft Excel worksheet workspace (version 4.0)


* tab
* CSV - Comma-separated values
* dif (accessible by many spreadsheet applications)


* Static
o HTML - (.html, .htm) - HyperText Markup Language
o XHTML - (.xhtml, .xht) - eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
o XML - (.xml)
o MHTML - (.mht, .mhtml) - Archived HTML, store all data on one web page (text, images, etc) in one big file
* Dynamically generated
o ASP - (.asp) - Microsoft Active Server Page
o ASPX - (.aspx) - Microsoft Active Server Page. NET
o ADP - AOLserver Dynamic Page
o BML - (.bml) - Better Markup Language (templating)
o CFM - (.cfm) - ColdFusion
o CGI - (.cgi)
o JSP - (.jsp) JavaServer Pages
o Lasso - (.las, .lasso, .lassoapp)
o PL - Perl (.pl)
o PHP - (.php, .php?, .phtml) - ? is version number (previously abbreviated Personal Home Page, later changed to

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
o SSI - (.shtml) - HTML with Server Side Includes

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