Monday, September 23, 2013

Google Tricks

1. Enter "Google Gravity" in the search bar. Hit "I'm feeling lucky" (if you have Google Instant enabled, it's on the right hand side of the suggested searches). Then watch your world fall down.

2. Simply search for the word "askew." We dare you not to tilt your head.

3. The Google doodle that launched a thousand lost hours of productivity will live forever at

4. Set your iGoogle homepage to the beach theme. Wait until 3:14am (or if you can't, just move your clock forward). What monster this way comes? Could we be on the shores of Loch Ness?

5. This one began life as an easter egg, and became so well-loved that Google incorporated it as a feature in Google Earth. Click on Tools > Enter Flight Simulator, and you're off and flying around the planet. Bon voyage!

6. Type 'google l33t' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky

7. Type 'google loco' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky. Then try to do some searches too.

8. Type 'google gothic' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky. Then try to do some searches too

9.Type ' ewmew fudd' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky.

10. Type ' xx-klingon' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky.

11.Type ' xx-piglatin' in search box and click I'm feeling lucky.

12 Simply go to and type the words “Do a barrel roll” and click enter. Allow your computer to do the rest for you and just see what happens.

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