Monday, September 30, 2013

Increase RAM capacity in Windows OS

We all know that the computer has a RAM which it utilizes to temporarily keep files used for processing.
We also know that when this memory is full it in-turn takes  space from the virtual memory which is located in the harddrive.
But hard drives are slow because they are analog components. 
Instead of using a hard drive why dont you use a pendrive as a virtual memory. A pendrive is the same as a RAM. Its digital and fast just as our RAM. 

So theoretically speaking even though the pen drive is outside, you are infact using a digital device as the virtual memory and it literally means that you are increasing the capacity of the RAM.

To set the PEN DRIVE as the virtual memory follow the below steps...

 1. Insert the Pen Drive (1GB at least) in the USB port try to prefer 4GB.
2. Let the PC do what it wants to do to detect it..
3. After it finished his work, you have to act smart,

” Here goes the real thing ” 
4. Right Click on My Computer -> Properties
5. Advanced -> Performance Settings
6. Advanced -> Change
7. Select the Pen Drive
8. Click on Custom Size

” Check the value of space available ”

9. Enter the same in the Initial and the Max columns

” You just used the space of the PenDrive as a Virtual Memory ”



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